More Sleep,More Tired

in life •  7 years ago 

1、 Eat too much before going to bed
IF you eat too much before going to bed, the stomach and intestines must intensify digestion, and the stomach full of foods will continue to stimulate the brain. When the brain has excitement, people will not be able to sleep peacefully. As Chinese doctors say: Stomach discord, then restless.
2、 Pillow too high
From a physiological point of view, the pillow height of 8-12 cm is appropriate. Pillows are too low and can easily cause stiff neck or excessive blood flow to the brain. The next day, the brain becomes drowsy and the eyelids are bloated. Excessive pillows can affect the respiratory tract and are easy to snoring. In the long run, it can easily cause neck discomfort or kyphosis and affect the clothing. effect.
3、 Sleeping with hand pillow
Sleeping pillow both hands, in addition to affecting the blood circulation, causing upper extremity numbness and soreness, but also easy to make intra-abdominal pressure, the passage of time will produce reflux esophagitis.
4、 Mongolia head to sleep
Due to the cold weather, many people fear the head is cold, like to use a quilt to cover their heads to sleep. As everyone knows, masked and easy to cause breathing difficulties, as the concentration of carbon dioxide in the quilt is increased, the oxygen concentration continues to drop, long time inhale Humid air is a great harm to the brain. If it takes a long time, it will lead to lack of oxygen, resulting in poor sleep and easy nightmares. Will wake up feeling dizzy, weak, apathetic.
5、 Save sleep
The human body can not store sleep, sleeping a few hours in order to stay up late, the body is not much help. In fact, the body only needs a certain quality of sleep, sleep more can not sleep on health and beauty are also useless.
6、 Overdraft sleep
Some people like to stay up all night after sleep, but the adverse consequences caused by circadian clock disorders can not be avoided, will lead to drowsiness during the day, lack of energy, insomnia at night, unable to sleep. A look in the mirror, as old as how old.
About one-third of human life is spent during sleep. It shows how important sleep is to everyone. In a sense, the quality of sleep determines the quality of life. But if you have the above habits, then please correct it in time.
So how to have a good sleep?
Taboo to sleep, take a look together.
1 Avoid eating before going to bed
After the human body enters the sleep state, the rhythm of part of the body slows down and enters the resting state. If you eat before going to sleep, stomach and other busy again, so that increased their burden, the rest of the body can not get a good rest, not only affect sleep, but also damage to health.
2 Avoid talking before going to bed
Because talking too much is easy to make the brain excited, thinking active, making it difficult to fall asleep.
3 Avoid brain overuse before going to bed
If there is a habit of work and study at night, it is better to get rid of the brain injury first and relax before going to sleep to relax the mind, so that it is easy to fall asleep, otherwise the brain is in an excited state even in bed It is also difficult to fall asleep, but it is easy to lose sleep after a long time.
4 Avoid sleep before emotional
People's joys, sorrows and griefs can easily cause the nervous center's excitement or disorder, making it difficult to fall asleep and even cause insomnia. Therefore, before going to bed try to avoid overjoyed or worried Angry, so that emotional stability.
5 Avoid drinking tea or coffee before bedtime
Tea, coffee is an irritating drink containing coffee and other substances can make people excited, bedtime drink easily lead to difficulty falling asleep.
6 Avoid Mengmeitou sleep
The elderly are generally more afraid of the cold, so some elderly people like to head and sleep. In this way, due to massive inhalation of their own exhaled carbon dioxide, but lack the necessary oxygen to supplement, extremely detrimental to the body.
7 Avoid the back and sleep
Sleeping posture, lying to the right best, so that the whole body bones, muscles are in a natural state of relaxation, easy to fall asleep, but also easy to eliminate fatigue. Supine is the body's skeletal muscle is still in tension, is not conducive to the elimination of fatigue, but also easily lead to nightmares due to hand chest, affecting the quality of sleep.
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