My Old Time Favorite - BANANACUE

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Feeling nostalgic of eating Bananacue and couldn’t been more disappointed for the lack of supply and demand of plantain banana in this country where I am currently in, so I decided to write this blog.

I grew up in a town where older people love to chat around and exchange rumors. The routine was after lunch we were forced to take a nap. By the time we woke up, after an hour or two, snack was available and ready to eat.

Plantain banana was one of the few usual menu. But the problem was, more than half of the time, my mother would only boiled them with water then paired with salted fish paste sautéed in garlic and chili pepper.

Though now I love and have been missing that food but as a child I would rather prefer the Bananacue for its caramel. It is a fried skewered plantain drizzled with brown sugar. 

Luckily, we were raised to appreciate and thank for the blessings rather than complain so I had no choice but to eat them even if it was against my will or be grounded. We were not allowed to go out and play with the other children along the street without eating our snack or meal.

I normally ate 1 or 2 pieces of it, once done I rushed myself out of the house to play. Processed synthetic foods were never an option in the house.

Looking back, life was much simpler with my Bananacue.

Have you tried eating Bananacue? What are your old time snack food favorites? It would be nice to know yours.

Thank you for reading.

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