
in life •  6 years ago 


A strange ululating cry pierced the night. I shot upright in my bed.

By the devil's fingers, what was that!?!

I reached out to shake the good lady but where she should have been lying was empty. I looked around in the dim light of the street lamp that dribbled through our rubbish blackout blinds. There was no sign of her. I looked in the cot where the little boom slept. He was gone also.

I reached to the side of my bed for my mobile phone to check the time. It was cold in my hand and wouldn't switch on. I felt a chill run down my spine. What the flaming fling-flang?


I swung my legs out of bed.

To say I was slightly rattled may not have done the situation justice.

I reached down to the floor just under my side of the bed and pulled my massive Maglite out. It doubled as both an impressively powerful torch and a good clubbing weapon.

Oh yes, and if I wanted to tease the good lady I occasionally brandished it and said it was going up her chuff if I heard any more nonsense.


For a second that jovial memory made me smile until I flicked the switch of the torch. It was dead. My smile faded away.

I ventured toward the door. Torch brandished before me like an axe.

The haunting cry echoed out again. It sounded like a wolf with its nadgers in a vice. It was coming from downstairs.


They had come for me at last. So be it. I wasn't ready but I was totally ready.

Let's dance fuckers

I muttered grimly and headed downstairs.

There was a subdued light spilling from under the living room door. I pushed at it.

It gave a long and spooky creak as it swung open. Of course, it would do that, I thought.

I jumped in and yelled.


The good lady was on the couch feeding the little boom. She jerked up from a half doze.

What the heck?

She mumbled, looking around.

I lowered the torch which I had raised above me like an axe.

Oh sorry lass, I thought...

It chose then to come at me. Something dark and terrifying battered off my face.


I screamed in blank horror as the feathery winged creature of darkness banged off my face repeatedly. I swung the torch around screaming madly and hopping from foot to foot.

There must have been a dozen of them. Pestilent beasts of horror, battering against my flesh, my soul.

I staggered to the side under the onslaught. In danger of going down.

I caught a glimpse of the good lady and my little boy, gazing at me in horror. From somewhere deep within a mighty rage erupted and I flung my fury at the enemies that beset me.

The torch became an extension of my arm and whirled around like a blade of death.

It connected.

The attacker(s?) plummeted to the ground.

I leapt up high and mashed the torch down on it till its broken body was almost unrecognisable for the monster it once was.


Panting I looked up. Dimly, through the veil of rage, I heard the good lady calling my name.

Daddy! Daddy!!? What the fuck?! Are you nuts. It was just a moth!

I took a deep breath.

There were loads of them...

No there wasn't, there was just one. Just a silly moth. Jesus, you have woken the little guy up?! You're nuts!

She stood and with a mighty huff wheeked the little boom out of the room.

I knelt, still weak from my battle. The body of the beast lay in ruins before me.

Moth, she says...

I remembered the dark rancid terror of the attack.

Or eldritch steed of the night lords...

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Horror, this must be reaction of your sub-conscious or some dream...Actually, these days we have fight with a lot of ants attacking all they can...You know, to spread a little bit of philosophy or psychology... All that happens to us is a reflection of all is gathered in our sub-conscious...The only thing that makes a problem is when in sub-conscious you get out some things that are unbelievable...The only thing that can explain this phenomena are past lives...

I am fine with ants. Flying things trigger if a mad panic in me. Perhaps it is a past life thing! It's something anyway!!

You psychopath!

Our revenge will be nightmarishly grisly, the stuff myths are made of.

Patiently waiting for an opportunity,

The Grim Black Moth.

That was him, that was the bloody fellow. Well that's what I am telling people anyway

Oh you would not like the ones that come in your house here. They are giant moths. They don't do anything though. They just sit there and then at some point they are gone again.

I think that's what they do here. Or might just be wild panic inducing stuff to me regardless!!

I am Pricasso most wonderful artist, a fellow humorist Pricasso is delighted and impressed and in your honor and dedicated to you, a most wonderful masterpiece..


The blog in your honor and dedicated to you here..

Yours Always

Lol, I saw, such splendid!

I love your work writing/graphics @meesterboom, and you brought about the first stretched smile of the day. I could just imagine you attempting to slice the Moths in half with your torch of death, very funny stuff mate! :-D

Cheers dude! It was a wicked battle and then some!! :0D

It has been said that women have the gift to see the best in things, and us men are cursed to see things for what they truly are. As such we are drawn to battle, well like, moths to a flame. Be not shaken, my brother. For you were only protecting the ones you love. People may think us strange, but they are all ignorant of the truth beneath the surface.

They know not what lies beneath.

There lies the rub. As they say in England

I shake not, fear not!

Maybe you feel better after I tell you this. In the Chinese culture, the moth is believed to be the return of a love ones. Well, it's sort of documented or someone documented it:

Yeek, in that case I did a bad thing!!

I think you will be more at peace with them next time. :-)

Perhaps, they do trigger quite the primal reaction in me though!

They are as bad as a more hateful one: flying cockroach.

That is just a bundle of sheer terror!!!

Haha, you sound like my boy when it comes to flying insects. I hate when they fly around the face.
I laugh at their demise when they hit the windshields. Do you know what the last thing is, on their mind when they hit the windshield?
Their ass. :)

Lol, yeah it is!!

I am a nightmare when it comes to such things. I think I am getting better then one catches me by surprise and I go nuts!

Lol, that is how I feel with spiders too. Hate those damned things. I'm a little ok, if I see it from a distance, but if I turn around and see one, or if it crawls on me, game on.
Oh, I tried to find that coffee beer and was bummed to not have any luck. Then again, I only looked at walmart. My taste buds really want to try it, lol.

It sounds like it was a battle of epic proportions. I can imagine you standing over the fallen on the battlefield, blood-soaked and filled with the aura of your supreme power. Never was there a greater gladiator. That moth never stood a chance.

It was a close one. I thought it had me and then from our of nowhere I unleashed hell on that thing! :0)

Wow! What a fierce battle you had to face and when it comes to defending the family you have to use all the tools and all the forces ... That fierce monster did not know who had to face late at night ... You must be careful because this can only be a recognition moth and the rest of the enemy is preparing for a very strong and frontal battle . Greetings @meesterboom.

Goodness, what a thought! It was the advance about and the rest are yet to come! I will be even more ready!! :0)

Lucky it wasn't a bat! We have a resident bat that comes in the darkness in search of mosquitoes. We haven't been able to get him to reside out of doors. He flies in circles, doing loop de loops in the living room. My son has named him Erol...

Lol, if it was a bat I don't think my heart could take it!!

I'd comment, but am too busy laughing, hahahaha! You are so funny! :D

Hehe, I try :O)

For future reference, it’s best just to ignore night time mysteries and go back to sleep.

That is exactly what I will be doing!

It is incredible the power of destruction that these small things have, here in my province they abound, we usually prevent the clothes that segueradar with naphthalene or an aerosol product that is distributed throughout the house this keeps it away.
excellent narrative dear friend @meesterboom
I wish you a good start to the week

I shall be doing just that @jlufer. I usually do but thought it was too early in the year!

To think that you are the only thing standing between your family and the moths... It is a scary way to live.

It's the end times :0)

Hahahaha a moth? For a moment I thought you were talking about your mother-in-law lol, but I understand! Me and my mother some time ago we had a fight to the death against a flying cockroach, that night we did not manage to find them so we kept with our weapons in hand, making shifts to sleep in case the Beast appeared again.

A flying cockroach.. aaaaaaghgh. That would have been the end of me. I would have burnt the house down!

Wow! I thought it was some kind of horrible monster that was going to attack your family in the beginning but it was just a moth. Please, don't be so afraid of that little thing, meesterboom. I have faith in you. Upvoted!

It was a horrible monster!!! ;0)

What an exciting life you seem to conduct! You just killed some flies and you tell the story like you were in a battlefield :D
Anyway, strange facts: did you know that people on meth feel they have moths and other insects under the skin and that is the reason they are scratching while high?
Well, now you know.

I actually knew that, in Glasgow there is quite a high incidence of drug use of many types and various terms are used in everyday language.

Am crawling - the insects

Am rattling desperate for more

Junkie jaw that cherry face thing often seen on e.

We know all the good drug stuff :0D

Exactly! I meant Crawling! By the way, how do you make italic in a steem post?

Put an asterisk immediately before and after your text like this!


cool,gimme your knowledge, baby!
and what about small font and big font?

Hehe, small Font is either

put your text inside me


put your text inside me


I didn't know you put text inside your body

I used to have a grave fear of moths, simply thanks to the way they seem to invade your home and start crawling out of the woodwork.

But, as time went on I became a master of sneaking up on them while they're stationary on the wall and squashing them to a fine powder with some scrunched up bog roll; I don't even give them a chance to attack me.
The hunter becomes the hunted.

A man after my own heart. Preemptive destruction of the enemy. I likes it!!

Maybe it was Mothra!! Or at least it’s awful spawn! You, sir, are lucky to be alive to relate this story of unspeakable terror!!!!

I totally am. It was like a bat!!!!

Omg the dreaded moths.Do not leave the light on.Bless them but honestly they are a little stupid.If you been burned by a bulb why would you go back to get zapped like the pesky things they are massive where I live aswell. Poor Mrs Boom it takes ages trying to get the bambinos to sleep.You come out all guns blazing.Lmao.Don't know who was more scared you or the moth.😂😂😂😂 p.s remember to get some more batteries for your security torch.

I have replaced the batteries and had a word with myself lol. I am a bit of a daftie when it comes to flying things!!

I felt with you in the course of this story of yours. May God always guild our way and protect from any form of unseen evil 😈 around you. This is terrible experience. Thanks for sharing your experience on here it is really didactic

Hmm, didactic eh?

LOL - just what were you teaching us, Boomy?

A wonderful story shows that there are people who love good and help everyone
Life is beautiful when we love some and respect some
When we fear for some

And then the rains came

upvoted resteemed!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Don't spam my posts with that shit

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

When a nice story has someone idiotic comments. That level 30 is to forgive him, but 50 is for the flag.

My thoughts exactly :0)