RE: Has the world lost its mind?

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Has the world lost its mind?

in life •  5 years ago 

Thank you for you reply. I really love this question. You got my wheels spinning. Re-reading my post I should have chosen better words and put in some more thought, so thank you for inspiring me to become a little more clear.

I don't consider myself separate from the masses; although without coming across as conceited, I would consider myself more aware than your average person. In some regards anyways, and still ignorant in others I am sure.

By my choice of the words 'rise up' I did not mean in the sense of protesting and physically fighting the oppressors, but rather raising our own personal vibrations and uniting amongst others choosing to do the same. I do not believe fighting the system has any hope and I would say that by joining 'the masses' in the 'rising up' that I believe you are referring to, we would most likely be fulfilling the agenda of the puppeteers. By 'rising up' I mean becoming really clear in our own minds, overcoming our personal demons, learning to communicate more clearly, and listening to what others have to say so that we can hopefully pool our thoughts together and envision a way in which to create a new working model.

If those of us that are gifted with a heightened self-awareness are able to find ways to acknowledge and value one another's differences, then it may be possible that we find ways to peacefully negotiate our needs and create fare trade amongst us. When we are able to do this on a small scale, in time we will be able to do it on a larger scale. Once more people start seeing that there is an alternative working model, more will follow.

By not focusing on what we don't want, nor fighting it, we can instead focus our energies on creating a new working model. I believe that we can use so much of what we already have and simply tweak it with the new insights and technologies that have recently emerged. Let the puppeteers play their violent games while we rise above and offer a new and improved working model that offers collaboration, cooperation, fairness, solutions, and a non-violent approach. I believe they are simply steeling our power because we are still choosing to watch their dramas and give it any attention whatsoever. The 'Masses' will hopefully be lead in a new direction instead of being taken advantage of.

Quite possibly too idealistic to ever come to fruition, but hey, I'm a dreamer and that's the shit dreams are made of.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Again, very impressed with the question. Thank you for that. You made my day.

Curious CAT

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I am a dreamer too. One who thinks the model is a simple one. We just have to remember we're on the same team. That's it really. And ironically, it is by escaping the group minds that collectively form the masses that we also escape the adversarial mind, for when viewing the world from our own perspective, it is easy to see the necessity of unity. It's quite the paradox that; the group mind being one of a divisive nature and the single mind one that seeks for harmony.

The Christians say that Satan is Lord of the Earth. I think in a metaphorical sense, they are correct. For Satan is the adversary, and represents the sense of competition within us - the part that wants to win. And this is undoubtedly the state of consciousness that is programmed into us from the school room and school yard, to the work place and just about everything else in society.

I do believe humanity will see a platinum age of complete harmony of existence with nature, but first, I fear that we may have to go somewhere far darker first, but that we need to, in order to learn the lessons necessary as a species to understand the necessity to build a better world. At that point, when the priorities of all human beings are shifted, the utopia will build itself. I mean, just imagine if we all put everyone else before ourselves.. Then we'd all have nearly 8 billion people looking out for us. Everyone will be okay when that day arrives, and I hope that I am alive, in this body or another, to witness it.