The Puffin 42 Sailboat: A New Chapter Of My Life

in life •  5 years ago 


Sailing has been an "on again - off again - on again" activity since I was a teenager. Twenty years ago, I owned my first sailboat on the lake of Zug in Switzerland and enjoyed it tremendously.

In 1999, hurricane Lothar destroyed the marina where I had moored my boat at and with it, most of the ships there. Without a boat or even a marina, I took the opportunity to start my offshore sailing education. Over the years, I have sailed in the Mediterranean Sea and the Baltic Sea.

After almost ten years with no sailing whatsoever, I have started to look for a new boat earlier this year and spent some days on the Zwarte Valk.

It was during this sailing trip that I encountered a ship that I liked at first sight. When my wife and I were admiring the boat the man in the neighboring berth told us that she was for sale (there we no signs saying so).

After a few weeks of talking to the owner, the broker, and the ship surveyor, I have become the proud owner of a twenty-year young Puffin 42 sailboat.

For me, sailing is not primarily a sport it is living at sea. With the help of a shipyard, I have now started the necessary maintenance work and selected upgrades. It is an inspiring project, and there is so much to discover and learn.

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Looks like a wonderful ship, that's a bit to manage when sailing I expect (largish ship). I don't know much about sailing..but I can imagine it would be an exciting adventure.

I had time without enjoying one of the dream adventures, I casually published an inktober 3 days ago where I mentioned and cited one of your career publications.

In America we have a saying that says:

The man has two moments of happiness in life, the first when he buys a yacht and the second when he sells it.

jajajajaja enjoy your boat to the fullest with your family.

Hi @mariusfebruary

Wow It's good that after a long time now you have a Sailboat again where you can do one of the things you like best, I live in front of the Sea and that is something that can not be compared to anything, I don't have a boat, but once I went to Sail with friends all along the coast of my city and we arrive at some islands very close to the coast.
It's very nice to do that.

I can know all the emotion you feel when sailing.

I'm very happy for you and your wife. I know you will enjoy it a lot

Wao, the maintenance of a ship must be greater, totally different from the maintenance of a car, but traveling on a ship must be a great adventure. Congratulations on your new acquisition, enjoy it to the fullest!

Although I've never actually had a boat of my own, I have heard so many stories from my boyfriend about the days he spent on his friends boat until some years ago. They have a ton of stories, and it seems like all these people enjoy these trips on a boat.. it's on my bucket list because of their stories, to have a boat of my own in the future :) Enjoy the trips, from what I can see in the picture, it's a fancy one ;)

Sailing Is a style of life . If i has a Boat, i will be inmersed on trips and doing sea sports. I love fishing.
Thankyou for share with us your experiences!.

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hi @mariusfebruary

Congratulations how little you see of the ship is beautiful. You remind me of the song at sea, life is tastier. Enjoy this new stage that involves work to make it very beautiful.
I am very sorry for the loss of the other boat, it sure felt like losing a home.

As a man who cannot even imagine his life far from the sea, I totally understand your need. She looks great!!

Happy explorations and may the weather always be with you

A proud owner of a twenty-year young Puffin 42 sailboat? That's amazing congratulations to you and your wife sometimes life brings us what we desire and admire, I imagine the fun filled Cruise. It'll be awesome.

Now we expect some pictures with the boat. I like boats as well but the motor ones and have driven quite a few. Never have I sailed though with one such as yours. Good luck with the maintenance job and don't forget about the pics.
By the way have you heard the news about China wanting to "'take the leading position' in blockchain"? The market sure reacted a bit on the positive way. Have fun!

Good to hear you’re back sailing. Wow, was there a hurricane on lake Zug? How strange!. We have a J30 back in Venezuela. I surely miss the days of regattas and casual island hopping around Bahía De Pozuelos.

Congratulations @mariusfebruary

I agree - a hurricane visiting Switzerland is very rare; they call Lothar a 100-year storm. It originated in the Gulf of Biscay.

I'm surprised the conspiracy theorists didn't say it was "man made" with HAARP or something. That is really rare. I thought we were totally safe from hurricanes in Northern/Central Europe.

For sure they said this. If they didn’t then please make a video about that @adetorrent, you’ll be the first!


I was reading about it now. It strangely hit on December 26th and there were two storms actually on the same month, also “Martin”... it is strange indeed!.

It must be nice to be able to light your boat and start offshore to drain all the stress and worries of everyday life. Congratulations.

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Every one of your posts is great but you don't always post this post long after.

We see something new in each of your posts so I look forward to your post.!

You really are a great man,

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Wow! That's amazing. She looks really classy from that angle.
More pics please? Hehehe.
Happy sailing and safe travels.

Congratulations on your purchase. That is super exciting. 10 years is a long hiatus from sailing. I bet will feel good getting back into it. I've never been sailing myself but I can see the appeal of it. I'm sure that it's a pretty amazing experience living on the water. It's certainly a different sort of lifestyle. Good luck on your coming sailing adventures!

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Excellent way to clear the mind. The sea has always captivated me, the few times I've traveled on a ship I feel immense peace. Thanks for sharing.

Googleing I also realized that it is a beautiful boat!

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Congrats! Growing up at the Baltic Sea (Ostsee) i know the magic of water - for me it means pure freedom and "space". But i never learnt to sail ;-) I wish you a lot of fun with your new ship! Lieben Gruß Kadna

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Hey @mariusfebruary, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

for @mariusfebruary

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Congratulations Marius. I realized last week at the Barcelona boat fair, that the relation between boat and owner is a special one, nothing to compare with owning a car or house. I'm happy for you and your wife you found the perfect fit after so many years.
Does that mean you come by boat to Hamburg next May? 😂
Have a great weekend
Greetings from Barcelona

... let me think about that 😀

If so, I would like to meet her😊

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Funny how things have a way of working out sometimes. Congrats on the new endeavor!

Se me paran los pelos de emoción apesar de no ser yo quien haya comprado el barco, debe ser emocionante ser propietario de una embarcación y más aún poder navegar libremente en cualquier momento, está bien púlido el barco y esa luz de navegación queda bien allí como empotrada. Dios les bendiga a Puffin 42 y a sus futuras aventuras sobre el agua.


It must be exciting to own a boat and even more to be able to sail freely at any time, the boat is well polished and that navigation light looks good there as embedded. God bless Puffin 42 and his future adventures on the water.

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