Some people save report cards or sports trophies from high school. Not me. But I did apparently save the sign up sheet for an anarchist organization I (unsuccessfully) attempted to found in 1996. For reasons I'm not quite clear on, I included a Crowley quote on this document. Which seems pretty weird, in hindsight.
The date puts this document's creation in the year after I quit school to teach myself, which was the year before I helped to start and run an arts-based charter school. The latter attracted the attention of a local senator in 1999, such that his office sent me a letter at this school requesting my input on education policy:
This school was shut down by the state for being corrupt shortly thereafter. And, reviewing my records, I didn't save any additional high school memorabilia.
Why did I feel the need to save these two unimportant documents? I have no idea. But I just ran across images of them in my hard drive, and figured steemit was as good a place as any for them.