Those Were The Days

in life •  7 years ago 


Today I went to meet an old friend. We used to be quite the royster-doysters.*
Glasgow speak for good chums.*

We both had children at the same time and haven't managed to see each other much in the same way we used to. That way being getting exceptionally pie-eyed in pubs and clubs. We were quite the geezers. In fact, as I thought on it, it had been almost three years since we had crossed paths as he had moved further away to the bitter north of Scotland.


He contacted me yesterday. He was down in Glasgow with the rest of his family. Did I want to meet up in the afternoon?

I thought this was a splendid idea and gave me the opportunity to give the good lady a rest by taking the little one out.

Off we trotted.


We met at the Riverside museum, a big modern piece of funk on the banks of the river Clyde which runs through Glasgow. I recognized him a mile away. Older sure but still the same guy. I tugged my little lady by the hand. She was being a little obstinate and wanted to play with some weeds by the roadside.

Come on lass, they are waiting!

I want to play with the plants. I don't want to meet your friend.

She faced me with a determined look on her face.

Lass, he is a really nice chap and also his son Owen is here and he is five. You will have lots of fun.

I don't like Knowin. He is yukky. I will NOT talk to him.

I bit my lip and counted to 20 millionteen in my head.

Oh never mind, they are coming to us.

And indeed they were. My old mate Billy swaggered over with his son Owen in tow. His son looked as happy as my daughter at the thought of meeting some random child.

We made our way into the museum. Contrary to my daughters outburst her and Owen did not seem to find each other yucky and had a whale of a time running around trying to break all the valuable stuffs.


Myself and Billy had many an opportunity to talk.

Been up to much recently?

He grinned as he said this. No doubt images of me flying down a hill in a shopping trolley whilst being exceedingly drunk going through his head.

Nah. Not much mate, usual old fatherhood pish. You?

I felt guilty for not having some debauched tale to tell. I looked at him hopefully, remembering the time he got a tattoo on his chuff whilst steaming drunk. Surely he would have a wild one to tell?

No really mate.

He looked a little crestfallen and went on to explain that much like me, fatherhood had pounded most of that nonsense out of his head.

We followed the kids around the museum and onto the tall ship which is permanently at harbour outside.

I remembered something.


You saw Mad Aldo lately?

I hadn't heard a peep from him for years. Mad Aldo, was as mad as seventeen badgers locked in a box. We used to all have quite the mental time. I knew him and Billy were tight. Perhaps Billy had a tale or two that we could vicariously live our lives through?

No, fraid not mate. He had a kid a few years ago. Calmed right down. Chucked the band and got a job and everything.

Wow. Even Mad Aldo had become un-mad. I wondered if he was just Alastair now. It felt like something fundamental had changed in the world.

The day was great fun but eventually came to an end.

We said our goodbye's. The little lady and Owen had made quite the friendship and were reluctant to part.

I shook Billy's hand.

Let me know when you are back in Glasgow mate. We will go out on the lash, carve the place up.

He looked at me, a wry and wistful smile on his face.

Yeah mate. Will do.

We both good naturedly knew this wasn't going to happen. It is nice to dream though.

Myself and the little lady got in the car.

Right lass, off home for us. You had a great day didn't you? Did you have lots of fun with Owen?

She shot me a look of disdain.

No, he was yukky.

Yes, of course he was.

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Sir, as a married with no kids, I can tell you from lack of experience, you are not counting down, you are counting up. The children are just now arriving.

Enjoy the new reality. Maybe some day you'll go golfing with the lads. But not an all day type of golfing, a hurry up and get home type of golfing. :)

Haha, that sounds good, a hurry up and get home type of golfing!

Counting up to infininity! :OD

It's a sad realisation for sure, knowing those times are over. But always look at it on the bright side, you've made those amazing times and will always have the memories to cherish them!

Pushing up your valid comment with an UPvote... @jerrev rises above the spam.

YEs indeed, I am feeling far more cheery about it today!

I'm young enough that when I get back with the old crew we still fuck something up, but I'm old enough that it's getting much harder to recover from it.

Oh man, I know. I still do on occasion and the recovery takes day's!

Oh poor meester ;0) Tough to face the reality, but take it from an old Mrs with 4 fully grown, fully cooked offspring, you're just at the beginning of this wild ride :-)

Lol, I know it. Sometimes it's poignant thinking back! I certainly wouldn't change anything. I look forward to being able to look back when they are fully cooked!! :0)

All us rebels get tamed or die I guess. Nice to have you among the living!

Thats a fair point, glad to be among the living and tamed!! :O)

Get tamed! That seems another way of saying being cured of whiskey and killing folk :)

It does doesnt it!! Maybe not with the same pizazz!! :0D

When I meet old friends from back in high school , you just do not know where to start from or have as much interesting things to share. After maybe an hour or so , both people start to open up.

I remember when I was younger , I used to tell my mom I didn't wanna go with her to meet her friends , I hope my kids in the future don't say the same to me .. I'd be upset

Hehe, now that you mention it I think I used to say the same. You can think of nothing worse when young.

We had a great time chewing the fat. It was just funny and odd at the same time how things have changed. Whe I saw the young ones running around I felt like we had passed the baton!

Oh @meesterboom what a melancholy and oh so true of gettin old and sensible tale.

I honestly think that we all have one of 'those were the days' encounters where we meet an old friend and relive those mad days we had in the sure knowledge that they are gone forever.... But and there is a but to this melancholy tale... I enjoyed every minute of the madness but wouldn't swap it in a million years for my life now, no more waking up on strangers floors for me or having that niggling feeling the following morning that something had happened that I couldn't quite remember.

I love my (slightly boring but wonderful life) with my two wee boys and my fab wife :-)

Have a good and boring week to you my friend :-)

Yes I agree with that. I think back in horror to the niggling paranoia of the next day or waking up in places unfamiliar or that I frankly shouldnt be!

I love my life now, Its just a little funny when those lives clash with the old ones. Ah, yesterday was a funny day!

Thanks to your post (and your little girl) I just learned a new word: yukky! :P
I think that it's really useful this word to increase my vocabolary :D cheers!!! A big hug to your funny little one ^_^

Yukky is fantastic. I had almost forgotten it till my daughter took to saying it. I use it all the time now too!!

Yukky is a fantastic word. My daughter used it a lot too...way more than my son. In fact I think the only things my son ever referred to as yucky is certain vegetables haha!

It is now one of my favourite words! I am very happy to have rediscovered it. Damn those vegetables!

Oh yeah... this is awesomely written and completely resonates with me!!

We had a child free weekend recently for our anniversary.

I tried to go out and be crazy 'like the good ol' days'.

I ended up just making myself poorly, and then felt very guilty because I had to be in bed when the kids were brought back by their grandparents.



Lol, oh dear!! Yes indeed, things have changed. Lucky you though having a child free weekend!!!

Haha yeah, my other half and I actually got to have conversations and stuff lol! It was a special 10th anniversary present to ourselves. :)

And a fine present to have!! Conversations without interruptions. That's awesome!

Always a fun time when Boom and our future Overlord (Overlady? I can't... I don't want to offend any feminazis out there). Time really has a way to mellow people out huh. Well, that and children. It's great to reminisce about wilder times, but they're always just there. No need to get bummed out about taking a slower lane. I hope Alastair feels the same way about it, or else I risk of offending him. We don't want him to get... mad now, do we?

You wouldn't want Mad Aldo to get mad. Although these days by the sound of it he might just buy you a Chai latte lolz.

Maybe that explains why I am such a mellow did these days. Good grief. You might be on to something there!

I guess he's peak is much lower now. Is the ceiling enough to name him Slightly Peeved Aldo?

Of course I'm on to something, dude! Of course!!

Ha, I don't even think he is slightly peeved!!

Piqued? Would that be more apt?

p0wned might be even more apt!

You know, knowing Aldo the way I do, I don't think he'll appreciate being referred to that way. But, who am I to say. I mean, I'm just a total stranger haha!

Ah but you know him. Him and his erstwhile mad ways!!!

Well you might be getting old but your still cool!

Hahahha, oh dont worry. I knows it!! :OD


Your post is not as yukky as I thought it would be, being a sucker for nostalgic tales of drunken days long gone. Alas I knew them well.

Still I would imagine the wonders of fatherhood surpass all of that :)

They do, they must absolutely do! Sometimes the feeling just hits. Especially when talking old school to the old school folk. No one earns you of quite how much your life changes. Not in a bad way but an irrevocable way.

I am 68, a man of experience and wisdom; as such I can tell you, there is great truth in the lines that you write.

Why thank you. I do appreciate the vindication/comment!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ho, no! What a situation so complicated, many vaces one tries to integrate old friendships to the family and finally they are a chaos, that undesirable situation, how much I am sorry dear friend @meesterboom.
I wish you a beautiful week.

I wish you a beautiful week to @jlufer! It is not the easiest thing to try and combine these things!

Hahahaha such fun, from drunken trolley dashing to a museum. Sigh, I have 3

Ooft, I am stopping at two!

I think if you go over 2 you become quite crazy again....

I can see it! Lol

I also have 3 - all boys! I am 100% outnumbered every day in every way haha!

Hahahaha! That's hectic, I have 2 boys and am often shell shocked.

Oh yes shell shocked is right. The noise! I have been known to hide under the dining room table with my book, and ignore ALL pleas for food for at least 15 minutes...

I make mine cook for themselves. I'm too lazy!

Mind. Blown. I feel a new rule coming on in our house.... !!

Laziness is how you survive parenthood. AND you can justify it by saying you are teaching them to be independent! 😅

I have many friends from my college days , whom I have not met a long time. I hope we will plan a trip and have fun before we get older like you and your friends. Lol.

I seriously hope you do too!! Seize the day!! :0)

yup buddy.

I actually know Owen, and he says bad things to girls!

Haha, I knew it. The villain!!!

I imagine the old lady enjoyed the day to herself and it sounds like the youngin' might have a new friend. Although I am sure he is yucky!

The good lady had a smashing day relaxing!! Hehe, yeah the yukky nonsense read busted add they got on so well!!

Good post..thanks for sharing and nice to be your follower !!

Thats awfully nice, cheers!

it is always good to reminiscence good old days....
nice post...
upvoted and followed...!!!!

Cheers mate, it is always good to reminisce!

No body tells you how your life will change when you have children. It is never the same. But I wouldn't change anything for all the tea in China.

I wouldn't change it either. It would be nice if prior to the fact they gave you some warning other than you will get no sleep!!

I have 2 or 3 friends I was very close to and we had a lot of fun, mostly legal, together ;)
I meet them sometimes, once a year, with wives and all, and the biggest fun is reminiscing good ol times.
lot of fun.

It is good to chew the fat over the old times. At least we know that there will still be good times ahead!

How do you do the line through the words thing? I definitely have some friends I've remained close to and we also had a lot of fun (in the way you crossed out) together haha!! Although that was more my husband and his band of misfits :)

html < del > word < /del >

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Use the <del></del> tags :D

I bet he'd be interested to read this encounter on Steemit ;) Ah the joys of meeting old friends...

Lol in a way sometimes it's good that not a lot of people I know are in agent as I write about my life and the people in it!!

B.C. Before Children. The best part of that era is the memory. I've tried to revive it - it was just unsightly and humiliating :). Love the wee ones though.

Haha, you have it right there. Unsightly and humiliating! I like that, BC!

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Great story! thanks for sharing.

And thank you

We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.

- Albert Einstein

Very true words from one of the wisest!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


He followed you - who does he think you are, Jesus?

Perhaps, poor soul!

CommentWealth trolls for trolls and spams the spammers... please be aware @tomahawk429 that consistent spam comments like yours will eventually result in flags, which hurt your reputation and earning potential. Linking to your own posts in another Steemian's comment thread is really bad form. Next time, try engaging with the author in a way that builds true community here on Steemit!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He has 3 rep (as of writing), I think he's aware by now haha! :)

Yes, probably. :) But as this project grows, we're compiling a list of accounts we've politely warned. Once we're large enough, we'll start flagging them, too - something we can do to take the burden off minnows, especially, when they receive spam and don't feel comfortable flagging it themselves.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Aye well, if you hadn't papped the exact same content on two of my posts in a spammy way then I might have followed you