RE: The Answer: an animation

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The Answer: an animation

in life •  8 years ago 

Well if you still have your pivx you will be laughing! All comes to he who waits!

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I cry. I really didn't want to mention that. But, I sold for a profit, so even though I missed out on a bigger payday, at least I didn't sell at a loss. Good things, am I right?

Did you have tons left in stock?? :O

Oh no, I sold all of mine bar fifty and made a giant profit at the time and luckily it looks like at the current position I could sell those fifty and still make a healthy profit over the original investment. Damn I love crypto when it goes well!

Oh right! One of your successes. I remember! I haven't been quite as fortunate with it, but I'm hoping, with time and the grace of Boom, I would be able to reap those chunky profits! I haven't sold at a loss yet, so that's always a good thing haha!

I think it was my first big success, I had had a little success with DASH but PIVX was the biggie! If you havent sold at a loss you are laughing!