I chose to be happy!

in life •  7 years ago 

I chose to laugh, every day when I wake up. I can choose to be happy or unhappy; And I choose to be happy.


Yeah, we've formed a program to be unhappy. Because when we were sad we drew attention, love, compassion, and felt the energy, we felt we were important. Hence the need for attention has developed.

If I get sick, my mother will stay with me, everyone will pay attention, they will be with me. A sick child becomes a small dictator, everyone is around him and his word becomes law. When he is happy, none cares about him, he does not listen, he does not pay attention.

So for this reason, as children I chose to be unhappy, sad, negative (and so easy, anger is gathering) in the mind of the child is born the idea of ​​being happy and my parents are unhappy I offend, I will upset, I will I bother, I'm born jealousy, envy, so I'm better sad and are like those around me, and I hide the joy, I do not even laugh.

In this way the world does not become my enemy and I do not mind my parents.

Look around you: everyone laughs in a calculated way. It's not a diaphragmatic shave, from the stomach, it does not come from the deep soul. The first one sees you well, you judge, and then laugh; But laughing to a certain point, to a point of tolerance, for fear of offending, or become jealous of the laughter and happiness of another, and it happens in the story of the fox and the grapes.

Even surah is controlled - and then laughter becomes something extinct, becomes something unknown, being ecstatic has become something impossible and PROHIBITED.

If you're unhappy, this way no one will think I'm crazy.

I chose to be happy and laugh, and I do not care if others think I'm crazy (I'm crazy in old age). I decided to rejuvenate laughing; Yes, laughing oxygenates the cells and regenerates.

If you're happy, dancing, singing, you'll all think you're crazy: if a person dancing, singing, laughing, in this society, they'll all think something is wrong with him. You know that saying, "The country is losing you and you are coming to laugh!"

Okay, I said it in a more delicate way!


Not dear wonderful man, it depends on you, for all of us, is our divine responsibility.

FREQUENCY IS THE MOST MORE POSSIBLE REVOLUTION. REPEAT IT! Happiness is the greatest revolution of society, which must start from every individual as a divine debt.

When you, wonderful man, you decide to become happy and you will change, and society will change. People will not be able to wage, they can not argue, they will not criticize, they will not be envious, the happy man will laugh and find the SOLUTIONS, the happy people will not be obsessed with anything.

You will say a wonderful man, because you are used to contradicting, so you have been programmed: BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT. But I ask you, wonderful man: YOUR PLAN OF WOMEN?

Every morning we wake up to an election: "I want to be happy!"

And I begin to laugh, enjoying myself and blessing what I have, as it is, to bless the moment.

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like it @marius19

Thank you.

Be always happy... :) By he way I am new to Steemit. I just started using it. I need to learn a lot from you. I am following your account, can you please follow me as well?


Your welcome @marius19

You have a great outlook on life! Keep smiling. It makes people wonder what you are up to!

Thank you. @michaelstobiersk

You're welcome.

Well written, Marius! Happiness is a choice. Being happy and positive makes a big difference on the way your day goes :) and with a positive impact on your health as you mentioned.

Have a beautiful and happy week-end!

Very nice post. I figure that God has given me so many gifts that my being happy is my gift to Him.

I like it! Positive thinking :-)
Abe Lincoln once said:
"Every man over 40 is responsible for his face."
I am ove 40 so I keep myself to this... :-) I try to smile a lot to have nice wrinkles...
Thanks for the post!

Thank you and I'm glad you like it @ksolymosi

i like

This is lovely, I like this pieces

Absolutely, cheers to that! Whenever something goes wrong and I'm feeling, let's say "less than happy", I remind myself that my emotions are a choice, and that what happened already happened so I might as well choose to be happy :-)

Sure, there are extreme situations when life throws you a curveball that won't always apply. Anger, sadness and all that other stuff is necessary sometimes, and while I'll let myself briefly indulge, I consciously decide to bring myself back to "happy" soon after.

This is a great decision! :))

happiness is choice, yes, but sometimes, it is also a condition, let's make both ourselves and other people we care happy, great story, keep it up!

Happiness is simple

i like post

Thanks for sharing your life experience and lessons.

It's only when you're genuinely happy yourself, that you can make others happy as well. :)

Let's all be happy and send the happy vibes to others as well! ^^

after reading this post i have every reason to appreciate life better and try to always be happy. thank you so much for this post especially now that am going through a heart break. tanx so much