Human Memory Levels.Excursion into applied science and arhitypology

in life •  9 years ago 

Hello. Today let's talk about memory.
That's for today we're going to talk about that never levels and human.
First of all I would like you to turn this down to see clearly that the memory
of the world is like the reflection of the human memory and vice versa.

So first of all we should stand that I at the scene from the point of view of classification
we're going to divide the memory of the world into two parts.
First part that pre historical part of this part that contains no history.

To the second part tells about that historical part itself that is the part when we deal with time.
I talk about the second part would mean that we was asked some sort of historical science and all the
basis of this historical science we see that week after some sort of probability to know these are those facts.

About this classification I need you to understand that such a reflection of memory has
nothing to do with the reality. So the human memory contains three levels for systems.
So as for the topic itself it's not the topic of how the memory works I just wish you to understand and see some
sort of principle that will hello and a person reveal the secret and unknown.
So we should say that any human has three levels of memory but i'm talking.
About the visible levels of memory there are only two that is we see just
two levels of memory it's like the clothes market apology
level and distance distant marketability level.

So what we're
talking about the psychology
we are delighted that human memory into
three parts as well.

So overall when we're dealing with the
methods of deep psychology.

So when we're talking about that deep
sinkhole su we're going to face with
three people with three persons there
Sigmund Freud there Carl Gustav Jung and
Lуopold Szondi.

So afraid they're cool it's just natural department so what
we're talking about the closest level of
memory we see these level of memory was
tempted to get to described quite such a
scientist as Sigmund Freud and
self-rated it's right to describe them
unconscious memory level.
We're going deeper and when we switch into the second level
of memory this level of member was described by
the second scientist Leopold Szondi.

So when we're talking about this level I
mean the level number two when multiple
zones we should say he is the founder of
their fate analysis psychologist school
and when we're talking about the fate
analysis itself the scientists who is speaking right now

  • I mean Oleg Maltsev he's not very respectful
    successor report soldier the person who
    is developing the vision of this school
    I mean the Fate analysis cool.
    Let's move deeper let's go to the third
    member level and this memory level was
    described by Carl Gustav Jung.

So as far as we all can see according to
the DA told different scientists and
research taken by that there are three
levels of memory.
At the same time we
cannot observe only two levels of memory
i mean the close to polish your level
and the distant market apology level.
We should say that there is one more
scientists and this very scientist has
completely started the whole memory and
this scientist was never connected with
Freud, Jung or Szondi.

So talking
about Oleg Maltsev rights of actually he was taught
by this great scientists really great
person who was it was that academician
is learning is Popov.
And we should see that as for the start
us off Freud this study is quite well known what
are you talking about Szondi in his face
analysis this call is already told know which one
we're talking about you know it's well
known as well but when we're talking
about the war it's not know once aware of it.
In there isn't of this
is a awareness absence actually is that
the Popov force the military person and
all his deeds and all his status world
of secret studies.

So as far Oleg Maltcev is aware of
all schools I mean he knows both grade
Freud,Szondi, Jung,Popov. All the schools are well
known to any Maltsev so he has very
good opportunity of comparing
contrasting all the school.
Actually one cannot compare people.
Because these people and had different
tasks. But in case one wishes to become a true person who
is at most like good and great at human
memory of knowledge
one has to know all this works and one
has to know how to compare this works it
is a great practice.

So I just need you to know and to see
are the way of which the human memory
works I mean it works from you right outside.

So when we are talking about the lowest
level here we're dealing with the charge
let's take an image for the stone
pretend we have this - stone.
What are you talking about the first
level let's pretend like i was told his
flying somewhere when switching to the
second one with this second level is to
let me say correct we can correct that tragic story
of this still.

So as for the third level here we are
watching not only has the tragic story
of this zone but also we're dealing with
the evaluation that is we need to see
how this storm is flying.
I mean either professionally or not
professionally either this stone will reach the target
award to reach the target that's what we watch watching on the
third level well.

So let's take the
simple example just to see everything
clearly the example is as follows. I don't know
why but I just want to let me to punch
you this is the first secondly. I don't know
why i wanted to punch right to you
but not the other person and suddenly I
don't know whether I should punch you.
I'm not is adversative that are not

So as we have just reached our target
right now as for today I mean I have to
stop by this very moment and we're going
to continue this speech tomorrow.

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  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Nice @mashkovpro
Shot you an Upvote :)