The Mental Load: Not just for Women.steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago 


Everyone is talking about it.

The other day I came across this comic:

It's a comic written by a feminist partly about the unending To Do List that only women have on their brains on top of the already burdening physical To Do List of housekeeping.

In my opinion this is utter BULLSHIT! The Mental Load is on EVERYONE and ANYONE, adults AND children, human and animals, ANYTHING WITH A BRAIN!

The Mental Load is undending because those things on the Mental Load list move to the Physical Load List and (in other words, shit gets done) and new things get added as LIFE GOES ON like this UNTIL YOU DIE. If the Mental Load does overwhelm you, you can do two things:

  1. Make a list on a piece of paper. Get it out of your head and stick it on the frickin' fridge! Tick it when it's done and you will feel better. Move on!

  2. Ask for help. Asking for help is a great thing, doesn't make you look weak at all it is how we survived as a human race. We may say 'Go F%#* yourself' when pissed off but if we did that the human race would've been classed as an extinct race because we need help from others to keep going. Get it?

To explain the Mental Load effect on everyone:

As an adult (male OR female): You have a life to run, there is a never ending list of things on your mind. As you have grown up these have taken the form of memories and the day to day maintenance of your life ie; work, home maintenance, family, pets, decisions, upcoming events...etc.

As a child: You learn from school, maintain friendships, keep teachers happy, keep parents happy, do homework, behave yourself, look after pets..etc.

As an animal: Survive, eat, drink, breed, look after brood (if applicable), feed family, teach skills, avoid predators. Much simpler but basically the same.

Feminists are claiming this phenomenon as a WOMEN ONLY thing and the comic shows an example of a married couple (the dinner visit of the work colleague). WTF this Mental Load thing can be applied to same sex couples, childless couples, defacto relationships, singles, bachelors, cat ladies.. any kind of relationship!


See what I did here, I had this article subject on my MENTAL LOAD to add to my Steemit blog and I REMOVED it from there to here. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER AND GOT SHIT DONE! YAY ME!

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