My Unexpected Journey - A Year Of Firsts

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

A few days ago I posted my first shitpost an idea of starting an Unexpected Journey… a way to help myself come out of my comfort zone and start a process, or journey, of self growth.

The idea is to be more myself, to explore who I really am and be more confident in my own skin... while also doing things I would never do before, but have maybe always wanted to. To stop worrying about the what if’s and start living… really living.

Of course it is a Lord Of The Rings reference, come on guys... get with the program

I somehow in this crazy thought process decided to make Steemit a big part of this journey, to document some of the process here and hopefully convince some of you all to join me on the journey.

Why Here?

Well, because it is not something I would normally do in the past… I don’t like sharing personal things and don’t really blog much, let alone about myself. So, since this whole thing is about getting out of my comfort zone, sharing on this platform that I have grown to love only seems fitting.

The Challenge

The idea is to start A Year Of Firsts, I will be sharing a list here (I promise I am almost to the point of this post, stay with me)... not only for the accountability but also to include you beautiful people in my personal journey and hopefully to encourage others to maybe start their own Unexpected Journey. Life is too short to not live it to its fullest.

My Year Of Firsts To Do List

For me personally, this journey is very much about myself, and growing as a person. To stop worrying so much about what others think, stop pretending I have it all together and just accept that I am a broken human being trying to do the best I can.

I am not the only one right? Oh good, now that that’s settled here is my random list of things I would like to accomplish this year and little bit of my reasoning of why they are on the list.

#1. Go To #Steemfest On STEEM

This one is probably the most outrageous one on the list, so it seems fitting I should explain it first.

source by @roelandp

Why #Steemfest? Because never in a million years would I ever fly overseas by myself, to a conference to meet individuals that I don’t know in real life ... to talk about a platform based on crypto currencies. I mean really… but not that I didn’t want to, in fact when steemfest was talked about I always wanted to go, but it’s just not something I would do normally. It is unexpected...

So, being that this challenge is about doing those things I want to do but never have the courage, Poland here I come…

I have a lot of positive reasons why attending would be beneficial for the initiatives that mean so much to me on this platform. Not to mention to have the opportunity to meet some of the individuals from this platform that I have come to know as friends. How amazing is it that steemit is bring people from all walks of life together? I plan to do a whole post on those specifically, so I will leave it at that for now.

#2. Travel To Places I Have Never Been


This is an easy one right? Everyone wants to travel...not only do I want to explore far off places, but also to take the time to explore the beautiful places around me. To notice the small things and live every day reminding myself of the beauty in the world.

#3. Learn Real Photography


Sigh, I have started on this one… and it’s not going as smoothly as I would like, but I am not giving up!

I have always loved photography and find myself noticing scenes I want to capture. While I having been sharing shots that I have taken with my phone (I know, I know… that’s not real photography), I want to learn the art and skills behind photography as well as experiment with film photography and developing my own film.

I know this will be a long journey but I hope in a years time I will be leaps and bounds from where I am now.

#4. Take Self Portraits 🙄


This one is the least likely to happen hahaha... I hate taking my own photo (the first one up there took me hours to convince myself to post).

I just don’t like it, I am uncomfortable and awkward and quite frankly feel like a fool posting photos of myself. Sooo what better thing to do to get myself out of my comfort zone?? And hopefully helping me to be more comfortable in my own skin… or just embarrass myself, it could go either way.

Now, I don’t mean selfies!! Selfies will never be a part of my daily life... BUT using yourself as part of your artwork to evoke a certain emotion I think is beautiful.. there are many photographers that do it well on this platform and I am going to try to get comfortable in this… I can’t promise anything on this one though.

#5. Share My Story


There have been many events in my life that have made me who I am, flaws and all… but someone (yes my Mother) seems to think that sharing some of these experiences might help someone else who is in the same shoes.

I get it, I have benefited from reading many stories of people’s personal struggles and triumphs. I think it makes you realize you aren’t alone in this struggle and that other people have been where you are.. that is important.

While I don’t think I am a good writer/blogger/inspirational speaker, I plan to share more… and try to express those things through blogging here. If it inspires one person it will be worth it.

#6. Learn To Play Guitar


This one has been like 20 years in the making… I love music, and I mean really love it. Music touches my soul and effects me on a deep emotional level. Playing guitar is something I have always wanted to do, but never had the courage to try… so… here goes nothing.

Also, that means I have to keep a promise I made to @pechichemena when we first started @helpie and join @openmic as well… 😩

Yes, that was the deal… if I ever learned to play guitar I said I would enter. It was a total cop out at the time, but a promise is a promise.

#7. Start My Own Business


A few years ago I switched to making all my own natural products rather than buying them. At the time I sold them locally to a few friends and at farmers markets but have never put much effort into it.

My passion is more for teaching individuals how to make their own products and giving them the courage to do so through hands on classes. So, I plan to launch a online business to sell my products as well as offer classes locally to teach others exactly how to do it.

I also want to start doing video tutorials here on steemit to help reach as many people as I can. I think knowledge is power, and I want to share all I can with the individuals on this platform. To me Steemit is so full of amazing people learning from each other’s experiences and I want to be apart of that.

#8. Be Real

I can’t take a serious picture... annnddd I can’t believe I just posted that, I am gonna regret that in the morning...

This one is a bit all encompassing, but I want to focus more on being myself; the goofy, nerdy... silly hearted crazy girl I am… and finding out who I am exactly.

I want to say what I mean, and not what I think others want to hear. I want to say no when I want to say no, and not just try to please others. I want to spend time with those that make my life better and not waste time on those that add negativity to it. I want to learn my self worth and live life to the fullest… that shouldn’t be too hard right!? Hey, it’s all about taking one day at a time…

This #unexpectedjourney will be one of self discovery, adventure and taking the time to really live this beautiful life I was given. Hopefully a year from now I can look back and see that this was the start of something special, and I hope it will be the start of something special for you too.


When Does Your Unexpected Journey Begin?

Want to join me for a Year Of Firsts?
Use the tags #unexpectedjourney and #yearoffirsts.. let’s grow together.

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I love that! I want to encourage you to go this way. All you mention are topics who are really important to me. Becoming a better version of yourself. Many people often focus on the outside but real transformation happens inside out. When are you not mentally prepared for changes when you are not prepared that some people will not like what you do how you can handle it when it really happens?

You're on the right track. 💪🏽 Wish you all the best.

Thank you so much!! I couldn't agree more, in fact it is something I just realized recently - I had been focusing so much on improving things around me, that I forgot about myself. If we aren't strong, confident, happy individuals than handling what the world throws at us is that much more difficult.

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!

This is something unexpected yes! This list is huuuugeeee! :D I just got back from Münster, wanted to write a decent comment, but I'm lost for words. There are so many exciting things you have put on that list, I bet you will have a blast. I admire you. Don't hope, it will be something special! #7 was a surprise! Now I understand where the name @LLFarms comes from. Maybe I can help you in the future with that. Just shoot.

#9 be less self deprecating :)

You are a great writer/blogger and I don't want to hear that you think otherwise LOL

You rock! Bonus points for the complicated dance your eyebrows are doing in the first selfie :) You are an inspirational person and a really kind and beautiful soul. Shine your light. Much love - Carl

hahaha! dang... I do that don't I?... adds to list

You are amazing Carl and this comment really just made my day, thank you so much for your amazingly kind and encouraging words. <3

Oh man, I was so awkward! My eyebrows totally stole the show haha, love it.

Thanks again.. much love <3 <3

Yes! Self portraits all the way! This idea of yours is so good. Getting out of your comfort zone is hard but I’m glad you are slowly doing it. And posting a selfie even if you know it’ll be stuck in the block chain? Yeah, I know that embarrassing feeling but it was really satisfying the first time I did. :) And ey you are really pretty! And you look strict with those glasses that makes kids afraid of you when you get mad.

Rock on! I am flying with you on your journey. :D

gonna be stuck on the blockchain 😂 thank you for that reminder lol.

You’re right and your self portraits are stunning ❤️

Thank you lady, I really appreciate your support 🤗🤗

This is one of the best posts I've read on the #roadtosteemfest and very inspiring too. You actually describe how I live my life all the time.

I do everything on your list except taking self-portraits, but am into photography. This year I've taken it a step further, sold everything I own besides my laptop, guitar, and camera, and am traveling continually. Talk about getting out of your comfort zone.

The funny thing about stretching out of your comfort zone is if you do it long enough and often enough you become comfortable in your own skin all the time regardless of the setting you find yourself in and to get out of your zone requires more stretching. That's when life gets really interesting.

Traveling to new countries is a great way to do it but it amazes me how fast we adapt to new environments and adjust until we find ourselves comfortable again.

Anyway, I hope to meet you in Poland and look forward to reading more about your journey there. Perhaps this could help you get there.

Want to go to SteemFest this year?

Your Chance To Win A Steemfest Ticket Plus Accommodations Giveaway Sponsored By Blocktrades And Openmic --- by @luzcypher

Thank you so much @luzcypher!

Yeah the self portraits thing could just be removed completely hahah... but considering it makes me so bloody uncomfortable I figure it is worth conquering.

I had not realized that you were on such an adventure! Talk about getting out of your comfort zone is right, wow. What an experience!

That is my personal goal... I feel once you get comfortable in your own skin, then accomplishing all those other goals becomes possible. Also, things aren’t so scary and you can adapt to any situation (or location).

We shall definitely meet in Poland and while your contest scares the bejeezus out of me (videoing myself lol) I am gonna give it my best shot. Thank you so much for sharing and being such a positive force on this platform. Much love!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

...stop pretending I have it all together and just accept that I am a broken human being trying to do the best I can.

wow, I've been feeling that way these past few months... I think is normal because I'm struggling a lot thinking about the future and the past. It's inevitable to overwhelm our minds when a lot of things are happening, we just forget about the present. I don't know what's your situation right now but I got to tell you that sometimes is fine to be a broken human being trying to do the best we can, at least for a time.

Never forget to be happy and to live in the present, keep trying, you'll make it and it'll be worth it.

Totally! The truth is that I have never met a perfect person.. we all have had our trials and we all are “broken”.. the idea is to embrace the brokenness and realize we aren’t alone in that. We are all on our own journeys and how we put ourselves back together is what really matters. Thank you 🤗

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Ironwoman :D l loved the honesty you bring in this article and in your real life. Once we accept what we are then we can move on with life and make something great.

☺️ thank you, It should be a fun journey. I totally agree, when we embrace that, life truly begins.

You are such a beautiful being! <3 I have always admired those authors who can really transmit with their words and content that "I'm a real person" vibe to their readers. I certainly admire you :D Thank you so much for sharing.

You just made me all weepy Zoe, thank you for the kind words ❤️

the realest violent hug


Yes please!


Oh Clay, now those not involved in the joke will think I am a drug dealer... me the girl who doesn’t even smoke hahaha! Miss your face 🤗

sending hash browns your way ☺️

dont get any ideas @elfranz... hahaha

What a great list and every success to you....

But as an old useless person, I feel I must temper this enthuiasm by suggesting you don't spread yourself too thinly. Concentrating hard on one or two goals is best as the progress enthuses and encourages oneself. No matter how well you manage time, attempting many new goals simultaneously will have the opposite effect, especially you list starti g anew business which can take over your life.
Best wishes with everything and go for it, and in a few years time I expect to see a guitar playing biographer, teaching classes on how to createnatural skin care products on a beach in Thailand :-)

Thank you, and you are so right- putting too much on your plate can have the opposite effect. The start my own business is already started to a point. I have the knowledge, already came up with recipes, have signs and marketing, materials etc... I just have to do it. So, luckily I can do that at my own pace as well.

Thank you so much 😊I am excited to see where the journey takes me.

Gets the guitar lesson program ready.... I'll be waiting ;) !

Much love @llfarms ! I applaud and admire you doing this :D ! I really do ! Go for it ! no time to waste ;) ! bring Pop tarts from Krakow :P

🤗 There is a program for that?? Lol, thanks Pechi... it might take me awhile but I will get there... somewhere haha.

Pop tarts... got it, I should send it with your honey...

❤️ Thank you

You photograph well. I usually have to delete 50 bad ones to get a good one and even then I'm still suss on the one I've kept.

Hey thank you!! ❤️ Yeah, trying to find the “good one” was interesting... then just had to push post and walk away. Glad I am not the only one 😉

Wonderful post and I enjoyed reading it.

Being Real and happy with my own skin really resonated with me.

Also I like this piece

For me personally, this journey is very much about myself, and growing as a person. To stop worrying so much about what others think, stop pretending I have it all together and just accept that I am a broken human being trying to do the best I can

thank you! I think this is something that many people struggle with... maybe its a cultural thing, trying to keep up appearances or something. I think it makes us miss out on special things in life ... being more aware of that and just accepting those things I believe is something that can be very beneficial.

I definitely struggle with it in the past but not anymore :)

We all are wonderful people and be happy with ourself and doing what we love to do make our life special :)

This is so great. It inspired me to create my own list and post it. I relate so much with you wanting to learn how to play the guitar and wanting to travel to new places. Goodluck in starting your own business and learning photography. Hopefully a year from now we would have both completed all our goals and more.
Here is my post on year of firsts if you want to check it out

It's funny but when I started following @llfarms I was sure it was a "he" or at least most of the times. Then you changed your profile picture and now there is a face behind the name :)
It looks a little like a second introduction post, so welcome, again!
I was pretty skeptic about taking and posting pictures of myself but I realized that it is much easier to have more engagement as a person with a face than with just good content. And besides, it doesn't hurt :)
I am upvoting every single thing in your list (if only I could) and I love your camera. It was my first one too, with the same lens and I am regretting so much that I sold it, like a million years ago!
Be you!
Be unexpected!
Steem on!

Yes I think it does make things a bit more personal and less robotic, it is always nice to see the person behind the name.

Thank you! It is sort of like a reintroduction post huh?

I love this camera... it is just so pretty... now if I could just master how to use it. All in good time! Oh man, sad that you sold it! They are readily available online.. you could always get another ;)

Thank you for the encouragement <3

We would love to go to steemfest this year but Poland really isn’t in the cards for us this year unless something drastic happens in cryptoland! I like the challenging yourself.. I did a series of that a while back... need to start it up again... maybe today’s that day..

Wouldn't it be great if Steem just jumped back to $10 for a month or so so we all could easily go to steemfest?? Then it can bottom out and I will just keep holding.. but dang.. a jump would be helpful!

I wish you guys could go!

I will have to look into the series... and yes, today is the day ;)

Thank you!

Thats a great list of goals! I wish you luck in accomplishing as many as you can :)

Thank you so much Julia!! I really appreciate that <3

If one can follow all your tips. Then it would really mean #BeingHuman! By the way your self potrait is damn good.@llfarms

thank you

Look at you go! Great post!

Thank you so much @andre-ager! You have been encouraging me from day one, means a lot. I hope you are well!

Great to read you plan and to do list. That sounds already quite a full list but would be wonderful to track your progress. I thought that to start your "own besiness" is already working I like your brands and they look so beautiful I belive it will work very well with you. Also I like your idea to join Steemfest 2 that will give you a chance to advertise your business too :)

Thank you! Yes, the start your own business part is already partly in the works.. I just need to commit to really launching it. I am horrible at promoting myself or my personal projects, but something that this challenge will hopefully help me improve on. Tracking my progress here on steemit should be an adventure in itself, I am excited for the months to come.

I truly LOVE this!!! And I can teach you how to play the Guitar Lele ❤️ haha I love your To Do list, You're awesome!!

hey thanks @ilazramusic <3 you should make videos on teaching hopeless people like me learn to play!

I really liked your 2 self photos, especially the last. I do hope you don't regret posting them...

Posting your To Do list sort of makes you accountable for it. I've found that if I commit to something, and there's others who are aware of it, or sort of support it, I feel like I must go thro with it...

Thank you!

I agree, the accountability is a big part of why I wanted to do it here. Saying to myself that I want to do these things is great, putting them on the blockchain makes it more of a challenge that I feel I will complete.

Thank you for your constant support ❤️

@llfarms WoW .. This looks like a fun journey. Love the hustle!

Thank you!

Goooooooorgeous post, lele <3 I love your spirit and your energy, and tenacity and spontaneity and courage <3 <3 <3

I hope it will be a wonderful year of FIRSTS for you and I will be cheering you on throughout :D

Thank you spidey ❤️

Btw your energy, positivity and big heart are truly inspiring. Thank you for the support!

lookit dat babe I'mma meet in Poland

(lookit all dese eloquent, useful comments, and then... mine)

Hahahah! I love your comment and am so stinking excited to get to meet your awesome sauce self in a couple months 🤗

Hey @llfarms If I make it to steemfest 3, I'll try and bring my guitar and can teach you some chords maybe :-) Good luck with the steemfestdreams entry also, I've entered as well but I still wish you all the luck in the world.

Curie nerds unite, for sure 😉

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yes! Teach me guitar! Haha. So many fun contests to give individuals opportunities to go, so cool. I wish you all the luck as well ❤️❤️❤️

Did you see the open mic/block trades one? You need to enter that as well!

I like these tags and this idea! I just might do this too. I also am looking to explore the things around me that have gone under the radar.

Yay!! I really hope you do! I think the small task of taking the time to notice those small things that fall under the radar is the easiest way to make a big change in your outlook of the world around you. It’s somwthk I try to do daily and has become a bit of meditation for me.

I hope to see your journey as well!

This is cool! And I love those shots of yourself ☝️😊 what a cool journey! I’ll look forward to watching it unfold 💚🌿

hey thank you so much!! I am excited for it... it should be quite the adventure.