The Bog Monster

in life •  8 years ago 


Today I must discuss one of the many perils of working in IT.

Prepare yourself, it's not pretty. I fear it is one of life's taboo areas but someone has to go there.

Let me start at the beginning. Just like any other day, I had breakfast and after a pleasant coffee made my way into work. The day passed swiftly and by lunchtime I was as happy as a badgers chuff that it was halfway to home time. Little did I know what the day had yet to offer.


After a fine lunch I walked back to the office. All was well, it was a warm day and I paid no heed to the ominously dark clouds on the horizon.

The afternoon was a busy one. A long meeting was had in which there was much talk of surfacing detail and undertaking deep dives. And no, I am not the captain of a deep sea vessel.


Not one to be outdone I threw in some tosh about bandwidth and fixing forward. Could today get any better?

It was getting near escape time, I popped out for a coffee. On the way back to the office an old crone blocked my way.

Big yin, goat some sper chy-inge.

I rapidly translated her words in my head... Large fellow, have you got any spare change?

Sorry, no

I attempted to move past her. She hawked up some phlegm and spat at my feet snarling.

Miserable basturt.

I strongly resisted the urge to dart forward and rabbit punch her on the tit. Instead I tutted and walked on. Pfft, I wasn't going to let such trifles put a blight on my day.


The day was finally done and I thought it best to visit the toilet lest I get caught short on the long train journey home. I entered one of the cubicles and set about my business.

As I sat, the cubicle door next to me slammed closed with a mighty bang which made me jump.

This was followed by some dark mutterings and the creaking of plastic as a gargantuan thing sat down.

No matter thought I, attempting to hurry along my business.

There was more creaking from next door then some groaning. Then a machine gun spattering and several concussive detonations.

La la la, can't hear it.

I thought frantically.

There were heavier groans. The wall next to me shuddered as a meaty something slapped onto it. I hoped fervently it wasn't a lung.

I hurried as best as I could as the noises graduated into a strange burping and thrashing, like an alsation dog was being forcibly drowned in a bucket.

I couldn't hold back any longer. I banged on the wall of the cubicle.


It all went quiet.

I washed my hands and ran before it came out and got me.

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Was probably a wise move NOT to punch the lady in the tit ;-)>

hahahahhahaa ur a funny guy, glad you have a good outlet for the annoyance of office life!


And that is exactly what I use this ole steemit for half the time, a bloody good rant! Cheers man!!

hahaha yea I figured so ;-)>

Its working well for ya. Instead of paying some stupid psycho to lay on their couch you GET PAID for your therapy!!

Your a freaking genius!

I never even thought it through like that but you know... Your right!!! :0D

hahahahaha but of course ;-)>

These sound like unsafe working conditions. "then a machine gun spattering and several concussive detonations."

What if the beast over there realized he didn't have any toilet paper and asked you to pass some to him under the stall wall? This might have happened to you. LOL

Hahahahhahahah, oh dear oh dear!! Nutella. I would go nuts too!! He is a master of the subtle wipe on the hand!

Hahha, yeah. The sneaky rat bastard. LOL

It would be the worst thing ever lol

It shall never be same again...
I am...... traumatized for the rest of my toilet visiting days
Thank you @meesterboom!

:D As always, loved every single word.

Hehe, cheers!

We should make a vow never to visit them ever again! ;O)

I'd say we have a deal but you are the bucket cleaning man! (( Laughs))

Oh no, not again!


I was already laughing and wondering about how do you rabbit punch someone on the tit and the tuba player encounter hahaha

poor you for the possible stink but poor guy for holding it :D

have never experienced as such it's more of a silencer most of the time but the more silence someone does it and you happen to use the same cubicle after the sniper - the deadlier it is that you have to get the hell out speedy quick and go to any other free cubicle instead :D

Hehe, it was most definitely a tuba. The tit punching. Yes its an ancient and mysterious art practiced in the most deadly of Kung Fu classes. Only a few select few are taught ;O)

Silent but violent as they say over here after one of them snipers!

hahahahah .. when i eat much potato my silencer is also turned on hahaha

Ah to have a silencer!! ;0)

That must have been the most interesting bathroom story I've ever heard lol. Glad you made it safely away.

Lol, I think I am fortunate to have made it out safe!! :OD

ok no seriously @meesterboom that was just NOT cool! What the hell was it! lol (do I really want to know... probably not lol)... but TELL ME ANYWAYYYYY!!! lol (curiosity, cat and all that) lol

Brilliantly written... but kak ending! hehe (kak - South African Afrikaans for CRAPPY) - and I only say that because I am left curious! lol :)

Loved it!

Hehehe, I suspect it was a large and menacing colleague!! I didnt want to face them after banging on the wall like a madman!!

lol! well that sounds a WHOLE lot better than all the other options that ran through my mind when reading your post... which I WILL NOT share. lol!!!!! Love your comical style of writing by the way :) Very captivating!

Why thank you very much!!

I am now curious but dreading to think of what was running through your mind! For all of our sakes i shan't ask ;0)

hahahahhhahaaha YOU ASKED!!!

yeah dont! lol haha!!!

Different note.... your bio doesn't say anything about where you are from, but after a moments consideration on your username "meesterboom"... and the fact that I explained what the word "kak" meant... I realised that you might actually be South African? and then I felt like a tool! lol Are you?

Hey @jaynie great to see ya here on @meesterboom thread!
So come on now, let us in on your thoughts ;-)>

hahahaha it wasnt good. lets leave it at that lol :)

Yea I gathered that much ;-)>
ALL the MORE reason for me to ask hahahaha

You know you are right. I should really update that. I am from Scotland but don't worry, I totally knew what kak meant. We must have similar words!!

hahahaha apparently so! cool beans! :D

Hehe, cool beans! Its exactly like talking to a fellow Scot!

Is being as happy as a badger's chuff the same as being as happy as a pig in poo? lol
Having an old crone spit on your shoes is most distasteful! I'd have to and get some bleach. Yuk!
For the cubicle incident, perhaps your company should invest in sound proofing?

It is exactly like that!

She just missed my shoes, if she had got my shoes I might have reacted a bit more hehe..

They would have to invest in lead shielding given the sounds of it :O)

Oh ughh, haha, more yukky! Anytime I have to do such business in a public toilet, the only thing the person in the next stall will hear from mine is the sound of the flusher over and over and over LOL!

The only thing they normally hear from me is dead silence!! lol!

I'm sure I recognize those noises... Have you seen this Gent rolling around the office?
download (1).jpg

Aha!!! The very man!! That will be the one! We dont have any babies!! :OD

Gold! You had me in stitches as usual boom.

Wayhay!! Glad to have been of service!

Holie Hannah what a terrible tale @meesterboom ! It is fortunate you escaped nary a skid mark !! And to this day my Mom refers to the toilet as "commode" or, at times, "LOO" . . . not sure if she was raised in the woods or where.....what the

Hehe, sometimes people here say the loo. I have rarely heard the commode!

No skid marks thankfully! :O)

That place of work is unhealthy dear friend, you have to charge extra indexing my amiago @meesterboom.
You are incredible my friend, find very interesting subjects for your works.
Thank you very much for the humor quota dear friend, I wish you a great day

You are right @jlufer! I should defo be charging more!

A great day to you too!!

No peace hey?

Not a jot sigh

Would you have pissed your pants if you'll see his face checking who that dumbassss banging the wall???
Assuming of course if it's those toilet cubicles lolssss

I think I might have if he was important enough. Tactical retreat!

Ahahaha indeed!

Are you on something??? have you missed your medication???god you need help lol :)

It was horrible, I was being menaced by a monster!!!

Nothing worse than being menaced in the toilets ...ouch

Exactly... by a monster no less!!

Your lucky to still be walking..just as well you can run fast :)

They used to call me Speedy McJim!

Amongst other names ;P

Pistol Pete is another ;0)

"That which is worthwhile is difficult to achieve." IT is not the easiest profession to work daily in but it can be very rewarding! Keep steemin to release the steem!

Always steeming dude! I dont mind the work, it is the fould toilet antics of others I hate! Cheers!

The life of programmers is full of dangers :)

It very much is!! How to cope!!

Management Vogon. Must be.

I think it was half fear that it was a management Vogon that made me flee!

I think I've crossed paths with the same beast.

Yes, I believe it spreads itself far and wide, ahem pardon the pun

I'm thinking the old crone beat you to the cubicles to wreak her revenge through whatever means possible.

I kept thinking of that horror film where the old woman cursed someone Drag me to Hell or something!!

Noooooo - what was it??? Goodness you!!

Probably just a noisy IT pooper! hehe :O) well... hopefully!

Hahahahaha yes lets go with that one

It's probably safest :OD

Lolz, you should have spare a change, it look scared, if i was the one, running is the best option

If in doubt, run!!! :OD

You are a braver man than me, I would have just ignored it and scurried our scarred and more than a little revulsed!

It went beyond the pail. I couldnt believe the antics!

Haha! Nice misdirect there with the beggar. Once again, you have proven yourself to be a magnet for those kinds of folk haha! I had just finished eating dinner, so this was the perfect post to read after. Lots of action goes on in the bathroom, I really don't know how anyone could classify it as boring!

It was a good misdirect! You simply cannot do better than to read a story about poos with dinner. It should be mandatory!

I don't even know how people eat dinner without poo being mentioned!

Me neither, especially when tucking into a good beef dish

Ohh yeaaah those sausages are a delightful accompaniment to the topic.

Mmmm sausages!

Sorry man that might have been me in the stall next to you, my wife says I fart like a machine gun and drop loads like grenades.

Hahaha!! Dammit!! I am ever so sorry for banging on the wall then!! :0D

That is certainly a moment you don't want to accidentally eavesdrop!

Definitely not!

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