The real reason for war in the Middle East: The Greater Israel Project

in life •  5 years ago 

Hi guys, this is why the US is perpetually at war in the Middle East, and why the warmongers and psychopaths continue to provoke Iran despite [very real] fears of triggering a Third World War.

The Greater Israel Project

All US-backed wars in the Middle East serve one primary purpose: To ensure strategic military advantage for Israel. The goal is to weaken and fracture the surrounding Arab nations to ensure Israel can expand its hegemony and establish itself as a global superpower.

The American Empire is destined to morph into the Israeli Empire.


The Iranian government hasn't actually attacked/invaded another country in over 200 years. Meanwhile the US government has been invading and raping the planet of resources, dropping atomic bombs and depleted uranium on civilian populations, and bullying & threatening any country that refuses to bend to its will.

In case you haven't realized yet, the American Empire is the modern-day Roman Empire. They are not 'the good guys', and never have been.

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