President Trump Getting Stuff Done....

in life •  6 years ago 

President Trump

Take my title of this post as sarcasm or not I must admit President Trump is getting stuff done. Whether good or bad there are results.

Through it all the president is pushing buttons and levers to move things the way he sees them. Whether it is the truth or lie he makes his point and puts effort into making it a reality.

His reaction to the Supreme Court's ruling to uphold the travel ban with several countries in 2017 by itself is surprising. Of course having the majority of the Court being conservative helps, but the fact that even the president reacted the way he did meant somewhere in the back of his mind he thought it would not be upheld

Peace Treaty between Israel and Palestine

Then I started looking at other ideas the president has scheming. Another outright difficult issue is a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine. The president's son in law Jared Kushner is going behind the scenes trying to push for a peace between Israel and Palestine. Right off the bat Kushner being Jewish already has reason to believe he is bias with his views on a peace treaty. When you read a little about his life you can learn quickly that he is very traditional and holds to his roots. He even made his wife Ivanka Trump convert to Judaism in order for her to marry him!

If Kushner can get that lady to convert for him it leads me to believe he has some very good persuasion skills. But then again she is a female so maybe it was true love?

President Trump is allowing Kushner to negotiate peace talks in the middle east is beyond me. It seems as if this is some sort of treason being allowed? Yet here we are and the president has for now figure out how to get this through without losing his job. He lets his son in law push his own agendas. In a way it seems like the president is just delegating the work well.

I feel that this issue of peace talks in the middle east will have dramatic effects in the weeks and months ahead. Hopefully good but with America's experience of the middle east wars it will likely be ill fated effects.

On the bright side of things lets look at her again at a different angle.

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Ivanka is very talented