We all know that stress these days is responsible for a lot of health problems that we are affected by.
Stress is most toxic in today's society, is a form of disease in itself, but there are ways to significantly reduce it, and even eliminate it completely, it's a matter of making changes in ones psychology and lifestyle.
Think Constructively
First and most important is to stop worrying of the matter at hand. It's not about forgetting it, concentrate on finding solutions and looking at the matter from a different angle. There is always a way, you only need to focus on resolving the issue, the solution might come when you expect it the least.
Shift Your Thinking
If for the time being you are not able to come up with a solution then is time to completely forget about it, for now. Listen to some music, read a book, go out in nature, take a walk in the park or do some engaging physical activity that would require your full attention for at least an hour, such as gardening or fixing something around the house. Meditation here can help a lot, but if you are not used to it just try to calm yourself down and stop thinking, literally. It's not easy to keep a quiet mind, but that helps tremendously, that's what actually meditation is, in a nutshell.
Talk To a Friend
It's a very good idea to talk to someone about what is bothering you, another person can judge the situation from a totally different perspective and come up with ideas that help in solving it. Even if that person may not be an authority on the subject can still help, even if only for releasing some steam, and seeing other possibilities, even funny ones, and maybe especially those.
Nutrition and Exercise
On a long term direction, diet and exercise are of the utmost importance, for your physical and mental health. Stress can be well managed with a balanced nutrition that includes lots of fruits and fresh vegetables as well as drinking plenty of fresh water, a daily exercise routine is strongly recommended.
Brighten Up
Find something to laugh about, there is always something comical, well most of the time. In any situation that may cause us stress, you just have to train yourself to look at it from the outside, as if you were not part of it, and just an observer. I, myself thought of that many times, I was always able to find something to laugh at, when thinking back on what caused my stress, but that was only afterwords when I was calm and relaxed. But also listening to a funny show or watch a comedy movie should work as well.
Sleep it Off
This is the hardest part, because that's were stress really takes its toll.
When stressing we cannot fall asleep. Here is really were calming of the mind plays a major role. We do need a good rest, if we are to successfully solve anything. After a good night's sleep we wake up in the morning many times with ideas to aid us in whatever challenges we face.
Before going to bed you might want to take a hot shower to help relax, then, in bed, keep as still as possible in your most comfortable position and empty your mind of any thought. This is easier said than done, but with a little "exercise" of can be mastered. You will soon drift into sleep.
These are some of the ways to cope with stress, and even toss it aside altogether. many things we occupy our mind with are just in... our mind, and stress is one of those things. The right mental attitude is all you need, and the rest is a child's play, keep it that way.
07 August 2017
Marius C.