
in life •  6 years ago 


Do you think you will be upset at the graduation then Daddy-Bear?

Pfft, it's hardly a graduation. She is finishing Nursery that's all.

I made a rubbidy-dubbidy farting noise with my luscious man lips. to show how daft I thought the very idea of a five-year-old graduating from Nursery was.


The good lady gave me a knowing look.

I know you, you're a big softie. You will be crying a river.

She grinned at the thought of the big dawg woofing out big woofy tears of woofdom.


I scoffed, throwing in another rubbidy-dubbidy farting noise.

We'll see.

She smirked as she packed the last of the little boom's stuff into a bag.


We walked to the Nursery, It was an early morning ceremony and the sun was shining. I held my little lady's hand on the way up. Her last day. Maybe I didn't want to admit it but I did feel a little something wobbling about inside me like a ball in a wonky pinball machine.

Daddy, will you be there to see me at the Graduation show?

Asked my little lady earnestly.

Of course I will darling. I am taking time off work especially for it!


She skipped happily at the thought of her big Daddy-Waddy seeing her in the show. The good lady peered over from where she was pushing the pram at me.

I frowned at her with a big raised eyebrow. Behave yourself woman I thought irritably, I am not feeling emotional. Pfft!

We dropped the little lady off and went for a coffee.


We reminisced about the little lady and her growing up so fast. In no time at all, it was time to go to the graduation. We headed back to the nursery and took our seats in the hall.

We were early so managed to get front row seats.

The show started.

All the kids filed out and stood in a big line. There were about 15 of them, cute little five-year-olds all lined up.


The little lady caught sight of us and jumped up and down smiling and waving.

Something caught in my throat. A mad burp or something.

They started singing a song in which they all had little parts to play. The little lady did a dance and rang a bell.


As she did so some dust got in my eye.

I dabbed at it exasperatedly.

The song finished.

Next up was a montage on the big screen of the kid's achievements throughout the year accompanied by This is Me.

My little lady appeared on several of the photos and movie clips.

A big bad invisible something hit me in the gut and I made a muted honk like a goose in a box.


I looked around suspiciously to see if a Soviet assassin was hiding in the rafters having perhaps fired some manner of poison dart at me. I felt a bit wobbly and everything looked a bit blurry.

The good lady passed me a handkerchief.

There you go Daddy-Bear.

She gave me a hug.

I dabbed my eyes. Obviously, I wasn't crying. It was just so dusty in here... Or was it the hayfever? Something anyway. Bloody hayfever that was it.

Or assassins, it could very well be assassins.

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Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

What is this.....the other day your tale had Steemians laughing and today we are all tears/all honking like geese. hehe ^__^

Entertainment at its best.

Congratulations to the little lady and to the good lady as well. She knows you well.....had her handkerchief handy she did.

Wishing you and yours all the best.

Enjoyed the graduation report and illustrations.


She does know me far too well. I talk a good game but when it comes to the family I am indeed a big softy!!!

Cheers to you last and I hope all is well. Maybe we shall see some flooers soon! :0)

Ain't hoping for no floors

Yes, hayfever definitely, or something else, but no emotions. Broah, no way, we don't do that, men have dry eyes, almost all of the time. If they were any dryer, they'd shrink and crumble.

Had some sorts of same experience when my 16 year young one graduated recently. Waiting for the results to come in tension build up. Not me of course, I was the breeze that breathed utter coolness.

Then her mobile rang and as she picked up she said: "I passed the exams". Never had seen her face turn that red before. Took a walk into the kitchen, to let her have some privacy, while she and my better half could share their tears of happiness run freely. Not held back by a man that was happy, sure, but only filled with fierce pride, like a male peacock with its feathers spread out wide, marching about the place.

"Already did cut some onions for dinner.", said me entering the room again. "They really teared me up quite a bit, so now we all have wet watery eyes." And I joined in the happy family hug.

But let it be noted, men do not cry, nor have emotions that might trigger some kind of salty tapid water stream, such nonsense, tsssk.

Congrats to the little lady and cheers to a new adventury. (They grow up way too fast, says my better half, guess she's right.)

Hehe, oh the onions. I never thought for a moment it could be them. There just happened to be an onion cutter in the yard!! :0)

That must have been it. :-D

I can tell you that it will be even worse when little boom gets his graduation.
You will realize that it is the last time (unless you will have more children of course) and you become aware of the fact that time flies. It is the curse of all parents and a reason to cry openly!

I can believe it!! I felt so overwhelmed by it all! I got the fear about time running away. It really does make you realise how fleeting their little years are.

Awwwww, that is precious! I come from a family of men who are not afraid to show emotions- let the tears flow I say!

Hehe, I don't need much encouragement them they come flying out! :0D

Yes, those Nursery schools are known to be dusty ... particularly on the first day and the graduation day.

I think it's similar to casino's pumping oxygen into the air ... but I can not explain why!

I am with you, it's somee manner is conspiracy!;!

Dayum, that hay fever can just come out of nowhere... it's hit me on occasion. I hear there isn't a cure for that particular version of hay fever as of yet! :)

There definitely isn't! It's a peculiar thing!! ;0)

clearly assassins hahahaa
i had my little girl's graduation as well from kindergarten few weeks back. You cannot but wonder how fast life goes by !

It was something we kept remarking on, it's not that long seeming since she cried at going in for ages!!

btw remember our chat last time about working out and fitness? I just launched something that I think you'll find interesting, have a look here @actifit (since i don't like spamming with post links, and it's only one post on the account so far :D )

I will have a look one, I am on the fit kick right now! You can drop me a link anytime!

It looks quite nifty!

Glad to hear :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This hayfever creeps up on one, the older we get the more it attacks us. Congrats with almost being part of 'the big school'. They do grow up so fast. I look at my child of 25 and think 'No man, I think I missed a few years'.
And new 'dads to be' always want a boy, but there is nothing like a little girl that can tug those heartstrings of a dad.

I think you are right, it definitely seems to get writer as we get older. I will be exactly the same when she is 25!!

Oh, come on! We all know that I cause you pride to see the good lady so happy doing what she loves that you did not resist the feeling hahaha

Haha! Maybe there was some emotion involved!

It's those damn ninjas cutting up onions again! Why can't they get their own kitchen instead of hiding in the shadows!? That's the only reason for it......... you big softie ;)

Hahahha, thats me. Big soft marshmallow man thing!

Now you've got me crying!

Lol, you couldnt have cried more than me. I was the tears man. They were everywhere!

awww, such a softy ;0)

I know, it was outrageous :0)

That bloody pollen gets everywhere. I don't have hayfever myself but have seen friends brutally afflicted by that very ailment, and then other people thinking they're being emotional or something due to the terrible timing of something else happening simultaneously. Good thing the good lady had that handkerchief handy.

Congratulations little lady for "graduating" from nursery school :D So big school soon then? I don't know how your school system works!

Hehe, yeah. Big school in August. Uniform already bought. That was another assassin plagued moment when she tried on all that.

Nobody told me about all this emotion malarkey!

You've either got the constitution of a Greek god or they've sent the work experience assassins with dummy poisons to work on their aim with a moving target (dummy poison so they don't accidentally kill themselves) XD

They never do! I read heaps of stuff about parenting when a baby unexpectedly happened to us and the only "rollercoaster" or otherwise strong emotions they warned about was the kind that happens during and after pregnancy, no warning about how that was terminal! XD

Hehe, it's amazing the amount of stuff that none thinks to tell you about. Just some blurb about sleepless nights. They don't tell you about everything else!

These are the occasions that for a man it is difficult to hide his feelings and even paint a lagrimon as we say here, congratulations for the whole family dear friend @meesterboom
I wish you a happy rest

Cheers @jlufer! I will have to look that one up!

In four-ish more years you will be suffering from hayfever again,
Let the good lady into your beer tasting and you could be doing it lots more.
Welcome to the land of " Daddy got a runny nose and needs a hankie".
There is a lot of blokes here, even if they won't admit it.

I think there are for sure. There was quite a few at the graduation!

I think there are for
Sure. There was quite a few at
The graduation!

                 - meesterboom

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Congratulations to the entire Boom Family for the graduation of Little Lady ... It is true, everything that has to do with the progress and achievement of our children since birth are a source of pride for parents. So, my dear @meesterboom does not feel a weak man because you cry of happiness for the graduation of his daughter's nursery. Those shows are priceless.


In that case I put in a good show!! :0)

Awwww, that really is sweet. And a lady doesn't tell either, so your secrets are safe. Congratulations to the little lady! :) sniff sniff xox

Hehe, yeah, sweet and a half! ;0)

Oh goodness, there I was smiling at our dear Boomdawg's tender heart. And next thing I knew I was feeling a bit wobbly myself. Those bloody assassins are everywhere!

They are! Always clambering about on rooftops waiting to strike!!

I remember the Kindergarten graduations. OMG, these kids don't even know why they are standing up there. This is a moment that parents will remember and want to forget for the rest of their lives. Yes, our little munchkins are so cute but that is time you will never get back my friend.

It is indeed time that will never be got back and I think its at moments like this that you truly realise it. Oh man, the dust, its back!! ;OD

It is good to know that you are indeed a marshmallow: crusty on the outside and all soft and gooey inside! Congratulations to the sweet little lady on her graduation! You had us all in tears there for a moment. Lots of dust and hayfever going around...

I am totally marshmallow, that is a very good way to put it! I might steal it!

So much dust! cough cough :OD

Please feel free to steal it! LOL

Oh my goodness, boomy has a heart!

We were early so managed to get front row seats.

We tried that also, only the seats were made for midgets, or small pesky people. (My daughter has just done the same, though at almost 7 years old here).

7 is much better for it!. We were ridiculously error which makes a change as we are normally so late. I was a little overcome!!

I am going to read error as early. :-)

Haha, it's really sunny here, I can hardly see my phone screen!



Oh, you are crying, meesterboom! Admit it at once! Upvoted!

Lolz, maybes ;0)

Like every man ... making himself hard ... but in the end ... deep down, they have their little heart !!! :)

Hahaha, yes indeed, it's true!

Yup the schools in the nursery periods are very dusty and dirty generally because kids make alot a mess. Even you know that @meesterboom. By the way exciting life story youve have had. Rrally enjoyed reading the journal article. Thanks for sharing. The seats. Hmmm .

Thank you for reading :0)

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

And at voting on posts too by the look of it