Stop Lying: You Love The Kardashians

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Everybody loves to hate soap operas, Kardashians, reality TV.

... and yet everyone watches them. Hate-watching.

If your friend is watching, you need to be up on the drama. You need to take sides. Who sucks the most?

Walk around. Look at everyone. They're acting out their own unnecessary soap operas. They claim they don't like soap operas. But they write and star in them. For free!

When you're playing the same game as everyone, drama is guaranteed. But you can play your own game. Write your own show. Reality shows don't need unnecessary drama.

Imagine a reality show where people were happy and nice to each other? That'd be boring. Or would it?

I'm not sure if this makes any sense.

I am sure that breaking our addiction to drama would go a long way. We could stop seeking it everywhere, if we'd admit we're addicted.

We're like little kids, throwing dirt at each other because that's what everyone else is doing ... and we're too afraid to admit it makes us sad, and that just because we don't know what to replace the dirt-throwing with doesn't mean there's nothing else out there.

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I've walked away from all my drama addict friends and family. For the last 15 years I've never been so at peace with myself. Living drama free helps me deal with drama I can't avoid. Excellent insight! Drama addicts are easily manipulated too ;-) trauma conditioning through corporate/government sponsored media/entertainment makes great consumers and simple minded citizens.

Love to hear that!

Totally agreed. I think it initially comes from the top-down, as you're saying ... but in the age of the Internet, it shouldn't take much to become aware of this and break the cycle. And yet most of us never open our eyes, or we do, but refuse to admit what we see because it's uncertain and uncomfortable.

Wise men and women have been pointing out humans ignorance regarding their conditioned reactions for thousands of years. Most folk would rather look at the person pointing out their problems than go within and find out why they are the cause of their own suffering. Modern science understands this and uses our blindness to explot humanity. The cattle I worked with as a child are very much like drama addicts, both have been domesticated and used fora food source.

I loved this one. And I can say with honesty that I don't love the kardashians or even really know who they are because I dont watch tv and I dont really follow any sort of news or media things where they come up. I only found out recently that one of them, maybe the dad, became a woman and everyone thinks its ace and is giving him...her, awards or something. I'm not really clear on it all. I read books. No kardashians in Great Expectations! But your post reminded me of something that popped up on my fb 'this thing that happened a couple of years ago' post thing that pops up, with a photo of my son when he was about 2 and a half and being a bit of a nutbag, and I'd included this little bit of writing with the photo at the time. It was about how everyone at that time, seemed to be going on these fb diets, logging off for a month or whatever because they felt too consumed by all the shit that they were seeing and it was getting them down or they were sick of it or whatever the case happened to be. I'd noticed this as a trend. In the post I said that the thing that I found odd was that they were choosing to leave fb for a while to clear their head or just take a break, and I wondered why they didn't just change the sort of things they were seeing in their feed. If your only getting shit and negativity and drama in your feed, its because you've surrounded yourself with that stuff. So why didn't they just unfollow those things, and instead find and follow the stuff that gave them interesting or uplifting or stuff that made them want to dance naked with their neighbors and sing kumbaya? I think its sort of the same principle as your comments above about drama. I dont think i'll ever understand why people feel they are trapped in a dark elevator with these negative influences and that they cant get away from them. Thanks for reminding us all that we can. That we have choices. Some people really need constant reminders about that sort of thing.
Ps, sorry for the less articulate rambling of this than it normally is, its 2.21am and I'm still awake with a head cold and that thing that feels like a hairy golf ball in my throat and I'm pretty such the 'nasal congestion' is impeding the oxygen getting to my brain.

Haha ... thanks! I'm the same way. I've seen the Kardashian TV show a few times with friends, years back, and I think the archetype is interesting. I don't know if they're good or bad people. I don't care. The point is: They're on TV because they're dramatic. Like all reality TV and soap operas. A bit of real drama, and a lot of manufactured drama.

Hm. That Facebook thing is interesting. I've noticed the same thing, but I had a different conclusion. Personally, I've unfollowed a few select leeches ... but for me, most of my Facebook "friends" are good people, and not super-negative ... yet most of what they post on social media is inauthentic. So I feel weird unfollowing (but maybe I shouldn't). So I try to go on social media less, but I'm not too diligent about removing the social masturbators.

I guess there are two problems with social media. 1) Seeing a lot of negativity, and 2) Seeing a lot of fine, but surface-level stuff that should have its dose limited. Because we use it as a distraction from doing real work, or spending real time with real people.

That was fun to think about. Thanks for stirring that up. You were more articulate than you think -- hope you feel better!