Thursdays With Uncle Boom #31

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Today I had the misfortune to be attending a funeral with my good friend and fellow trader Halver Marvain. He is a fine fellow despite having a face like a camel that is being soundly rogered.

Before going to the funeral itself we decided to have a respectable number of swifties in the club. To honour the dead man who was some Uncle of Halver's that I had met once or twice.

As a result, when we rolled up to the church it could be said that we were fairly well lubricated. At the door, the Vicar was greeting everybody solemnly.

Ah young Halver, so glad you could make it and this is...

Boom, the name's Boom old fellow.

The Vicar stuck his hand out.

I looked at it as if he had offered to give me a tuppeny hand shandy.

Where's the bloody toilets Vicar? I have a turtle's head poking out.


A Turtle doing what you say?

Never mind old chap, I'll find an urn.

I pushed past and stepped into the church proper and barged off in search of a toilet. Eventually, I found one and after depositing a beef loaf came out to find Halver.

He was in the main hall talking to some old trout with a lacey veil. I sidled up to them. Halver was in the middle of saying something about a better place now.

How did the old goat go then?

I interrupted.

The lady in the veil let out a little sob.

My darling husband was out truffle hunting with his hound Bertie, when his poor heart gave out.


Are they calling it truffle hunting now? Well, I have been with a few Bertie's myself. Poor sod. Would you care for a swig madam?

She eyed the flask in my hand warily.

It's Claudia and what is that?

Whisky. Stronger than a bull's penis fighting a sparrow, if it please you, milady.

She snatched it from me and had a glug. I gave her a reassuring smile.

It will be alright, he will be up there truffle hunting with more dogs than he could ever have imagined.

I pulled my pipe out and lit it enthusiastically, blowing sweet smoke up in a blue cloud.

I say there!

The vicar appeared out of nowhere.

The service is about to begin if you would like to take your seats? Oh, and please don't smoke. Not in here.

I smiled and waggled my pipe at him.

Of course, dear fellow, of course.


The service was a dull affair, I tried my best to snooze but the sobbing and wails of grief kept interrupting me. Eventually, it was over.

We made our way to a nearby pub in which the wake was being held.

Many whiskies later, I found myself singing sea shanties with Claudia and Halver. Claudia was clinging to me quite tightly in an effort to stay upright.

It had been some time since I had played the scarlet kazoo and although I was finding the fishy smell of Claudia's grief quite intoxicating it was perhaps not entirely seemly to bed a widow on the night of her husbands funeral. I gently rebuffed each attempted fondle of my meaty bangstick.

Can I have a word Mr Boom?

I looked up from a lace-clad set of bing bongs. It was the vicar, he looked rather stoney faced as if a beggar had shit in the collection box.


I excused myself and followed the vicar into a small room to the side that contained the remains of the buffet. Once there the vicar slammed the door shut and turned to face me.

How may I help you dear fellow?

I thought it best to pre-empt any churchy chidings.

The lady Claudia, are you aware of the rumours Mr Boom?

Rumours? Do tell, my little vicar-ous allsort?

The vicar came close to me, perhaps a little too close. His breath smelt strongly of whisky.

Her husband, they say it was his heart... but he was as strong as an ox. Some are saying that Claudia... She... She...

Spit it out man?

The vicar came closer still, his body inches now from mine, his breathing ragged and hoarse.

...They say... she rode him to death. Can you imagine such a thing?

He shuddered and shook his head.

I barked a laugh. A cold laugh. A laugh that spoke of long dead fires and smoke-mottled bone.

My dear fellow...

It was my turn to move in close.

Everything dies...

I grabbed another drink and joined Halver and Claudia. They seemed to be getting on like a house on fire.

Hey Boomy, where have you been? ... No, wait, don't say!!!

Halver puffed up his chest and winked at me.

After all...

He proclaimed grandly.


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Well now, I have yet to witness a male bovine's reproductive appendage fight a songbird, but the imagined visual was outstanding!

As usual, another randy tale that I truly enjoyed:o)

Hehe, I am so glad you liked the visuals!

Another life celebrated. I'd say "keep it up" but you would no doubt take that the wrong way.

I think I could!! hahahahahahah!!

LOL! Methinks the vicar-ous allsort is now rather vicar-less, if not out of sorts! Hehehe. :D

Haha!! I think you have it there and put in a most splendid way!! :OD

I learn much from Uncle Boom! :D

I learn much from you, the poetic lady!

You are too kind, Mi'lord!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Has Uncle Boom considered AA? He seems to be drinking more and more these days. That flask is always by his side.

Also "The service was a dull affair, I tried my best to snooze but the sobbing and wails of grief kept interrupting me. Eventually, it was over."

Minus the sobbing and wails of grief part--but not always--this describes every church service ever.

Maybe he has a guilty consciensce and is drinking to assuage it :OD

Yeah they really are dull affairs

Such an exciting "Event". This reminds me on "Wedding Crashers" the movie. Legendary film. So, this guys were joining the weddings by itself and making good atmosphere there and actually, nobody knew them. Their friend oppositely to them was going on funerals and helping people there cry easilly...Ironical side of Life...We say in our ancient dictionary: "It is not clearly known who drinks and who pays...!"

Well, Claudia the Ridding Master...Ooh, I can imagine that You had bi-dimensional meeting from third type 🤔?

I remember that film ,it was hilarious!

I like that saying, who drinks and who pays... It is very true!

Claudia, oh yes. The scourge of Boomtown!

Boomtown, there is a town named by You...😋? I can beat that there everything is nice, everybody have fun and all the wishes come true...And no funerals...I don't like them. Although Soul is eternal...I don't like obvious fact of dying...😩

By the way, Your eye is getting better ?

My eyes are lots better, thank you for asking! The drops that they gave me are doing the trick.

Yupee for the eyes 🤓

I thought the very same!!

I smiled and waggled my pipe at him.

Sometimes, I curse my vivid imagination...

Hahahha, oh my, yes, that is vivid!

Now Claudia is asking for it even on her husbands funeral day??? as a young lady, who like gentlemen now (due to uncle boomy) I will advise her to avoid uncle boomy in order to avoid problems however you never know...the lady might be dangerous too...upped !!! thanks for another good one.

You better don't move too close to claudia unless she will also ride you to hmmmmmmm I can't shout.

Don't shout, she will hear you and come for the riding!

Hmmm... I hope that I don't have the wrong context of the vicar saying that Claudia "rode" her husband to death.

A gentleman never tells that he plans to kill all of them in the pub. I'm guessing, meesterboom. I don't know what is in your evil mind. Upvoted!

You never know and that is the joy!!! :0)

Rode to death!? I say! The lady Claudia has yet to meet her match! One night with Uncle Boom and she would be begging to be wheeled off. Her late husband was fortunate to nod off gently into the night by way of fornication. There are worse ways to die. Just ask the people who crossed Uncle Boom in the past, wherever they may be!

Rode! Rode! Such horror. Perhaps she was lucky not to have spent a night with the esteemed Uncle B! Things might have taken a darker turn for her!

A dark turn indeed! She might've not been able to walk for days, or worse!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hmmmmm I suspect that uncle boomy manhood will take over after taking more good old whisky !! Whisky and love of beautiful women will not stop a gentleman taking care of a lady even on her husbands funeral day!!! The lady might be dangerous O....good read indeed, always.

Today, I posted about steemit issue with regard to reward pool rape and whale war, feel free to see it. Happy weekend.

A whale war? Here, on the good ship steemit!! I will be sure to look!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lol, thanks for cheking it out, hopefully you will make them disappear ...after all a gentleman never tells

"...They say... she rode him to death. Can you imagine such a thing?"

Cant believe my ears he actually said that.. Am not surprised maybe he was been motivated by wiskey.. May God give claudia the fortitute to bear the loss

Whisky is the great leveller they do say! It is fiction though!

"Wow, these pictures are amazing", Whos funerals were this time? (I'm asking because I'm not reading posts at all) I love them! (Not posts, but funerals).

P.s. I hope the poor guy will have enough truffles to hunt in heaven, Amen.

No news to read posts anymore, just quite a random three words from the piece, preferably from the first or last paragraph :0)

I am sure he will. It's truffle tastic!

...They say... she rode him to death. Can you imagine such a thing?

I can. It has to be my way-to-go of choice. That one and being killed at the age of 90 by a dozen of young and jealous husbands.

Hehe, both fine ways to go in my book too! I like the 90 one particularly!

The life of Uncle Boom goes from drink to drink; I think he should quickly get out of that way because it will lead to his death and could end up like Halver's uncle: cold and alone in the box with no widow to cry him ... no, it¡s a bad joke ... What I do believe is that widow wants to fight with Uncle Boom but Uncle Boom just wants to fight with the Whiskey ... By the way, the Vicar warned him take care of the black widow because she kills the men! but he did not care either and I do not mention it because a gentleman never tells what he knows. Greetings @meesterboom

Greetings!!! Perhaps the vicar perhaps being a Kindle soul and looking out for old boomy yes!

What I think is that Vicar wants to have a few drinks with Uncle Boom. Will that Vicar be half drunk?

Another smashing tale of the ne'er do well Uncle Boom to entertain us on this lovely Thursday. What I love about your stories is the realness, who else writes about turtle heads and crapping at a funeral? I mean it happens right? And the booze swilling, makes one hanker for a Bourbon barrel aged porter much like I tasted last night. good stuff all around my dear fellow!

If it isnt all about the real then it should be!

Bourbon barrel porters, top notch!

so are brown ales with coffee! and vanilla infused porters!

They are, that is for sure!!

😉 you didn’t get my subtle hints, or maybe you did! You are my “big” guy, for posts! Those are the other two beers I drank last few days!

Haha! I always get subtle hints!!!

Truffling, is that what they call it now ☺️ I think everyone has a Meester Boom in their family tree lol

Lawks! I hope not, that would mean we were all part serial killer!!

What, we aren't? way to ruin a lifetime of delusion 😁

hello steemit friend i want to develop like you, how the hell can you give me a little suggestion for me thanks

Write stuff, see how it goes.

Boom! Advisement given!!!!

At long last! Another advisement! YAY!

Like a bolt from the blue!

Hey, gentleman, what the hell are swifties? I had to search of urban dictionary! Learning, slowly, getting there!

We all lose people close to us No one remains for anyone

Everything dies

We all lose people close to us No one remains for anyone

Everything dies

Visit my blog and upvote last post

Goodness, your wish is my command!

He didn't mean you to go there just to flag him! LOL!

Am I so transparent!

Nope! No! Not at all! (Don't flag me...)


Hahaha! Alright then, just this once ;0)

Pub after attending a funeral? :/ That's not good;/

That's the done thing here!

Nice post!!


Besides, it is "grate post" now. Seen it myself. Better print it first, I say.

A grate post! What are they like, always switching them goalposts!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Sorry for the downvote but you might want to think that banner for comments. It's a bit in your face