4 The Energy: accumulation

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

One of problems with energy is its accumulation, an efficient one. Due to mass-energy equivalence every object that has mass can be transformed into energy. The most used energy is the electrical energy, because we use it in everyday life to do almost everything from talking over mobile to pay for groceries. Some says that without electricity the mankind will collapse in a few years. In the past the vital need was food, today its electricity, and without it producing food will be much harder.
From the invention of the electricity, the mankind was looking for the most efficient way to transform available resources into electricity. The first power plant based on coal was not so efficient, there were many generations of steam turbines including ones that are used today in nuclear power plants. The basic principle of operation have not changed. There is initial resource (coal, nuclear fuel) used to boil coolant, then steam is generated and directed into turbines which generate electricity. On the other hand moving medium (water, wind, waves) can be used to move turbines.

Where the energy can be stored?

We have some natural options:

• Natural form of accumulated energy that is easy to transform e.g. fossil fuels
• Geothermal
• Wood

There are also everyday energy storages such as:

• Accumulators, batteries
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