Tips to Be Ambitious

in life •  3 years ago 

One of the best tips for living a truly remarkable life is to be ambitious. What does it mean? It means you will boldly and persistently pursue your dreams and goals. Many people think of this as self-sabotage. In reality, however, setting lofty goals and achieving them is not only self-sabotage but also an act of courage.

Many people, on the inside, believe they will never live up to their potential. They think that there's something or another that's going to stand in their way. Some people even think about setting goals that are so lofty that they are beyond their reach. They imagine that failure is right round the corner. Such fears lead many to give up on life before it even begins.

This is a fatal mistake. As Napoleon Hill wrote in his book Think and Grow Rich: "Do not let your dreams become myths. Dreams are the most revealing of your real purpose in life." By the same token, the greatest life achievers also knew that sometimes it was necessary to step back and take a step back in order to accomplish great things.

Take your dreams seriously. Then write them down, make a commitment to act on them and do your best to achieve them. Then do everything in your power to keep them in sight, to let them guide you and inspire you to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Be Ambitious With Power. This doesn't mean that you push yourself to the limit beyond endurance. It does mean that you assess your abilities and strengths and work to use those strengths to the best of your ability. Think about the impact a strong personality has on the success of others and you will understand how to make your life and the lives of those around you better and more exciting.

Aim High. When you feel that you can, push yourself beyond all reasonable limits. You might fail the first time you try; don't worry about it. The more times you try and fail, the better you get at it.

Be Honest. One of the most important ingredients for living an extraordinary life is honesty. Tell the truth, don't withhold information or think about it. Believe in what you say and let it flow from you naturally. If you have any doubts, seek advice. People will respect you more for your willingness to be honest and your willingness to do what is best for other people and the world.

Be Committed. This means putting your entire self into the job you are applying for or taking on in your life. It doesn't mean having all the answers, it just means being totally committed and focused on the project at hand. Nothing can stop you from doing the right thing. Never stop working toward your goals.

Be Persistent. It doesn't matter how many times you've failed at something before. It doesn't matter if you were a dung beetle on the trail up to the mountain top. There's always another climb to make. You have to keep at it and keep your chin up. Those people who give up before reaching their goal are usually running towards the wind, not away from it.

Be Prepared. One of the worst mistakes you can make is planning your life too much and too soon. Too many people set out to achieve greatness without really knowing what they are doing or what will come of it. That's why most people live boring lives with no real direction.

Be persistent. One thing that will kill your chances of achieving greatness in your life is indecision. A lot of people say things like, "I'll try" or "I'll try again." Those words are great until the next year or the next decade. They don't give you any kind of assurance that you're going to make it. If you want to be ambitious in your life, then you have to make a commitment to do what you have to do.

Be daring. When you start something new, try something completely different. This doesn't mean that you should drop everything you have worked for you and leave town. Think about it this way: Your entire existence is built on one tiny step.

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