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Evil people have a hard time taking advantage of other evil persons. It logically follows that the ones they would take advantage of are the good people. IF you consider yourself a kind person, then you will be taken advantage of. Prepare for it, accept it. Gruber needs for his family to abandon him completely becaus people like him never change. They don't change because just like this time, they believe they will always get away with their inconsiderate behavior. And if you guys around him never say no, he really will keep getting away with it and therefore will never have a reason to change.

I have got away from him for life, He is no more for me.

I think that may be best :) Glad you could to us in your time of confusion :)


Wow. you get into some nasty stuff. I guess like the motor bike, you just have learn by trial and error. No pain no gain?

It's only pain.

where is the rest?

What rest?

sorry i didn't see it

Wow that's some pretty heavy stuff.
While I was reading, I felt a little anger stir in me.

He said what money, you already have enough, you will earn more, forget about money.

At this, I lost my mind. Wtf is he talking? How can he even do something like that with some family member?
This guy definately sounds like someone who is selfish, arrogant and someone who you should stay far away from.

Yes I learned the lesson, No place for kindness in this world.

I see you have resteemed my post, thanks buddy.

After I read it, I had to!


He was stupid to sell your trust in him for $5500. There may come a time when you're doing very well and he is not. If you help him, do it for his family's sake but never forget what he's like. This post is on the blockchain forever to remind you.

That moment will be in my memory forever, I don't forget things like these.


I grow up listening from my father that don't do anything bad to anyone, and good things will always come your way.

I don't think good comes your way, simply by doing good. I think you, as a person, would not be able to live happily with yourself if you do bad things. Sadly, there are plenty of people in the world who apparently can live with themselves by doing bad things. It is a flaw on their part and a strenght in you that you wouldn't do such things.

I hope things work out for you. I would have taken legal steps with all the proof you have, but I don't know a lot about your culture and if you don't feel comfortable with it, then I hope you find another way that satisfies you.

I also hope this guy will get what he deserves one day.

I only hope that everything turns out fine one day.
And I am starting to think that only bad people enjoys their life doing whatever they want to do, Good people always suffer.

I think everyone has met people like Gruber, I have. I just choose to eliminate them from my life by not giving them any attention or a stage to expand their ego over other people's agony. Good luck and be strict with yourself saying no to bad people

I will try to be from next time, I will make my decisions from my mind not heart.

good luck, man!


It can be very hard to eliminate people from your life, particularly if culturally families are very enmeshed.
Establishing personal boundaries for people in your family who are difficult will set parameters. When you establish your own boundaries, you make the rules that they need to abide by to remain in your life. It is hard to do, but if you stick firmly to them you do have the power to tell this guy how you expect to be treated in the future.
He is not your friend. Outside of financial stress, that sounds like the most painful part of your story, someone you cared for in the past has hurt and disappointed you, and reinforced what you already knew about his character.
It sounds like in spite of your anger, you have already prepared yourself with the possibility of never recovering the money.
I don't think that there are good and bad people. I have people in my family who have done the most dreadful of deeds and it breaks my heart to let them go. It doesn't help when you care about them, it just makes it harder to accept that they don't care about you. But it sounds like he doesn't care about you. Perhaps he doesn't have the capacity to care about people.
The turn around of money that is needed fast sounds like a dangerous situation that you should be cautious of becoming involved in in.
Keep your relationship superficial, if you need to remain in his life for the safe keeping of his wife and child.
Boundaries are parameters set not only for financial issues but emotional and physical safety too. Don't allow past arrangements to define who you are now, relationships change and the rules change too.
Humans can be disappointing but you will meet many that are amazing too. Don't close yourself off to all the good ones because of one Gruber.

It can be very hard to eliminate people from your life

Yes, you are right.

I have people in my family who have done the most dreadful of deeds and it breaks my heart to let them go. It doesn't help when you care about them, it just makes it harder to accept that they don't care about you.

I feel the same, It is very hard to let them go, but what can we do, Punish them for puny crimes. The only thing I believe we can do is to let them go out of our lives, and don't believe them again.

Humans can be disappointing but you will meet many that are amazing too. Don't close yourself off to all the good ones because of one Gruber.

I will try to, but can't say anything now, whether I will help anyone now or not.

Thanks for reading my story and thanks for the advice.