Pump Action Poet & Summer Love Beers

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


It's summer and what goes best with summer? Awesome beers, unusual beers!!

What a collection I have gotten a hold of this week. Some splendid designs which hopefully the contents can live up to! I am feeling a tad delicate today so let us get started, in Scotland we call getting back on the wagon a curer!

First up is,



A fine looking can no? If it was down to name alone then this would surely win. It claims to be a stonefruit IPA. I don't even know what a stonefruit is!


Tis a fine looking beer, loses it's fizz a little quickly. The taste is very malty. I detect no hints of fruit at all, stone or otherwise. It's a little tart actually. I am not wholly convinced that I could drink many of these. It is passable but no more than that. Hmm, next please!



Not only does the name bring forth a smile but the beer does too. Easy drinking and golden this would be one it would be easy to forget your woes with in the sun. A really pleasant taste with a lingering finish. Yum.

You could find yourself getting quite mad with it as they say here after an afternoon slurping these down!



Look at the can!! I think Beavertown have some of the best designs out there. Makes me keen to try it!

Good grief though, I just noticed its strength is 8%. Yikes.

It pours well with a good head. Goodness me but it's strong. It is definitely one of those rare beers that is good strong though. A cool earthy flavour and one which you can really savour. Which is good because you wouldn't want to be chugging these down at that strength at a rate of knots!


Feeling dizzy? Let's move on to...



Perhaps the plainest of the cans but never judge a book by it's cover!

And how right that saying is. This is a great beer, strong in taste but with a slightly fruity finish. I am sure I am getting a little mango from it. Aw it's a lovely one and no mistake. After thinking again how strong it tasted I checked the label. 6.4% yeek!

And that rounds this week up. Cor, given that two of the beers are as strong as heck and I always buy double so I can get a proper taste I think I might end up tearing the roof aff the place

What roof I don't even know but I will alert you all when I do!!

Cheers everyone! Have a good weekend!!

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Nice review. Usually I do not come further than Heineken or Jupiler and now and then a La Chouffe. But then: beers in the Netherlands and Belgium are top of the end anyways :-)
Take a Budweiser after one of these and you wonder who hosed extra water in your beer ("evenementenbier in Dutch :-))

You are right on the Netherlands and Belgium beers!! Hard to top!!

no bearded fellows this time?

None but I did spy a beardy one for next time. Or rather the time after net time because I go on holiday this week and might have to skip this saturday!

don't post it here
but anyway - have a safe and fun one!

You know me, always safe! :O)

Those are really some unusual beers but all with a nice and different can design 😀 Those are definitely not the mainstream beers, what I like a lot 😊 I'd actually just like to taste them right now 😁

The same here @starflyer-9000 guess you read my mind...love them all beers...Thirsty!!!!!!!

Haha 😂 I think there's just something we have in common whenever we see a beer 😉 I think I've got to get one tomorrow again. You guys just made me gravin for one right now 😃

Amen to that. Pls remember me in your mind when you enjoy the good cold beer...great guy. Greetings to @meesterboom another beer lover...good guy too. Lets drink steemit to more success!!! Fired up and ready to go!!!

That would be a great thing, drinking steemit to more success 😂

Amen to that!! Fired up and ready to go!!!!

I do like to seek out new and interesting ones. The design always catches my eye and mostly they deliver! Its a very nice night to try them all!

Go for it 😉 But you should definitely keep us informed on the taste of them. I really like to know whether those are as well delivering what they promise on the outside.

I absolutely will. For me it is quite the challenge too when Isee them to see if they match up to the promise!

I'm curious on the result 😉

The Summer Love and Shapeshifter appear to be the winners. I think I'd likely sit back with some Summer Luvin, personally. Thanks for the share.

The summer love definer is a cracker! I am torn between the two!

Sounds like the Summer Love would be a good fit for me. I always love these weekend roundups!

Summer love was a winner for me!! :0)

Yeah one or two of those 8% beers and its nap time for me lol.

Yeah, it always scares me when I see the strength like that!!

Well, it looks like YOU are going to have a good weekend lol


I suspect you are right!

Cheers mate! :O)

Thanks never heard of any of these before but love the designs! Wish more products had this kind of art on it.

So do I!! Companies that make stuff have to get more creative!!!!

This post was awesome! It is funny how the coolest looking can, the top one didn't match the taste wile the last one seemed to be one of the best with the simple can.
I am really thirsty now after reading this. Thank for writing this up and you seem to have a great sense of humor. You picked up a new follower. Now I just need to find a place to get some Summer Love. lol
Cheers to you as well.

I was quite surprised myself. The Brewdog brand generally makes some incredible beers and whilst it was not bad it just didnt live up to the extraordinary appeal of the can. Which was a shame as it was such a cool design!

Thank you for reading!! :O)

No problem, great post. I'll read more too.

The last can does remind me of an old cover to the Clive Cussler novel Shock Wave. lol, great book if you have not read it. Have a great day.

I will go and hunt it out to see the cover at least! Cheers mate!


Me too!!! ;0)

Cheers man!!



This post received a 23% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @meesterboom! For more information, click here!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My beer botles are all empty... 😭
But after reading this post I need them more then ever!

Lol, I have a fair stack of empties but plenty more full! Weeee!

You go get 'em!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Man, I was disappointed that the first one wasn't an amazing IPA. The name is just too good to not be an amazing beer!

I need to try and find that Humuloid, sounds right up my alley, strong but still tasty!

Just got the latest episode of the Friday Craft Brew Series up late late yeaterday too, three interesting Italian beers! https://steemit.com/beer/@mk40/friday-craft-brew-series-italian-beers

I was disappointed too. I think I will have to blindfold myself in future to make sure that my opinion isnt coloured by the coolness of the can!!

Defo track down that Humuloid! It had a cool cool design too!

I am off to read your post!! Iwas out last night so missed it!

At least when you pour the beer into the glass you get the real first impression of the actual beer!

I didn't get in until real late last night, spent about 20 hours traveling yesterday, so there's a good chance it was posted around 5am your time! Thanks for checking it out!

Lol, that explains it then. I would have been asleep for many and hour!!

Yeah, spent about 40 hours straight awake before I got to bed because of the travel (damn redeye flight and jetlag). Thankfully I was able to write the post up while on the plane so I could just copy and paste it when I got home. I'll be drinking a few beers today to recalibrate myself after so much travel!

Och, that's gotta hurt!! You will probably have one and crash to bed!!

That...or it will just get the party started and Sunday will be real rough!

That is almost what Sunday's are for :OD

A delicious selection indeed. Seems like it's going to be an awesome weekend

I think you could be right!!!

Happy Saturday beer dear friend @meesterboom, excellent work, thank you very much for sharing this novelty, congratulations for the good work
Have a beautiful Sunday, surrounded by family and friends

Cheers @jlufer! All the best to you and yours also!!

I'll definitely have a go at trying out these beers.
Look like great fun

And that's what it is all about! Fun beers equals fun times! :0)

cool designs that gives you power before you drink
really awesome

They are for sure!


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Very much so!!

Am not a beer fan but what am seeing here are really fascinating, happy weekend to you @meesterboom

And a happy weekend to you too my friend!

I feel like I'm in desert right now lol

Hehehe, drink beer!!

I'm setting it in motion :)


lol, thanks

Nice post! Thanks for sharing

You are welcome!

Mmmm i have never seen those beers in my life. aaaarhg unusual indeed!!!!

I do try and find the more esoteric ones!! :O)

beer - it's a bad for sport! (( but very delicious

It is bad for sport! I used to do kung fu and shamefully had a couple of beers before a sparring practice. It didnt go well lol!!

As I understand you ...


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@meesterboom you are absolutely correct and know what I need now: a cold beer after the sunny saturday grill. Enjoying with some German beer now and wont say no to Scottish and English beers...great post and cheers

Thanks mate!!

A cold beer is perfect after a sunny saturday grill!! I do like a German beer.

You are welcome..I know you will...good beers indeed. Cheers

If you love beers that much, you've got to visit Tampa sometime.

Man, I would love to visit Tampa! For the beers and everything else!

Here is the hymn to the beer!

I like that hymn!!!

loving beer reviews, cheers for sharing! ALL OF THE BEER! :)

Yeah!! ALL OF THE BEER!! Weee!

Those are some of the best cans I've ever seen. Nice post @meesterboom

Cheers dude, they are very funky!!

These cans would make awsome collectables

I think the same. It is tempting to keep the cans after the drinking but the one time I did the missus saw them and assumed they were for the recycling bin!

images (20).jpg

Hehe, yeah! :O)

Your beer makes my beer look boring!
Enjoy it man

All beer is good, i bet yours tastes magic :0)


These Cans are total game changers!! In Pacific Northwest....our 12 oz cans don't usually go past the typical budweiser, coors, and rainier beers:) These awesome cans would definitely be a wild card if drank at BBQ's around here....maybe more wounded soldiers because they're too strong for some of my light weight buds.

They are incredible. I am gonna get a few of the guys round soon for a big old sesh. There will be plenty of regular beer but lots of the funky stuff too. It will sort the men out from the boys lol!!

Cheers!! ;D @meesterboom

Cheers!!! @bontonstory!! :0D

I yes I did get dizzy and I'm only drinking chocolate milk right now.

Good old chocolate milk, the times I have had after a few pints of that!! :0)

@meesterboom where do you find all these beers? The mini video of you going around actually makes me dizzy!

I go hunting round the beer shops!! There are quite a few in Glasgow!!

Hehe, I thought it might be a bit dizzy making :0)

I don't drink beer, but beautiful designs for sure. Especially the 'Pump Action Poet".

Eye catching stuff! If only more were to follow suit!

The summer love is my favorite just off of the name haha

I thought the name was a winner too!

Weird packaging for beers, rather look like energy drinks! But who cares as long as they taste nice!

Some of them do but I assume they are just going for the young hip crowd. They do taste good :OD

Wonka vision? Anyone? So, I am going to share this incredible post with my equally incredible brother who is just a few tweaks to an introductory video away from FINALLY joining, hooray!
I fancy myself a beer connoisseur, but he has me beat, in fact it would be you and he that could go head to head on your vast knowledge of the finest of alcoholic beverages :)

Hehehe, yes wonka vision is quite apt!

Hehe, I am in trouble then, my knowledge of beer is quite rubbish. I just like the jazzy cans and the taste! :O)



agree.. followed.. also follow me

ugh that made me soooo thirsty! :D

I hope I can find these at my local Bevmo! Good stuff! Thanks for sharing this :)

I hope you can too!!

That design is like a graffiti man!

It totally is! I think thats the appeal for me :OD

Congratulations @meesterboom
You took 27 place in my Top 100 of posts