8 October 2017 I need to get away from my mum

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's been a while since I've documented my daily life. The last time I did this was when I had a proper working laptop. And finally, now I have one. I will be posting daily about what happens in my life. It might be mundane but I hope it gets better in the future.

Okay let's start with today,

I slept late last night around 3:00 am because I had some architecture work to be finished. I couldn't complete it either way and dozed away hope I would wake up late the next day after a good long sleep. But, I was wrong. My mum woke me up in the morning and forced me to got to church. I'm not a believer of God, Church, or religion. I'm a non-conformist. But I need to adhere to my mum's rules when I stay with her. Otherwise, she would create a bad scene and would be negative vibes throughout the whole day. So I somehow get myself to go to Church and meet some folks who I haven't seen in ages. Churches these days blindly follow faith without truly understand the meaning of faith. Well, that's just my two cents on the religion tamasha that is happening.

Anyways, moving on, I reach back home after a boring sermon which I didn't understand one word about. This is because it was in Malayalam. I find it really difficult following the sermons and this is another reason why I do not want to go to church. What's the point wasting time in church if you can't take away anything at the end of it?

Okay, let's move on. I come back home and pass out. And wake up to have lunch which was rice and potato curry. Then pass time on the laptop working on an elevation for a client and learning German on Rosetta stone. Then I head to urban solace to play chess. I meet Mr Perry there, and he explains his plans on expanding Bangalore Chess Club. The tournament was good but I lost a game because I was distracted for a bit. Chess truly requires a lot of concentration. After that, I decided to meet my neighbour for a drink and we meet in 'Greens.' Greens is an old pub cum bar in Bangalore. I get myself a Budweiser Magnum and my friend gets himself a Bud Light. We do random banter with the whole idea of making ourselves feel better by drinking and wasting time as it was the weekend.

Then I finally I'm back home after kind of a long day. My mum goes about her story today with Emma & Lissy to the homes of factory workers in Hosur. She goes about how stingy Emma was and how she did not donate any money to any of the people they visited. Well, I can't really blame Emma. She's pretty new to India and the way of life here. And, she's pretty young too. So the chances of her being street smart is very less. But my mum and her generation fail to realize that and they end up judging her. So that was that.

Then I retire to my room. I repeat the word 'RETIRE.' I thought I was finally in bliss retiring to my room after a long day. Then I get interrupted by my dad because he wanted something from the wardrobe in my room. All our things are kept in the same room. Okay, that was not a big deal and I get back to browsing random posts on Facebook. Then my mum barges in and I almost lost my shit. But I held it. Then she realizes that I was stinking of beer and curses me. I was just on the brink of losing my shit but I stayed calm.

These are some of the everyday reasons which push me to move to another city and live on my own for a while. I can't take living with my parents anymore. I'm done wit this.

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