in life •  8 years ago 

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader"
-- John Quincy Adams


The Conundrum of Leadership

Leadership is a fickle bitch… One second you are adored by the masses, the people that look to you with great pride, to lead them to a brighter future… But make one bad call, one tiny mistake -- and they are banging down your door with pitchforks and torches.., looking for your head!

Besides the many outwardly glorious elements that come along with the title of, leader.., the fanfare, rallies, the money, power, the overall sense of achievement at reaching such a pinnacle of success, the genuine heartfelt interactions and moments with your constituents.., and the utter joy and pride that comes with it… It can, depending on which way the wind is blowing.., be the most thankless job on the planet.

The famous quote: "With great power comes great responsibility" is attributed to many different people, as far back as philosopher Voltaire, to present day -- Uncle Ben from Spider Man, although many leaders have used the same sentiment, in their words -- Winston Churchill, Franklin and Teddy Roosevelt. And guess what -- it doesn't really matter who said it.., after all it's not the words but the meaning behind the words, that has transcended time.., and served as a message for future wannabe leader -- we've given you the position as leader and with it all the responsibility that comes with it so -- Don't Screw Up!

"I have no ambition to govern men, it is a painful and thankless office.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Whether you are leading an organization.., or a whole damn country, you accepted this massive responsibility, when you took that position -- it's your ass on the line. No longer is it all about.., you -- it is about the "whole". Too often "leaders" feel a sense of entitlement, that quickly goes to their head… And some even say, just to even think you can be a leader on a grand scale, one must possess a certain amount of narcissism, for lack of a better word.

storm castle


But beyond being able to inspire the masses and lead the troops, creating a vision for the future that benefits everyone -- you better have a plan.., and it better include EVERYBODY. Believing this journey is all about you and your massive ego.., is the quickest way to the guillotine and the separation of your big head from the rest of your body…

We have the opportunity to look back through time at leaders, who even with all the hoopla and delusions of grandeur -- have feared for their head… From Marie Antoinette (who actually was beheaded) to poor old Henry IV.., who survived numerous plots to dethrone or kill him… When retention of the throne (your position) becomes more important than the people you are there to serve, to represent -- you have lost your way…

Letting all the "shiny" objects that accompany such revered position.., blind you from the vision you have created, for a brighter future for, the whole -- is not a quality that lends itself to quality leaders… All that camaraderie and compassion, that connected you to the people you serve, that convinced them, you were on their side… Can quickly turn to fear if you lose sight of the hopes dreams of the people.., when all that empathy, required of a great leader, turns to greed and hierarchy.

"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves." -- Lao Tzu

These days (heck, maybe forever), being critical of our leaders has became a sort of sport, enjoyed by many… With access to so much information.., and calls for "transparency" even when it concerns things that maybe shouldn't be so transparent -- being the man (or woman) in charge, is not all it's cracked up to be…

Being a leader today, takes more than a few noble characteristics (a huge twitter following doesn't hurt) (can you believe I wrote that -- I can't), it takes the patience of a saint, the focus of a surgeon, the resourcefulness of a spy caught behind enemy lines, the flexibility to change when popular and the steadfastness to hold the course when not so popular, the heart of a lion caring for her cubs, honesty, integrity, humility, determination, gratitude… And most of all, the wisdom to know, just as when things are going your way, if and when the tide turns.., when things are not so great -- you will be held accountable!

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I admire those who can be great leaders... for me, they are the ones who are great examples who inspire others to follow them, simply by their deeds. I guess I am quite in alignment with the Lao Tzu quote...

It is a unique skill set, that's for sure...

Great read, thanks for this macksby!

Thanks @voronoi -- CHEERS!



Wow haha

Great & insightful read

Thanks.., appreciate it!

This is pretty informative, Thank you!

Appreciate it, @soldrakon!

Very nice post!

Thanks @team101... Cheers!