Change is the only constant

in life •  5 years ago 

Everything is unstable -
and that's the point.

What do we do when the rug gets pulled out from beneath our feet?

These past months have been sort of a letting-go boot camp.
at times - uncomfortable, painful...
at times - sinking down in the waves of grief...
sometimes - quite easy, even entertaining, smiling at life...
I get to know a little better this game of constant change,
so why not learn to "enjoy" it more?

To me, it often boils down to letting go of concepts, ideas, beliefs, and conditioning ingrained deeply in the tissues. Beliefs that used to coherently glue together my vision of the world,
of life, of what is possible,
of what is available to me,
of who I am,
of how to show up,
and how to relate to others and to life.
It is a very physical experience. I literally feel the structures dismantling inside of me,
releasing layers of confusion, sadness, grief.
The rug being pulled out from beneath my feet,
losing the point of reference, which could in the past help to make sense of the happening.

Sometimes it's letting go of people, places...
The pain is real, and I grieve endings.
It is like a little death inside.
Imagine letting a loved one go...
A person is a universe.
When I let go, I witness that universe die inside of me.
That grief is real. It fills my soul.

Through letting-go, embracing change -
I keep expanding,
I keep evolving,
I'm feeling so alive.
I can experience the greater depths of my heart.

Radically new times require radically new structures.
New tools, new processes, new definitions.
There is a process of clearing out the space.
"Open up, open up even more" I keep receiving the message.
There's more to the story.
There are still more facets, colours, nuances to be discovered.
Nothing is so solid.

I wonder if there are still people out there trying to stick to their plans...
I am hearing - "Don't expect things to be perfect or final.
It's time to embrace change as a constant."

I act. I try out. I get the feedback. I re-adjust.
I practice letting myself be surprised by new circumstances.

Every moment - a possibility to exhale the stress and pressure.
Every moment - a choice,
a possibility to relax, to lighten up, be curious!
And let the wave take me...
to feel its power, its energy, direction.
It keeps me alert, it refreshes my mind.
I feel alive.

Every moment - a possibility to flow in greater harmony with inner nature,
inner cycles that we all experience,
and the greater cosmic cycles.
Yes, letting go of the safety of familiarity can be quite scary.
Sometimes it takes the breath away.
Again and again digging up a new resource inside of me,
another well of courage to help me move through the uncharted territory.
I am amazed by the heart's capacity to soften just a bit more,
to surrender just a bit more deeply, especially when I feel that all the resources have been exhausted...

Trust is the practice.
When things are so unstable,
I find my attention turning more towards a different kind of guidance,
addressing greater powers, sitting in a silent prayer with my spirit.
I call upon the greater wisdom of life,
remembering - there is a higher plan and forces beyond human control.
It lifts me up and brings me peace.

In my dance practice, I've been learning to enjoy each step,
to taste each step as if for the first time.
Each new day can bring a new discovery,
each day holds the potential to reveal magic.

So - smile at the change...
Another turn - oh, unexpected, perhaps uncomfortable at first,
and a possibility to pick myself up,
and ask - let's see what this is all about!
Let's see what the new turn has prepared for me...

What an incredible possibility to play -
life is a playground.
It is a dance floor.
I invite you to take your shoes off,
feel the ground beneath your feet.
The Earth's still there, still holding us.

Take off those shoes and
let the dance take you.
Let life be your dance partner
(who's gonna lead this time?)

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