in life •  8 years ago 

"I don't care what anyone says. Being rich is a good thing." -- Mark Cuban



It's not as easy as you think being -- filthy rich… They worry about everything -- EVERYTHING. You would think, all that cash would afford you more of a carefree attitude, with so much less to worry about… But what you didn't realize, because you are not filthy rich is -- they are filled with contradictions…

The ultra-rich are consumed with fear, laden with worry.., and are not sure who to trust -- friends or family… And they have these, sometimes, overwhelming anxieties -- because of all their money! Plus, there are a lot of ways to lose a lot of money… I mean, with all those plotting family members, thieving friends.., and good chances a prescription pill habit that would kill an elephant -- fortunes come and go…

And with the amount of these super wealthy only increasing.., there are a lot more people losing it all… It's easy to sit on the outside and look in.., and criticize some filthy rich slob that loses everything… We've all said it -- "OH MY GOD.., HOW COULD SOMEONE LOSE ALL THAT MONEY!!!" It's mind-boggling to even imagine having 100's of millions of dollars -- never mind losing it. Just the thought of something like that, can make you physically sick.

There are all kinds of ways to lose ridiculous amounts of money, too… And celebrities, athletes, especially prize fighters, are a prime example… Many times people that lose all their doe, weren't very financially savvy, to begin with… First time jet-setters.., over spend! They buy everything from huge mansions to siberian tigers.., and before you know it, a few bad investments here, a couple of divorces there -- now throw in all the money the people handling your money are stealing from you.., and bam -- YOUR BROKE!

"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability." -- Henry Ford

From Mark Twain being forced to go on speaking tours, to pay off debt.., to Mike Tyson blowing an estimated $400 million -- it can happen to anyone. And it does -- people lose fortunes, just as quick as the horse they rode in on… Besides all that "new money..," that might not be used too that kind of wealth.., there are a great many people that become filthy rich, just by being born -- they inherit it…

And like many people that inherit their wealth -- are born into it.., those trust-fund babies come with their own set of unique issues… Besides being totally screwed when all the funds have been depleted, having never known anything else… They're trigger shy -- hesitant, they doubt their own abilities… Never having been really tested, they harbor an unusual amount of self doubt -- nobody has ever counted on them to bring home the bacon, that's all been taken care of by prior generations, they've never had to prove themselves --

"Behold, I set before you this blessing and a curse" -- Deuteronomy.


Inheriting money, as in the quote above, is a double edged sword… Entitling you to a life of luxury and excess, granting you privileges reserved for only the most wealthy… But at the same time, inhibiting ambition for the sake of the family business. And when eventually tasked to the reigns, they are not equipped with the basic life skills, the confidence…, in many cases the smarts, to handle such wealth.., and are unlikely to find any sympathy -- fortunes can be lost in the blink of eye.


Lottery winners and people that come into sudden extreme wealth.., are all fucked up, too (excuse the language)… We've all heard the stories of mega lottery winners losing it all, going to jail for not paying taxes on it, even death… Or the guy or gal that happens to get super lucky with there latest job choice, gets a sizable amount of stock options -- and boom, the stock goes through the roof, making the smart ones very wealthy, very quickly… But along with all that financial security, comes divorce and irreparably damaged relationships, gold diggers, fraudsters and a lot of heartache.

There are lots of ways to make sick money -- Oprah Money… And just as many ways to lose it! It can and often does become, all consuming -- invading all aspects of your life.., from your family and friends, to business and romance. Perverting their perception of the world, replacing their dreams with the convenience of luxury.., such wealth in many, many ways winds up becoming a curse -- that whole "be careful what you wish for…" kinda thing…

But the biggest worry all, is waking up one day -- and it's all gone!

With 70% of the rich losing their wealth by the second generation.., it's amazing how much money gets squandered -- there's is definitely no shortage of bad decisions being made in that world… But being filthy rich, is not a walk in the park -- it takes some responsibility, besides the inherent problems that come with piles of money, the biggest reason 70% are blowing it all in two generations and 90% in 3 -- is lack of knowledge…

They have no idea how to handle their own checkbook, never mind the family fortune… One of the weird things about the the super rich is, they don't like to talk about money -- their money… And while Im sure they think that's really cool, they don't even talk about it with their children, the people who will have to deal with that money someday… The are ill equipped to be in charge of a such a vast fortune, for the sake of a little vanity… And when they get it -- POOF. Gone just like that...

So maybe the next time you see or experience some rich guy having a hissy fit -- cut him some slack (maybe not), who knows.., he could be days away from losing it all. Happens all the time!

"Money often costs too much." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I'd like to try it perhaps one day cheers mike


Maybe someday we all can move on from the rich/poor illusion.

That would be nice... :))

makes me think of the movie "the jerk" where they say "I just miss the stuff"


No doubt a classic!

It's true. More money more problems. If you are poor.. you generally have only one problem lol.


Someone once said, "Fly first class, or your children will."

My parents tell me that all the time.


pure wisdom
