What Do You Believe...Ghosts Demons or Hoaxes

in life •  8 years ago 

For a topic 3000 years older than Algebra we haven't made much progress have we?

Do you believe in Ghosts? Well if you do, not to worry, you're not alone; according to a poll conducted by Gallup 31% of Americans in 2000 believed in Ghosts too. This is a 20% increase since 1978. In fact another poll conducted by Gallup in 2005 concludes that 3 out of 4 Americans believe in at least one type of the paranormal.

Are Ghost less shy, are the living more enlightened or have movies like "The Conjuring" and authors like Stephen King changed our perceptions of the world?

With so many people who state they have seen a ghost why isn't the scientific community conducting any research?

  1. The scientific community will not provide a definition for the word "Ghosts."
  2. Ghost hunting has been declared a pseudoscience.
  3. Ghost detecting techniques and equipment cannot be improved upon or further discovered until the above 2 issues are addressed.

One might wonder though, where we would be today if Christopher Columbus was told traveling around the Earth was pseudoscience? Or Newton was told understanding why an apple falls to the ground was pseudoscience? Does it really hurt anyone to define ghosts and have a serious discussion and investigation of them?

To move on to a more frightening topic: Demons

The difference between Demons and Ghosts is a truly frightening one. Ghosts come in all sizes so to speak, but they all were once people. Ghosts can be reasoned with and most are completely harmless. Demons though, they cannot be trusted and 100% mean you harm. They have the ability to infest objects or homes, oppress the living and possess the living. The Catholic Church has long practiced the Rite of Exorcism and there is plenty of proof of demonic activities. In fact the Catholic Church approaches Demonic activity as a scientist would, they start with a hypothesis that their is a demon and their objective is to disprove the hypothesis. Though modern science has never accepted the existence of demons or demonic activity. Even though this is potentially an area much easier to prove.

When possessed humans can display supernatural strengths and abilities, speak languages they do not know, read the thoughts of those around them and even predict future events. While anyone could move into an unfortunate house or obtain an unfortunate object and find themselves in contact with a demon; possession is more rare and usually those susceptible have suffered abuses, traumas or been exposed to the occult.

Science has a long ways to go. Perhaps the greatest improvement would be to decide whether calling anything pseudoscience is a fair practice?

Though More importantly... What do you believe? What have you experienced? Or maybe a loved one or friend of yours experienced?

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Demons are the disembodied spirits of the raphaim giants.

interesting, I've never heard that so I just did a bit of reading on the subject of Rephaim. Very interesting appreciate the input. So have you had any experience with the paranormal or demons?

myself not in the usual way but through my ex-girlfriend kinda did. I had a long relationship with her, lived with her together and her family had a history with paranormal things, was in the family. she herself had very interesting things happen to her as a child and some even when we where still together. At the end of our relationship some real strange things started to happen in the appartement and I must say freaked me out. It was a real eye- opener as I was no firm believer of had no one that I knew having those expierences. And since I have taken lots of time researching and educating myself on the subject. And it is a very very interesting topic. U look at the fact we call them demons, The muslims call them Djinn, Egypt has even other names. It's like every single culture of the world has had experience with those spirits, seems a lot of informating to dismiss this as hoaxes or "crazy people". Today we have people openly practising witchcraft and there are satanic bible's as a counterfeit of the real one. With the internet today we have acces to books written by king Solomon himself that was the master of spirits that summoned them for his bidding. There is written how to summon which one and every feature of them ( Goëtia books). There is a lot of frequencies our eyes are not able to see but it is not therefore nothing more exists beyond our visible range. Animals have abilty to see higher in frequencies then us humans. U start to go into this subject through occultic written books of the past, u will open your eyes. But I myself don't recommend it to you as this can open a doorway to spirits and mostly it will be low- vibrational one's, never use a ouija-board my friend u could be very discomforted with the results. Playing with spirits should not be done cause they will never come alone :-) Read the bible my friend u will have plenty of information allready on spirits :-)

I do believe that there are things that will not be explained or discovered within my lifetime. And I have witnessed and experienced the 'paranormal'. Most people have, 'Deja Vu' for example has no explanation; and yet you'd find it difficult to find a person that hadn't experienced it.

But at the same time, science is constantly evolving and adapting; science is not a static concept. 15 years ago; pluto was a Planet, now it's a dwarf planet. 10 years ago the consensus was that Neanderthals died out; now the growing consensus is that they assimilated with homo sapiens. And these changes are happening at a faster rate. So hopefully science picks up on this and answers these questions.

I hope so, could be a great and exciting discovery. Thanks for the comment

Hi , i have seen someone shape shift with my own eyes and have seen demons and been physically attacked there was a witness with me both times. I,ve also taken a huge number of photographs of demonic entities with smart phones some attached to people and some just watching . If you go to my posts you can see quite a few photographs of these things. I don,t believe ghosts exist they are demonic entities and the angels that protect us from them are sent from God. I was an atheist until i saw the truth now i know without Christ Jesus and the armour of God our eternal souls are in jeopardy. I thank God that he,s shown me this realm of evil and the devils biggest lie that he and its realm of evil does not exist God Bless YOU.