in life •  7 years ago 

Happiness isn’t some “fairy tale” state of being that you will have when you get what you want. Happiness is a choice that can accompany you during the whole “journey” and depends entirely and only on you. You can experience happiness every second of every day! But sometime we have “bad” attitude or “bad” habits that can hinder our joy of life, so, let’s just get rid of them today, straight away!

  1. Avoid negative self-talk and self-doubt.
    Thought is a very powerful tool that we have and it can be used both in constructive or very destructive ways. The only person who hears your self talk all day long is you, as well as the only person who has control over it – is you, as well! Henry Ford once stated, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Here, he is referring to a self talk in our head or to our thoughts. Therefore, in order to fight negative way of thinking, we must develop very strong positive attitude in any situation. The good news is that the positive thought is many times more powerful than a negative one! This makes our task easier. So, don’t fight negative thoughts, just replace them with positive ones!

  2. Start taking small steps to accomplish your goal or, in other words, stop procrastinating.
    Your goal or “dream” might look extremely big and almost unattainable, but if you break it up on small or even “tiny” tasks it will be easier to start moving into the direction of accomplishment of your vision. And with the time, all this little steps that you’ve already made will lead to the big and great change of your life and therefore, to your happiness!

  3. Stop criticising other people.
    Often, we are tempted to notice and word other people’s imperfections, especially when these people aren’t present. But one important thing to understand is that when you criticise others you accumulate negative energy inside your own heart, which can attract negativity into your life. Let’s just focus on our own growth and improvement of our own life, so that we just won’t have time to notice what’s wrong with other people’s lives. You will notice how much happier your life will become when you will be free from criticising others.

  4. Quit comparing yourself to others and quit trying to be someone other than yourself.
    Media and television try to impose “almost unattainable” images to us and make us follow standards that they find attractive. But it’s impossible to make all people look and be “certain way”, and it would be extremely boring to live in the world where everybody would be exactly the same. Your power is in being yourself, because there is only one you in the whole wide world! Somebody will always be taller, smarter, prettier, younger than you but no one can be you! So accept and love yourself for who you are and embrace everything about your uniqueness! Like this you will feel happy and complete!

  5. Stop taking everything you have for granted and start being thankful instead!
    Life’s happiness can increase dramatically with the help of gratitude! It’s one of the true secrets of a happy life. Try to do this simple exercise: when you wake up every morning, try to feel thankful for 10 different things in your life. It can be random, small or big things…and you don’t even need to say it with words, the key is to feel gratitude inside. (If you are more comfortable when you “thank out loud”, do it!). When you do this “exercise” every morning, you will program your subconscious mind for positivity and happiness, and will naturally have good and positive attitude throughout the whole day! You can finish your day the same way and go to sleep feeling thankful. It will help you to have sweet and happy dreams. 🙂

I hope you found it useful and these advises somehow will help you to feel happier.
Later, I will share more “happiness tips” and things that will make happiness be your faithful companion in life.

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Spencer Coffman
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Agreed. Love joy and hope. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

I'm Olatunji Aaron Oladejo, I love it when people call me TJ. You can call me that.

Love positivity pages! we need more of this in our world. Excited to see your future content :)
