The Dealer

in life •  8 years ago 


Today I became a dealer. A dealer you cry in horror? Let me explain.

It's no secret that I like to spread the good word of steemit and crypto in general since becoming a convert at the start of last year. A couple of months ago I wrote of a situation where one of my fellow chumeroos in the workplace wanted to get a hold of some Bitcoin.

Here in the UK, one of the easiest ways to get Bitcoin is to go to a site called Bittylicious. That was the advice I gave and I had heard nothing since.

Until today...

Alright Boom Dawg!

An overly cheery chap pulled up a chair next to my desk and wheeled in until our knees were almost touching.

My top lip curled in distaste. To begin with, touching another fellow's knees is simply not cricket unless of course you have sunk several gins and embarked on a game of lady garden, schmaidy garden.


I chewed my pen thoughtfully and fixed him with a look.

Yes, I am alright. How are you?

Am great mate, great, cheers.

I sniffed.

And what can I do for you?

Well, mind you said about that site tae buy bitcoin.

Bless the soul, he was incapable of speaking with proper words but this is often the way with the gutter folk.

Bittylicious, yes. How did that work out? Did you buy ten bitcoins?


I gave a good old chortle, his previous statement that he would maybe buy ten or so still cracked me up.

I couldnae buy any, it was mental, kept asking me for hunners of stuff. Stuff aboot wallets and that.

In his quaint Glaswegian vernacular I do believe that he was trying to tell me that he was incapable of filling out some simple information in a web form.

There was a pregnant pause.

And you are telling me all this because...

He looked sheepish, in fact if he looked any more sheepish he would have sprouted fleecy wool and started baa'ing alluringly at me.


Have you got any?

What a coarse thing to ask.

I may have some yes.

Can you sell us any?


Was this what I was becoming? A dealer. Selling my wares on street corners. Maybe giving people some shitcoins for free to get them hooked before luring them on to the big beefy itself?

Well, when in Rome...

How much are you wanting to spend?

Aboot fifty bucks. How much can I get for that?

I made a derogatory farting noise and pulled out my phone.

I can send you 0.014 for it. Thats me keeping fifty pence.

He looked perplexed, scratching his head he spoke slowly.

Wait, zero point zero one four? Is that all?

Take it or leave it chummy boy.

He pulled his phone out and did a bit of googling of his own. On seeing that I wasn't swindling him he grudgingly accepted. I directed him to download the mycelium wallet. He eagerly did so. His dream of becoming a bitcoin playa edging ever closer. He opened the wallet.

Right, I'm ready.

I am sure he was. There was just one more thing however.

Ok, where's the fifty quid?

Oh right, aye of course here you go.


Grudgingly he handed me his greasy fiat. I scanned the QR code on his mycelium wallet and handed it back.

That's you. Give it half an hour or so.

Half an hour?

He sounded doubtful, perhaps he worried he was being scammed.

Yeah, the transaction has to confirm... Oh and one more thing?

I pushed my head close to his and murmured

You're my wife now


I giggled as he got up and left huffing with indignation.

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By the title I was thinking a second job dealing cards!

What a name - bittylicious! It sounds almost like a strip club!!

It does sound dodgy the bittylicious site don't it!! It has to be intentional!

i thought drug dealer hahah
no way!
okay that's just a joke chico
i hope he paid for the miner's fee

Hehe, yeah, I made sure the fees were included. Hehe, never again though

I was thinking the same or going into trading crypto for some org.

Hahaha. You have a great sense of humor and I really like the way you tell a story- so simple, genuine and engaging.

Thank you very much!

I knew there had to be a catch!

Good one, enjoyed the read.

Cheers mate!

Haha! First, that was such a funny and well placed sniff and second You're my wife now... LOL!!

Wonderful writing. I feel you should have your own tv series!

And dare I ask.... no... I must know... what is lady garden, schmaidy garden??

Ah, lady garden schmaidy garden!

I simply couldn't commit it to paper as it were!! ;0)

Although it is a game much improved when a lady is present

Ha! I see! Say no more... !!

Another postyliscious post Boomster! Was your first deal safe tho? Really? Maybe next time meet him in a dark alley at night. Wear a trench coat and a hat to obscure your face. Look down. Don't speak. paß him the bitcoin in plastic bags. Take care!

I think that is very wise advice. I was too open before, need to street up! :0D

In the dimly lit corners of urban alleys, whispers linger about The Dealer a shadowy figure with cards as his currency and luck as his weapon. He prowls through the haze of smoke-filled rooms, his gaze sharp as the edge of a blade, offering fortunes with a flick of his wrist. Some say he's a master of manipulation, others a harbinger of fate. But to those who seek him out, he's a beacon of opportunity in a world of uncertainty. With a deck in hand and a smirk on his lips, The Dealer deals in dreams, risks, and the unknown.

In the dimly lit alleyways of urban anonymity, he operated as the silent orchestrator of desires—the Dealer. With a flick of his wrist, he traded dreams for coin, exchanging secrets under the cloak of night. Even in the darkest corners, his reputation shone bright, a beacon guided by the principles of olathe toyota customer service. Yet, amidst the shadowy transactions, his code remained unwavering: discretion above all. Each transaction, a carefully choreographed dance, a delicate balance of supply and demand. Amidst the hustle, a whisper echoed—a testament to his integrity. Trust the Dealer they said, a testament earned through countless satisfied souls.

Hahahah this is a good one and shows how crypto `s can turned someone to a great dealler...good one haha.
He will surely depend on you for sometime!!! bring him over to steemit and power him up

I might leave that one off steemit, I works end up being on 24 hr support!

Good one...unless they hire you

Ha, very true!

Man, your stuff rocks. I am almost close to asking if you seriously said that :D hehehe
You inspire me to try publishing some of my humorous writing... but the ladder is set so high ;)

Oh no mate, the more humourous writing on here the better!! I was actually going to start a contest to encourage more. There is too much seriousness!!

I bet it would be great :0)

And oh yes, all words definitely uttered by my good old runaway mouth!:0)

Greasy fiat indeed! You forgot to charge him for the bother of having to deal with him and waste your valuable time. By my estimation @meesterboom, your new wifey owes you at least another 50 or so for the transactions fees.

A very good point, if he can't handle buying it himself and asks again I think he will find the price to be a bit steeper!!

I am actually pissing myself because BTC had crashed a bit today and I think the guy thinks he is gonna make a fortune on his investment in no time at all

"your my wife now" love it and for some reason I keep imagine me buying some bitcoin from @wisbeech and wondering what this closing line would be ;-)

I suspect it would be something very similar which would be something so the more horrifying!! Lol! ;0)

You Rawk!
Looking cool in that suit at the graffiti !

Hehe, if only the suit were mine!!! :0D I do suit a suit though!

Yea.....the glory of digital pictures ;-)>

Yes indeed!! Hehe!!!

You're my wife now is ominous.
Sounds like all of the responsibilities of a wife, and none of the rights.

Haha, that is quite funny. I am having a giggle at that :0)


You're my wife now

OMG I can not stop hahahahahahahaha

Hehe, it's a quality line!!

The title attracted me to click even faster :D

Hehe, I do like a baity title!

Congratulations Sir dealer...Thanks to share your own success experience...

Thank you!

well, maybe you are too good in persuading friends about how good the cryptostuff business is.
in other words: your fault, mate :P

Darn, that's the reason!!

Seriously though, it is not that hard to open a wallet. I have been Steemit evangelical left right and centre, and yet the wallet thing stumps most.

Yeah, the wallet thing stumps everyone. If I hadn't done it for him it wouldn't have happened!

It's great that he's reminded who his daddy is. They do seem to forget that quite often, don't they?

I like how you put it side-by-side with illegal narcotics or paraphernalia, dude. It does seem to be that way currently, what with the knowledge gap about the whole thing. In the future, I do believe cryptos would be as common as breathing air, but for now, it's like an exclusive item one can get only in back alley dealings haha great stuff!

I do believe it will be as common as that too but yeah, for the moment it is like a shady deal. Something that is hidden and wrong. I actually half think that's why he didn't want to go through anything formal. In case the crypto police come a calling!!

Hidden and wrong. You're on to something there, duderiffic! Crypto comes from the Greek word kruptos which means hidden, and since there are no formal laws governing cryptocurrency, one would naturally think that it is beyond the law or something purported to be "right." Therefore, it is the opposite of right, which is wrong.


Oh my goodness me, you have called it and it is now thus. How could I have been duped into becoming this. This thing of darkness.

Oh hang on, I love darkness. Magic!!

Well what do you know, who would've thunk it would all work out in the end! I know I surely didn't!!

And just like that little Jed woke up.

Mom, I had an amazing dream

His mom was in the corner of the room folding something.

Did you dear, that's nice.

Little Jed pursed his lips, Momma's voice sounded all rough and edgy. In fact she didnt sound like...

Out in the street, a cat looked up at the lonely house draped in shadow. No-one had lived there a long time. For a moment it had sounded like a young boy had screamed from deep inside.

Chills, dude! CHILLS!!! You know, I have this ongoing fiction universe I'm writing, and the common thing that ties all of the disjointed threads together is a mysterious... CAT!!! I kid you not!!! HAHA!! Is that the very same cat in your tale?? Oh the things that cat has seen! Yes, it's the same cat found here.

A cat! That is awesome. I am going to look. It's such a great linker, cats are awesome!!

I remember that one, I liked it at the time and I like it still. And the cat!!

"You're my wife now" - hahahah well said !

Hehe, my favourite line from an old TV show!

well done dear friend @ meesterboom, this way the big business starts, if the attention is good and efficient brings 3 more customers, that is the equation when you are in sales distributing merchandise.
Excellent story as usual dear friend.
Have a happy friday

Cheers mate, a very happy Friday to you too!!

Glaswegian vernacular seems to be similar to the language that I speak when I try to speak English :P

Lol, well you would fit right in up here in the bitter north!!!

I would say he is about ready to be introduced to Steem/Steemit!!

I tried that once long ago, the idea of effort put him off!!

If you're dealing with minimal transaction fees, I'll be happy to be your next buyer. Do you accept greasy US fiat?

I accept greasy ole anything lol!!!

Hehehehe! Gotta wife on contract. She gets to do your bidding with no fringe
knees almost touching...OMG! what next?

I know, it's world ending stuff!!!

Oh my..we should open our own in class I talked about exchange rates in class and mentioned bitcoin. Funny how the rest of the lesson was all about Bitcoin and at the end I even told them to buy bitcoin with their pocket money. Never too young to start trading and then at least I can talk about something fun in class for a

That's a good thing to get them started on, never too young indeed. Exchange rates is a handy thing to know, is how they can make money!!

Hi. As requested. It has been removed.

Seriously, what the fuck had this got to do with my post? Please remove your link or I will flag it

Thank you

Sorry if it has offended you. My friend is a real newbie. Learning the ropes.

That's ok, I just don't like links being dropped. It isn't good for the person doing it as it is seen as poor behaviour here. But it's fine :0)

Very good story about bitcoin @meesterboom. It is useful information for us as well. great post

I am all about the information ;0)

Hehe thank you for replying to the comment :-)

I reply to them all so you are very welcome :0)

yes i tried to come. although sometimes the language is sometimes a bit difficult for me to understand. but i try to know :-)

You do very well :0)

I keep trying. Thank you very much for caring my friend. good luck :-)

And good luck to you too, I will no doubt see you around on this wild platform!!

Very nice @meesterboom

Thank you

i like th callin him wife

So did I !

Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

Cheers. Well, until I saw your spammy copy and paste response to a million people