Thursdays With Uncle Boom #25

in life •  7 years ago 


It was early morning and I was visiting my good friend Gustavo Tucker. We have known each other for many years, he is a fine fellow despite having a face like a punched testicle.

We stood in his spectacularly large gardens smoking our pipes and watching a couple of hired peasants wade into the ornamental pond. They were making quite the racket, splashing and flailing about. I shook my head.

Are you quite sure about this old fellow? I know you loved your bloody big goldfish.


Gustavo trembled slightly and dabbed a handkerchief to his eye.

I am afraid so old bean. I simply must be rid of this scandal. Bloody Smartphones. Why in heavens name do they allow poor people to have phones, let alone phones with cameras in them?

I wouldn't have one myself. It's not gentlemanly. I am afraid though that the world does not stop turning even for us men of fine breeding.

I puffed on my pipe contentedly, proud of my philosophising at such an early hour.

Gustavo let out a noise which sounded to be a cross between an anguished sob and a screech gesturing wildly at one of the hired hands who was wrestling a large Koi Carp into a wet tarpaulin.

Oh god, that's Karla, be gentle with her!

I rested a hand on his arm, the bugger might be a good friend but at this moment in time he was being a bit of a Badger's arse.

Come on old fellow. Let's get you inside and get a brandy or six down you.

I led him off to the house.


Once inside I fixed him up with some Brandy. We sat there, drinking and puffing on our pipes till he had calmed down.

I had read the sordid story in the papers of course. Gustavo's butler had managed to take a series of photos of him having improper relations with his Koi Carp. There were two of them in the photos, Elizabeth and Karla. Elizabeth seemed to be the hungrier one of the two from what I had seen.

The whole sorry affair had been quite the high society scandal. The headlines had screamed - Gustavo Tucker - Fish Fxcker!

I mean a gentleman by his very nature is allowed a certain leeway in his night-time danderings but to fuck a big goldfish and to be photographed doing so. Well, it had not been easy for poor Gustavo.


In an attempt to help him move on from the scandal I had advised him that I would take the Carp off his hands. Thus removing the temptation to indulge in his fishy frolics.

Promise me Boomy, Promise, you will find them a good home, I love them you know.

At this I made a face and shifted in my chair as if I had farted and an oyster had fallen out.

Take no offense from this Gustavo but I am at a loss as to how you found yourself in this situation. I mean, well, aren't there ladies of the night that could have given you similar fishy-flapped satisfaction?

Gustavo looked sad, like a cocker spaniel that has bent to give his balls a lick only to find that the vet has whipped them off.


I used to sit by the pond and feed them of an evening... One night Elizabeth was just looking at me and you know...

He lifted his head up in defiance.

One thing led to another...

I shook my head again.

Luckily I am here to help, my friend. Speaking of which. I had best be making tracks. Have to get those Carp to their new home eh! Don't worry, this will blow over soon enough.

I saw him about to speak again and raised a hand.

Don't worry old fellow. I promised didn't I? I have found them a good home.


It was much later that I and my assistant Morris arrived at the quiet banks of the river. I got out the cabin of the truck and nodded at Morris to unload the truck.

He hefted the large wet tarpaulin from the back and dropped it at my feet. It wiggled from side to side. I reached down and pulled it open.

Gustavo's former butler lay within, tied, gagged and quite naked. His eyes bulged when he saw what Morris now held in his hands.

You thought you could sell pictures of a gentleman's folly and get away Scot-free you floppy penis of a man? That's just not on dear fellow.

I motioned to the two pound trout Morris held in his large ape hands.

Right Morris, you know the drill. Stick the trout up his back bin then throw him in the river.

Afterward we arrived back at the house. I stepped from the truck and motioned to Morris to take the other tarps containing Elizabeth and Karla indoors. My belly rumbled.

I shouted out to my new cook, Liselle.

Liselle, bang the oven on, we're having fish for tea tonight.

I paused.

Oh, and you better give them a bloody good rinse first.

My smartphone rang, I looked at the display. It was Gustavo, no doubt calling to check on how his darling fish were. I rejected the call with a swipe, after all...


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"... improper relations with his Koi Carp" . I'm sure that everytime I'll see or I'll hear about a Koi Carp I'll think about this story! :0D

This story all got sparked by a most singularly odd video that someone sent to me!! Hehe, them hungry Koi!

Improper relations with a carp... That part alone deserves an upvote!

Hehe, it's ridiculous isn't it!! Cheers very much!!

Well written and superbly formatted as usual. I need to step up my game to get to your level!

Oh you have the edge old dog, you are a multi media and format whizz! I always really like your videos!

I was wondering what the heck Gustavo was doing with the fishy ladies? some gentlemen have special taste in women....Did the fish taste good?
Am sure will go with a cold beer..cheers.

I suspect he was fiddling with their big open mouths!!

while reading the story I could not help thinking how is the face of a person when they pierce a testicle, can not find another face better than this.
I do not know if I misunderstood or Liselle started cooking Gustavo's fish.
Thank you very much for another wonderful Ajornada del Tio Boom.
I wish you a wonderful afternoon dear friend @meesterboom

She did start cooking his fish!! The horror! I think you have the face of the smashed testicles absolutely correct :0D

OMG, lol! It's a very good thing I'm allergic to fish and seafood ... if I ate it you would have to visit me in the hospital. I almost disgraced myself laughing! :D

It's a such a shame you are allergic, this stuff has been specially marinated from the inside!!!


You write so well! The ending was funny— when the call was rejected with a swipe after all— yes, after the earlier remarks on smartphones 😂

Hehe, Cheers for noticing!!

Yeah! I read it again. That’s a catch. You’re a good writer. Will follow you for more good content like this. 😀 im a newbie and im enjoying reading great stuff in steemit so far 😀

Well I am glad you like it :0)

Wow Uncle Boom, I have to admit I haven't caught your Thursdays in some weeks until now but MY have they escalated! I feel sorry for your funny-faced friends haha

Not to bang my own drum but I was particularly proud of last weeks! :O)

Haha! Just read it, it was a fine one indeed. Solid detectivity my friend, you are a bringer of poetic justice. Shall I find myself in need of any investigative services, I will send my finest French-accented maiden to summon you.

Those are indeed the best maidens!! I await the call ;0)

I'm glad you're not an enforcer for the mafia....or maybe I wish you were, i'm sure you would have the most ingenious ways of making people talk...

I think that there would be a lot of talking and no secrets lol!!

omg I am still giggling... about the cocker spaniel! xD I hope he likes his fish extra salty...

Hehe, the Cocker spaniel, specially for you!

thanks for going easy on him, I started reading it then I thought oh no! What has he done to my beloved spaniel! haha

I spared him lol, I couldnt hurt your beloved!

Wow, was not expecting that! Hilarious, loved it! Would make a great short film.

Hehe, Cheers dude. I think it would too!

What people need to realise is those of society's upper rungs are human too (albeit better humans) & can suffer from scandal and drama as much as the commoner. It's not a widely known fact given that the gentleman is a creature admired and revered, eh Boom?

What is different however is the consequences for playing a role in such scandal and in my mind you let the ex-butler off lightly.

Good show for putting a human face on those of us with class @meesterboom. We're still on for that wine tasting this weekend right? I've got a daring little number I'm keen to introduce you to. Goes well Koi Carp I'm told!

It is a struggle but as the celebrity face of gentlemanhood I must do my own small bit for the caus

Perhaps the butler did get off lightly? Hmm, am I going soft!?

And of course. I am always partial to a special wine tasting!


I for one am speechless.... I am without speech.

While a Gentlemen never tells, I'm not sure this story contained a single Gentleman in it. Uncle Boom has quite the adventurous and sordid life... I'd like to say he's a great friend to ol man Tuck, but that's only half true. Although, if I was a fish and had to be in anyone's stomach, surely I'd choose the very cream of society...

No gentlemen! Admittedly, it is hard to look in from the outside to the world of gentlemanity.


It's been a life long struggle of mine.... being borne of convicts does not assist in such endeavours...

Oh thats right, you're on the back foot!! ;O)

I am so happy to read uncle Boom on a Thursday because that means that tomorrow is Friday!!!! I need uncle Boom and his cane to take out my boss...I will keep in contact! :)

I am sure he would be delighted to!!!

That's what I like about these posts, means it's almost the weekend!

How are you Uncle Boom.

Very good young man and you?

Hey I'm just stepping by

Lol, hello bird!!

I'm flying high....... 😂😂😂

Lol, that's what birds do! ;0)

Ha ha ha very funny, I didn't know
😂😂😂😂 Are you having fun of me 😂😂😂

Oh no, a gentleman would never make fun of a lady! ;0)

Hahaha I know I'm joking 😂😂😂😂

I totally knew you were!

Ahahaha yus! This is brilliant...poor Gustavo.

I know, and his lovely willing fish :0)


How sure are we that the fish were willing?

It's much more romantic for them to be willing!

I see this as a modern romance ;0)

Hahaha, best reply of the day!

...despite having a face like a punched testicle.

I almost spat my water on the keyboard after that line!

I bet those fish were shitty!

It's a bad face to have one that looks like that.

I think they would be very shitty!! :0)

Why in this episode Uncleboom is so serious ?

He is a bit isn't he!

that's what i'm asking about ? why so serious ?

You have to mix it up a bit so that they are not all the same ;0)

oh yes, some time serious , some time happy, some time sad.

"Blowfish" just got a whole new meaning.

Lol, it did indeed!!

I bet Uncle Boom enjoyed those fish! Cleaned and fixed properly of course!

Scrubbed!!!! Lol, loved fish taste the best!!

Thursday's spammer report is missing though ..

I knew someone would notice!

There isnt enough quality spam. Its getting harder and harder to bait them!

that is a sad sad day for the spam community .. they are failing to impress lol

They have to up their game for sure!

Yes I noticed that too @mcfarhat. I had half a mind to go spam the chap myself for fear of him being short of material.

i know right ! we've got to do something about it ..

hahahahahah! Oh that made me giggle!

Oh, and you better give them a bloody good rinse first.

Fisherman's Friends, indeed.

I remember them, man they were strong. Were they really fisherman's friends? Or were they just for serious smokers who couldn't taste anything anymore!

I think they were for people like Gustavo. That should kill the lingering after taste.

Ah, now it all makes sense!

Oh, and you better give them a bloody good rinse first

I was just about to say this very same thing. With bleach, if need be.

Man, that gives a whole new definition to "sleeping with the fishes." I do not know of Gustavo, and I'm sure glad I have yet to meet his acquaintance. There's something fishy about him that I just couldn't fathom. It feels like he took his mermaid fantasy to a whole other depth.

No SpamFarmers this week?

No SpamFarmers!! I am bereft!! It's getting harder and harder to bait them!!

He is a fishy fellow! A fish fucker! The shame, what would his mother think!?

You went there. Hahahaaaaa, do you have any idea what kind of superstar you have to be to go there and get away with it? God I love you, lol!

Oh and have you done it?? Officially chased away all of your spammers I mean? Dude!

I don't think I have chased em away so much as they are really careless now and don't even pretend to care about their account!!

Mother Funkers!

I'm off to the Koi carp shop ;0)

Oh My God! and Boom ate them???..tell me did they taste you know.....funny?

upvoted and resteemed

Funny? Perhaps a little salty!! ;0)


This is so weird. Can you even have sexual relations with a carp? Hang on while I google...

Lol, the best I could find was this:

Lol, you really can. My brother sent me a video of a man getting some mouth boogie action from a big carp. I was horrified!!!

I can't open the link in my phone for some bizarre reason but I will check in the house!

Oh my God! Clearly I wasn't typing in the right words when I searched then.

Gustavo to his NEW Butler: Why isn't he picking up the damn phone?

Lol, I totally missed this one!, Awesome chin!

LOL! I'll eat the koi after a good wash, but I wouldn't dare touch that trout!

Lol!! Yeah, the trout some for coming back to the plate!

wuaoo really that the story is incredible! I'll wait for you the episode

I am glad you enjoyed

That line 'A gentlemen never tells' is an epic conclusion.

I do like to fit it in :0)

I try my best to shoe it in!

I'm not sure I'll be able to look at a koi the same way again after this DX And I feel sorry for punched testicle face, I do know what a punched testicle looks like (both the fist kind and the needle kind, neither are pretty!)

"All right Morris you know the drill" how many times have they done this before?! D:


carita a good friend, experience will make someone will grow, success always friend

I couldn't put it better

How can? Hahaa

I bet a conversation with you will not be dull!

Depends if it is first thing in the morning or not!

You not much of a morning person?

Does it show? :O)

hehehe maybe I can just read between the lines ;-)

That is indeed best!

I loved how you told the story, without so many gimmicky words. Poor man


uncle boom, how are you?

I am fine my son, and you?

I am healthy too. but my account is not healthy. so for coffee just this hard.

Keep plugging away and you will do fine!

Please once visit my wall. and if interesting give good value to it.

I will have a look

Thanks. this is light for me.

Light is good

Will I ever be able to say I love fish again?

Haaaaahaaahahahaaaaaa!! Oh my. Erm, yes.. ;0)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Before the flag goes on I will give you a chance...

Who's her friend. You have two minutes to entertain me you dick

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Vote for yourself and not Uncle Boom? Beautiful flag!!

annoying aren't they!

You are right..I deal with loads of them on my posts -daily and respond accordingly. Wish you well buddy

They never stop do they!

They really are, it's terrible!