The Spam Animations

in life •  7 years ago 


Spam!! We might hate it but it is a sign of Steemit's success that we are attracting so much of it. Today I have been flagging some right shady nonsense and it reminded me of my spam animations.

There was always a little spam on steemit but it wasn't until the user numbers really started to spike three or four months ago that it started to become a noticeable issue.

My first animation around this was a simple one. Born of the frustration that users were feeling from the people who would approach them in chat or in the comments on their post and just dumping a link and demanding an upvote, follow and a resteem.


Gradually new users guilty of this started to get the idea and it died down a little. Still happens occasionally but at least it is not every five seconds.

My next, possibly overused favourite of the bunch was Nice Post. A new breed of spammers had arrived. With the arrival of hardfork 19 votes were worth much more than before. Spammers would randomly comment one or two word comments hoping for comment votes.


Ah, I still love that one.

Spammers are clever though. Where money is involved they will work tirelessly to game the system. Soon it was uncovered that some users were posting random numbers as comments on old posts and then upvoting these with their full power for the mega bucks. I thought this animation was quite apt.


Especially when people started to get caught a lot of them claimed they were innocent and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Ah, you gotta love it.

Finally, I was inspired when people wrote of the reward pool being humped by bots. I thought it would be good to bring an old character the Steem Prince back into the fray. With a new weapon. The Steem Hammer!!


I use an android app on my phone called Flipaclip to create my animations. If you fancy it, try it out. It's cool making them but it takes an awfully long time! Feel free to ask me any questions on it though. I am here to help.

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It's a good one! ;0)

will it ever end?
nooooooo still producing in the Steemit factory :)

Never, I just put one up tonight! HOORAY!

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @sumayia! For more information, click here!

Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

The lead image with you and the animation star together is fantastic.

Steemians appreciate the humour these animations bring, especially that cheeky wink at the end. ^_^

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

Thank you @bleujay! I am getting better and better with my cover art I think as I get more and more practice. Some of them I am impressing myself with!!

And I always loved the wink ;0)

These gifs are real gems, I hope to see more of these in the future!

I ain't gonna stop!! Cheers!

Beging is actually problem of Steem. Some people don't understand the system.

They don't and I can't stand the begging aspect.

I've never been a fan of spam, whether its from a can or on someones post. A fellow user in one of my groups created a cool card, not as good as your animations, but cool nonetheless


Lol, that is a cool card!

Yeah, I don't like spam either... of any variety :)

Dude that animation is AWESOME!!!!

You really are quite a creative guy! I am seeing more and more proof that every post!

I do agree the spam is a sign of success. Everyone is trying to get a piece of the pie!

I think we need more groups to police spam, copy paste and especially plagiarism. If we keep them from earning they will give up and the word will spread that it doesn't work. the ONLY reason there is so much of it is because it is WORKING.

Obviously we won't be able to prevent all spam but we can stop it pretty quick and let it be known that it does not work!

In fact we could pay these poor spammers to find spammers and earn instead of spamming....Thats a GOOD idea!

I am going to write about that ASAP!

That is a good idea!! It's like hackers, they always end up employed by the people they tried to hack!!

It's also sad that it must be working which is why so many are at it. What is really unfortunate is that we are probably only catching the rubbish spammers whilst the good ones laugh all the way to the SBD bank.

I am forever flattered that you like my stuff dude. Coming from someone like yourself is quite the thing!! :0D

Glad you like the idea! Now I have ANOTHER project on my to do list.....BETTER GET SOME COFFEE!

I am glad you respect and appreciate my standards and ideals. I do not throw compliments around lightly as most peoples content is rubbish! Im not afraid to say that either lol ;-)>

Great to meet you, wee have some fun times on here together!


It's true, I ain't afraid of saying it either. There is a lot of rubbish on here but it makes it worthwhile when you come across that which isn't!

You can't beat having a few projects on the go at once!!

Steem on dudester!!

Yes staying busy and productive aint difficult for me!
Keeps me going and GOING!

Keep up the great work RawkStar ;-)>


Aw man, I aint seen a FIRST in ages! LOL!!


How could anyone refuse that!!

The first one is my favourite...

"Yeah.... I'll resteem you to da moon!!


I'm going to check out Flipaclip, but seeings as these animations clearly take wit+patience+skills.... well, checking it out is probably all I'll do. :)

I'm usually good with just ignoring spammy, worthless comments but now and then some of them make me really cross.

For example there are quite a few lovely posts around at the moment about @lauralemons. Such a sad situation... and to see people spamming their links and useless comments on posts like these brings on my womanly rage.

Hehe, Its worth a drive by but that is probably enough! lol

Yeah, the fact that they are rarely tempered by the situation just makes it worse. I caught a couple of guys blatantly trying to profit from the Rohinga situation by claiming they were going to buy them food. But it was just a blatant chance at ripping off money. Spammers on sensitive posts should destroyed!

Phew, managed to pull that back as I was getting abit serious??!? :O)

Oh yeah, I saw those posts too. They were putting those links on every post they could get their grubby little mitts on...

Destroy! Destroy!

A serious MeesterBoom?! Heaven forbid!!

Exactly. Its just not on! I mean where could I go from there?

Yeah, the little fookers, destroy indeed!

Wow you used the animations well to explain the spam issues we are face here. I think that it will go to the moon when the flood gates will be opened and millions of people sign in. How do we take care of 500K spam and scam posts daily? however the upside is that steem price will go to the moon with millions of users ....I will look at the bright side however we all will be ready for spam in extreme form...maybe at that time we will be forced to be gentle men and ignore all or risk compromising our voting power to 0

It's a difficult one. Will we end up spending all our voting power fighting it out will some newer way of dealing with it be found! I hope they do find a way

Same here too...we will certianly see huge spam issue however steem should create armies that will be talking it with many steem powers

The Anti spam brigade!!

Your animations are so cool! I remember, I once used your milestone animation for my 100 followers. Thanks again for that!
I'll have a look at Flipaclip, maybe it works with os-x as well.
Have a nice evening and a good new week, hopefully without learning lunch 😉

I hope you have a nice week too!!

I am very glad you used it! Its a pleasure to know it was of use! :O)

Kidding of course!!!!! I'm so impressed with your animations! I haven't been posting as often since I have returned to work full time, but even what little I do get posted, it does seem like maybe the spam is dying down? I could be wrong, but I know several people were declaring war instead of ignoring it. I'm hoping that has gotten a message across that earning more comes from hard work and not trying to beg from others. Have a great day!


You know I tend to agree, I think it went through a really bad please and it has calmed down a little. Still needs a good eye on it though!!

I'm glad you have noticed it to! And I agree, it's best to be watchful and squash it right away so it doesn't get out of hand's like the weeds in my garden (although they are so totally winning right now so that's not a great example!)

It might actually be a great example lol!

The "new" page is not so awful as it was just a few months ago when I first came.

There were korean and chinese languages, posts with just pictures, mostly those that doesn't seem original, but taken in the web, sometimes just a few words for a post and all that got money - I exactly saw it.
So I shared with my friends the idea of steemit but they couldn't understand me since they saw money for nothing.

But now it's absolutely changed, and that seem even strange to be able to deal with that amount.

I am glad you have said this because I used to regularly look at the new page but had stopped as it was a little disheartening. Bi will start looking again though!!

heheehe and there is a brand new technique now, the one we both witnessed recently: the bot copies someone's comment and adds smileys hahaha

Aw man, that is right!! The new breed!! Lol

Hi I'm new but got to say that your animations are really cool, especially the 1st one. That one 'to da moon' :)

It sort of confirms an almost weird feeling I had that this site may just encourage people to talk for enjoyment, rather than tag strangers for little money and no respect.

Yesterday I was looking for posts with spam ... didn't find any ... I think I'm going to enjoy it here:)

I hope you do enjoy it!

Someone's the spam is hard to notice at first. Your might see a comment praising a post. They might not have voted for the post but may have voted their own comment. That is an insidious type of spam.

There are other more blatant ones. Above from holamaria or are the usual ones :0)

Very good selection of animations dear friend @ meesterboom, the one I like the most, I admire this idea of dealing with the big problem that harasses us, little by little they are educating, those who do it without knowing, there are others who want to profit from spam.
Congratulations on the great work you do, you are very professional.
Have a beautiful day.

Thank you very much @jlufer. I love doing them and knowing they are liked makes it ten times better

I like all of them, but the first is my favorite!! :D

The first is a good one!

Resteeming anyone's post is also a spam ??!!!!!

I am resteeming those posts which are of my interest and which I want to share with my followers.

I don't know whether it's actually a spam or not, but I don't care if it's good to share.

No no, resteeming is definitely not spam. Asking someone to vote and resteem you when they don't even know you or have seen your post is spammy!!

It's odd to think there are bots built to fight other bots on steemit, unfortunate none of them have laser eyes and chainsaw hands. Great animations, the steem prince with the Hammer, class!

I was particularly fond of the hammer!!

Man you kicked that little scab right in the crotch clear to the Moon! He broke orbit in record time!

He broke all the records!

Hey, i just found you, i love these little animations you made!! they are perfect !
I will check out this flipaclip thing. i am wondering how is it compare to like animating in krita. do you know? have you tried other programs before this?
( i am your new follower ) :-)

I have only ever used flash before. It is much easier than that.

I am glad you like them! I hope to see some of your stuff!

As a newbie on the Platform your post is informative.

I am glad!

Nice post!

I upvoted you... follow me and upvote me back... not that I have anything worth upvoting, of course... plus the fact that I resteem absolutely everything I read in the hope I'll get paid for that too...

But, I'll read the title of your post, flick through the pictures and make up my own mind what your post is about and comment accordingly....

So... do I get some SBD in with that too?

You have so very much and I have only a little....


That last line especially!! Someone said that to me in chat!! As if I should be sorry and hand it over!! Lol :0)

Nothing like a good ol' compilation of you solid gold hits! The Nice Post one seems to be a crowd favorite, and I feel giddy when I see it being put to good use. It's a great passive-aggressive response to the new initiates of the Spam army.

I really wish Steem Prince's Steem Hammer would gain more traction. It's a mighty fine weapon, and with the added effect of the spammers draining the pissing on the reward pool haha! I still say it looks more piss than gold hahaha!

It looks awfully like piss. I cant quite think if thats a freudian thing or not! :O)

Its my favourite one. Although the steem hammer is close behind. I like the effort in the dragging of the post though. It really cheered me up! :O)

It is, it is! A Freudian slip, if there ever was one! The timing of the compilation couldn't have been more perfect. I immediately got to use the Nice Post one after I saw it haha!

Fantastic, I am amazed that I still get to use it but indeed the opportunity always presents itself!!

Let me just count my words here....


It is quite hard!!!

Thanks for the tip on flipaclip.i have been wondering a bit 😎

I hope you give it a whirl!


The beggars drive me crazy!

I'm going to try and use Flipaclipand and see what I can produce, if it is a fraction as good as your work I'm be happy :-)

I look forward to seeing the results, don't be disheartened by your first couple of attempts!!

Man I always love these stick figures and I am just waiting for the day when I will be making them. You really have a creative mind dude.

Cheers man, I look forward to the day you are making them too :0)

I like these kind of posts. Although I've been only here for a few months, I get frustrated by seeing so many short, no value adding comments :-(

I know this platform should be without limitations and should work on social control and no centralized moderation, but sometimes I wish there would be a few simple measures to avoid spamming...


I think we all wish the same. Some of them are demoralising. When you ut up a big post and in seconds a comment appears saying, Good points and you think, you cant have read it!!


My very comical master!

Thats me!! :Op

This is the best spam animation I've ever seen and so true

Why thank ya very much!

Excellent, voted, need to check that app too soon

You defo should mate!

I have a new appreciation for your animations now that I see what is involved!

Lol, the endless drawing over and over! Cheers!

I love the animations! Too bad we all don't own one of those Steem Hammers. lol

They should give them out to us all!

Hear! Hear! All in favour?

I see a forest of hands!!

People are always down on spam but lets spread it out and cover any tinned meats such as corned beef to be down on as well.
Don't discriminate, all tinned meats are bad.

Even those hot dogs that come in the can?!?!

We're posh and only get those that come in a jar.

Ah, I gaze wistfully at those ones on ter high up shelf. Dreaming of the day!

Man I need to bookmark this. I wish I had a bot that i could flag spam and it would put these cool gif as comments.

Hehe, well if you get the bot you can use the animations!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

the animation are quite amazing
it serves some users right

It does, and thank you!


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