
in life •  8 years ago 

Some days I just feel really sad and don't know what to do with myself. I hope I'm not the only one that deals with this, don't know where to go what to do, or where my life is going. I'm falling down a spiral of emotions and I have so many pressures on what to do with my life and if I'm wasting it. Should I carry on working my day job, should I study? These are all the questions running in my head voices shouting at me that I'm not good enough and that I'm not good enough for the world.

"What if I just wasn't around anymore?" Ringing in my head day in, day out its too much...

I'm not here for self pity I'm here to find people with similar problems that I have and maybe have people to talk to about it.

Thanks to anyone taking their time to read this.

Just know that there will always be someone that loves you and will miss you if you go...

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I know one of the worst things someone can say to you is don't be sad it will pass. All I can do is offer you some Steem Virtual Hugs.. I hope that helps. I am really bad at this! much love #imkindaweird

As funny as it sounds, that helps! thanks <3

You're welcome.. I followed you..

listen , i dont know you and you dont know me but if at any point in your life you should take advice from a total stranger this is the TIME, go get some help, please , a very good friend of mine was posting very similar things just two weeks ago , and 13 days ago he came home sat down in front of his wife and kids and blew his head off, everybody that knows this guy was floored, your life has immense value to me and i dont even know you. get help , save yourself , get help dont break anybodys heart , get help there is a way out and you need to listen to youreslf, you are asking for help, help , please dear god get help.

Okay, thanks alot. I'm gonna reach out to some friends.