in life •  7 years ago 

Unless you are tired of wars, civil unrest and a gov. NOT of the people!

There are things all US citizens DO agree on. How about all of us should truly own our own house and property without any strings attached to it such as ANY TAXES. With taxes you just rent from the governments as the fed., state, county and city! This is a place where we can live eat and raise our children grow food and A SAFE PLACE FROM THE REST OF THE WORLD!!!!
This can happen only IF all of us pick this as a COMMON RIGHT and issue. We need to put ALL other issues out of this issue! Also let's make it easier for all of us to own a home! There are millions of empty homes that can be make available to people who are willing to work in gov. sponsored jobs that our country needs done!!!
If our congress can let a private corp. (Fed. Reserve) print trillions of free money for war, stock market corporations and their CEO's then they can make a little more for us citizens who are just making it bye.

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