It is time to change!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

A species that claims it's the most intelligent of all and feels like it is entitled to everything.
We destroy the earth, animals and relationships in our pursuit to own the most pieces of paper (money).
We destroy our soil in which we grow our foods, we destroy the food itself and we destroy one another, just to make a little more profit.
Life was never supposed to be based on greed and to own more than someone else.
Life was never meant to be about materialism or social status.
Life is supposed to be about loving one another, helping one another and to be happy.
We as a species have taken it too far, we've abused everything earth has given us and we are about to destroy our own species in many ways if we continue as we are.

If it wasn't for people like Elon Musk, I would have never become an entrepreneur.
Akon and a few others are making a massive difference as well.
It is in the best interest of all of us and our future generations if we change our ways of living.
Don't be so driven by what other people think, what the media tells you to look like, what other people are "earning" or what car someone else drives.
Be driven by providing for your family what it needs and not what it wants, contribute to other people's lives, focus on the little things.
Start making changes such as repairing instead of buying new, communicate with and help out strangers, spend money you would spend on a new phone and clothing on healthier, biological foods.

These small changes will help cure massive problems.

We are getting disconnected from one another, earth's resources are running out, animals are massively being "created" to live under terrible conditions so they can sell us cheaper meat..

Every single person CAN make a difference and if you care about the future generations, you should definitely consider doing so.

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Start making changes such as repairing instead of buying new, communicate with and help out strangers, spend money you would spend on a new phone and clothing on healthier, biological foods.

Good social advice !
You really think people will follow this ?
In 50 - 60 years Northpole will be melted , this has huge influence on the earth.
And I'm not talking about sealevel alone. Polarity will not work decent anymore , protecting shield will weaken and stardust will rain on earth.
Every parent want his kids to have a good life and future , but nobody want's to drop his car and every other luxuous produkts.
It's a joke saying you love your children and guiding them to such a future.
This is not the commercial "licked" way to say so , were everyone agrees.
But he , doesn't it contain a bit truth ?
People , ha ... Everybody want's to go to heaven but nobody want's to die.

And off the record , I do enjoy my life very much !

We should all make an effort at least.
If noone does, nothing will happen.
People also vote while they are just 1 out of millions, it's the same principle here.

We should but how we gonna accomplish this when there are more fossil fueled cars as electric ones ?
As long there is a minority on earth which control all money and resources , and they keep promoting cars , cell phones (renewing every ... years) , television ... Pure out of greed. Major pollution , destroying atmosphere and (nl. plundering) of resources. Nothing will change. It should yes , but it's fantasy. In reality this will not work unless this minority changes our habits. People are not able to do this for themself. Corporacy has to do this. imho

You are absolutely right... It may be too late to change, but with no change at all we are doomed.. Be the change you want to see in the world, but probably are more those who think that don t need to change... The greed always was and is a bad advisor..

Be the change you want to see.