A Truth That Most Refuse to See

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

This weeks episode of Surviving the Matrix. Please share.
This weeks upload was censored by YouTube and had "certain features disabled in response to user reports" BEFORE the video even went Live... so please feel free to contact youtube and request these features be enabled again as I can only appeal once.

Here is an alternate link to view the video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AdFsOs9dfGU/

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Excellent show, as always!
Yes, this whole (YouTube in particular) censorship is very annoying, really - it happened to me few times also. That's the main reason, i stopped uploading there any serious stuff. Unfortunately, dTube is not able to fulfill (at least for the time being) my basic requirements.
Because of thees, i decided to make a private server (with all blows and whistles) to storage and stream important audios/videos (like yours, in between). I'm not sure, if all all creators would be happy with it, means - giving freely access to theirs works. So, for now i keep it private. But some day (soon, i hope), when authors like You and others agree - i will make it public. I'll do it anyway before death, but the sooner the better.
Thanks again for this and all your great insight. Can't wait for the next one.
All the best!

many thanks. Yes I tried Dtube but it was problematic and now I find that the 5 videos I had uploaded to dtube seem to have been deleted as there are no longer any videos on my Dtube channel, which does not inspire me to bother uploading any more to that platform.

So sorry to hear of your troubles with alternate video sites. Have you tried Real.video? Mike Adams created the video streaming platform after he kept getting sandbagged by YT also. Or others seem to be reappearing on BitChute, so that might be another option for you. Best of luck.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

yes, I have a bitchute channel already and have opened a real video channel and will begin uploading to it soon. ... I seem to have ruffled a few feather here with this show as well... lol... only $1.48 in votes this week ... kind of interesting

Similar here - my videos on dTube seems to be there, but only for me (uploader) no-one else. And i'm limited to upload no more than 20-minutes clips (cause of 'Bandwidth' or 'Resource Credits', i think). Really, not encouraging. Thanks again!

The video won't even appear in my Subscriptions even though I'm a subscriber to the channel. Same thing constantly happens with CorbettReport and sometimes with the RichieAllenShow.

They also remove videos from the list when you make a Youtube search, even if you put the exact name of the video in quotes.

How would I go about doing what you ask of requesting youtube to enable those features again?

Good show, much love.

thanks for the kind words... I think if you click 'learn more' on the video there is a comment or appeal option if you click through

It's obvious the video was censored because of all the "jew-talk", the establishment keeps pulling the anti-semitic card.

Just a quick note, as you pointed out before, the so called Christians aren't real Christians. The so called Muslims aren't real Muslims. Honestly, it is the same here, the "jewish bankers" are not Jewish at all, they're not Jews. They pretend to be Jews. Perhaps we should change our discourse to real facts and just say "psycopath bankers" or just "bankers" because these people pretend to be Jewish/Christian/Muslim/Budhists and they are nothing of the kind. Think this would help "de-censor" some videos.

Still, as always, you are free to say whatever you wish, and I know what you mean when you say "Jewish bankers" (more like Nationalist-Zionist bankers), but maybe other people won't understand and we can't be bringing in more division.

Still loved the show and we have to keep pointing out the genocidal state of Israel no matter if people get their feelings hurt.

P.S. I'm not Jewish =)


Same thing happened to me, but in my case it was hidden, I found it after a while.

BTW, thank you for giving me the opportunity to know about the documentary. If anyone would like to download it, you can always go to The Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/EUROPATheLastBattlePart6_20180817

Btw, I love your show, and would like more people to hear you. Please open an account with "the internet archive". You can back up all the videos there for the whole world to see. you will not be censored there. :D

many thanks brother, I will look into it

yes, all our ills can be traced back to the "golden calf"... but I think it goes much farther back than Babylon... beside the concept of races is such a bottomless deception. Difficult to know which came first: money or race?

Money, I think

Thank you for taking the time to thoroughly explain the situation at hand. Very fascinating show.

many thanks for listening :)

Great video as always! Really appreciate your method and composure when discussing these topics and the advice you give is Priceless!
I appealed to YouTube to reinstate features on the video but who knows if they will listen..
Keep up the good work!

Don't lose hope, your voice is important!

many thanks, it has happened before when enough people have requested it

it will be good if you can upload to Dtube

Why is the video not being able to be played here. A little upsetting. Gosh, Now I got to go to #YouTube and I cannot even comment. Glad I am moving away from them.

video is neither visible on here or on youtube in spain ,,,,


Drew from Nebraska here, love your work & your perspectives! Your doing the world a HUGE FAVOR by spreading the word of truth & hopefully helping to open others eyes to the world & reality we live in. I only hope they hear your words & it sways them to see for themselves what’s really going on around them!!!!!

many thanks Drew