What we are growing in our heart?

in life •  4 years ago 

Did you ever think about it, what seeds you are growing in your heart? Are that seeds of love, hate, or anger?


I know many of us never feel to think this way. It's because we keep ourselves busy or the world actually keeps ourselves busy in so many different things, it's normal to miss out the deep thoughts about life. But it's really necessary if we want to find the true meaning of life to focus on getting somewhere or something. And that can be easy for us if we learn to know 'what is growing in our heart?'

Let me explain a little bit more!

When you think something negative about someone, you plant a seed of heat and negativity in yourself unknowingly. Also, all of our negative thoughts are actually something like byproducts of this 'thought process'. And obviously, when we spread the love we help to grow more love in ourselves. This works just like seeds; it grows, it gives us feedback as we react and respond.

You can see, the process is very simple, but it has a long term impact. We take things lightly, like saying 'I'm worth of nothing' but it makes a negative impact on our self-esteem. Just like this, we should be aware of what we are growing inside. What we are holding, what emotional response we are practicing, what way we are following to treat others and ourselves as well. Knowing our inner self can help us to choose the right path.

If you are still not sure about your heart, ask yourself questions, and honestly answer yourself. I hope this really gonna help you!

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