RE: More attacks from the leftist claiming Capitalism is the problem

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More attacks from the leftist claiming Capitalism is the problem

in life •  5 years ago 

The wealth gab is created primarily from inflation, which is a characteristic of a fiat currency, that is not backed by anything, and is NOT 'Hard Money'

I don't know where you live but it is extremely glorious in North America and many other countries. We can wirelessly send and receive information from anywhere on the planet. There is the highest standard of living there ever has been. We can eat foods from all over the world. Our homes are heated from gas, saving us the hassle of chopping wood. We have hot water on demand. We have the longest life expectancy ever. We enjoy clothes and products from all over the world. Our vehicles are safer than ever. We don't need to feed horses to get around. We hop in our car or on public transit that is extremely affordable. We can fly anywhere in the world (if you aren't broke). There is more wealth than ever (although the distribution is VERY poor). Our medical system is better than ever. We have had peace in North America for a long time. We have the best technology we have ever had. We live in the age of information where we have more access than ever before.

We have our share of problems as well; however, I suppose it is a matter of perspective. This is a golden age. We have more luxuries than ever before in humanity; yet the majority are unhappy and full of complaints. This helps illustrate my point that Utopia will never be achieve. People will choose to be unhappy no matter how much they have. That is human nature. Try living only 100 years ago. Life was much more challenging.

I actually suggest using the barter system wherever possible. It will never function as a primary medium of exchange due to the unlikelihood that each individual will have what the other one wants and that geographic locations permit the exchange. That is why sound money is needed.

A redistribution tax is not what I would call socialism. It would be taking a small fraction of money from the very top earners of the world and redistributing it to promote more equality. Socialism depends on high taxes which burden the working class and productive members of society. It also creates a welfare state that breads more dependancy opposed to encouraging productivity.

I won't spend anymore time on my reply since you seem to have it all figured out and wouldn't even finish reading what I wrote.

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