Some Trends to look for with an awakening Humanity.

in life •  7 years ago 

In case you did not notice- it seems that a lot of people seem to be going through a number of changes in their life- ending relationships, starting relationships, huge career changes, sudden changes in life direction and going a little ‘wacky” and just some of the things you may have witnessed.
We are living in amazingly significant times- a time that will basically be known when “great spiritual forces” stopped the slide of this planet and all of its inhabitants into a very dark and terrifying abyss.
New frequency bands are entering the planetary life fields- both positive and negative are amplifying – and while it seems that the negative may be “winning” with their “One World Order” agenda, it is ultimately the positive, eternal life frequencies that will prevail since they are so much stronger than the negative distorted ones. So what are some of the things that we can look forward to as humanity awakens to higher levels of consciousness? Here are some clues below….

  • Free Energy. The technology has been around for many decades. This one change alone will have a large positive impact upon this planet.
  • Antigravity- Another tech that has been with us for over 100 years – both from Nicola Tesla and various ET groups that have been visiting us since about 1913.
  • Cures for Chronic diseases. Yes they (including cancer) are pretty easily cured. The best cures are natural, cheap and non-toxic. The pharmaceutical industry will be more or less extinct (not without a fight though). There are many treatments within the Western Medicine system that will become obsolete (since they never really worked in the first place)- such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, vaccines and mammograms to name a few.
  • The death of Dogmatic religion. Any religion that turns people against each other is closer to the dark side than the true light. Perpetual conflict ultimately ends up in annihilation or healing. As humanity awakens we will collectively realize that we are all a part of Great Spirit and will begin to honor this more and more in each other- Humanity will come back to the sacred law of one.
  • ET disclosure. Most Americans firmly believe that the government is outright lying about the ET presence on this planet and they are correct.
  • A move towards veganism- Progressively more people will develop a deeper sense of love and respect for the plant and animal kingdom so will more closely examine their eating habits. Ultimately when human “junk DNA” re-orders to become functional we will no longer need to eat. On the way to that goal, people will start to go vegan and only eat part of plants that are given freely such as nuts, fruit and berries. This will be a long process. There are still many people on this planet who enjoy animal torture (E.g. Bull fighting).
  • Food growing revolution. More and more people will realize that if you want organic great quality food you will need to at least grow some of it yourself or know a grower. Watch a surge in interest in fields of composting, worm farms, hydroponics, aquaponics and permaculture in general.
  • Awakening to the true nature of Multi-dimensional reality. Due to sever distortions in contemporary human DNA our range of perception is extremely narrow. It is not supposed to be this way. As Human DNA becomes more functional the range of perception will widen greatly into the “unseen realm”. We will see beyond the veils.
  • More amazing children birthing in. Now that the planet is beginning to be able to support these more advanced life forms we are going to see more beings birthing into the human experience. They will have amazing gifts of all sorts, will tend to be a lot taller (humans are supposed to be 8-14 feet tall) and will have extended natural longevity.
  • We will learn the true origins of humans. And no- they are not pond scum. Further archeological finds will astound humanity and prompt us to explore everything we accepted as true about our ancient past.
  • Total revamp of the way we “educate” our youth. Having spent 16 years in public education “sad” and “pathetic” are 2 words I would use to describe this experience. Some areas will include: Learning true compassion, resource conservation, studies that expand consciousness, advanced technology – both of the mind and external technologies, animal and plant communication, personal responsibility and accountability, self directed learning and helping our children to learn their true place and mission on this planet.
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