Russia will print human tissue with a 3D bioprinter

in life •  6 years ago 

Russia will print human tissue on the International Space Station (ISS) with the help of a 3D bio-printer that will arrive tomorrow at the orbital platform aboard the Russian-controlled Soyuz MS-10, Russian director of 3D Bioprinting Solutions, Yusev Khesuani, announced today. .

"The experiment will be done in several stages, the first of which will take place on October 13 and the last one on October 16," RIA Novosti Khesuani told the official Russian agency, who said that the objective of the work is to print a human cartilage and also a mouse thyroid.

To that end, he explained, a team called Organ.Avt will be sent to the ISS, which will allow the first experiment to print biological material under microgravity conditions.

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