The Meaning of Body Language - How it Matters

in life •  4 years ago 

In this piece I will briefly discuss the meaning of body language and its relevance to non-verbal communication. As you probably know, body language is also referred to as "the language of the heart". There are several distinct forms of non-verbal communication, which include eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, breathing patterns, and voice inflections. Understanding the importance of non-verbal communication in today's society, it is worth exploring how each of these items communicates in an effective manner. The information I share in this article can be used by executive coaching professionals, motivational speakers, educators, counselors, and anyone else who might benefit from an explanation of how body language plays a significant role in communication.

The power pose is one particular way that body language can communicate. When the conscious mind is not aware of a particular situation or person, the unconscious mind takes over. The unconscious mind is designed to respond to specific instructions, and when it senses that there is an issue that needs to be addressed, it will take over through various means. The power pose comes in when the male (or female) lower their waist with their eyes closed, while stretching their hands up and down along their sides. When the shoulders begin to rise, this is a sign that they are inviting others to join them in a new activity. When the shoulder drops and the head move back, the individual is inviting others to turn around and look at them.

Facial expressions are another means of non-verbal communication. When people speak, they use facial expressions such as: smiling, grimacing, raising eyebrows, pursing the lips, squinting, etc. These non-verbal expressions are meant to capture and send a variety of messages. These gestures can be directed at others, or they can be displayed as a reaction to an event. The following statement is an example of using facial expressions to communicate: "This is a really scary situation, but I am going to stick it out and finish what I have to do."

It would be much easier to learn some basic techniques for non-verbal communications if you could see videos of other people doing the same things. To remedy this, there are various self-help guides on the market. One such book is called "The Complete Manual Of Power Movements" by Kay Stengler. This manual provides detailed descriptions of how to perform a variety of body language tricks and also offers descriptions of the most effective body language techniques. The book provides detailed descriptions of the significance of body language gestures and hand movements. In fact, the manual is geared toward those who want to communicate effectively but do not have background in dance, martial arts, gymnastics or other forms of exercise.

The meaning of body language can be described as a language of the body. The human body uses various types of language to communicate different types of information. We make use of facial expressions, tone of voice, pointing, posture and the waving of hands to send different messages. These gestures and body language to serve as the mechanism that makes our communication clear and concise.

One of the most important areas that is addressed in the language of the body is warmth. When you warm up your body language will naturally assume a warmer and more inviting tone. Similarly, when someone is talking to you, his or her body language will indicate that they are a warm person and warm words and gestures will be used. This is why a good introduction to body language is through video instruction.

Another area that is covered is flexibility. The body can flex its muscles to indicate many things. For instance, when you are addressing someone you might extend your arm and hold it at your side for a few seconds to show that you are willing to talk. You could also show some leg movements like a squat or a jogging motion. Another simple gesture is to make use of your hands when talking. For instance, if you are making a point, you could put one hand on the other or make a fist and place your fingers together showing that you are discussing something earnest.

Lastly, the meaning of body language is also associated with the emotions and mental states of the person. It shows how you feel about the person talking to you. You could use facial expression and body movement to show interest or to break the ice.

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