How to Overcome First-Interview Nervousness.

in life •  2 years ago 

You have an interview coming up and you're eager and scared! You genuinely desire the job and want to give it your all. What if you're put on the spot and don't know what to say? What if you are trapped in traffic and arrive late? These are just a few of the worries that candidates have when they think about an approaching interview.


How to Prepare for an Interview.

When it comes to interviews, jitters are very normal. Most people are terrified of them! However, there are simple things you can do to prepare for and ace your interview. Attempt all of the following:

Find out more.

This includes who will interview you, when your interview will take place, how you will be interviewed (in person, by phone, by web conference, etc.), and how long the interview will go. All of this information will be available from the person who arranges your interview.

Investigate the firm and interviewees.

Go to the company's website and social media accounts and learn everything you can about them. What do they do, what is their mission and vision, what recent challenges have they overcome, how are they expanding, what is new, and how is the culture? These are all things you can learn about a firm via its web presence. If you know the names of the persons who will be interviewing you, look them up on Google. Check to see if they have anything in common with you, which can be a wonderful approach to start the interview off on the right foot.

Practice answering interview questions.

Search for "popular interview questions" and prepare your responses ahead of time. No, you won't be able to know everything that will be asked of you, but having at least a few responses prepared will help you calm your anxieties and think more clearly if you are asked a question for which you haven't prepared.

Prepare 3-5 of your questions.

During an interview, ALWAYS ask questions. It demonstrates to the hiring manager that you are interested in the position. Questions to consider include: Why did the former employee leave this job? How can I do well in this position? What are the most critical things I can do in my first 30 days on the job? How many other candidates are you going to interview?

Examine your equipment.

If you'll be conducting your interview over the phone or through web conferencing, make sure your equipment is charged and ready to go, or that you're connected to a power source. If you're new to video conferencing, use the link ahead of time to test your web camera and troubleshoot any issues.

Arrive at the location early.

If you're heading to an in-person interview, do a practice run to ensure you know where you're going. Travel to the place ahead of time to ensure you understand how to get there and how long it will take you.

Select an outfit.

Even if your interview is via webcam, you want to appear your best. Do your hair and cosmetics, and dress professionally. Check that your clothes are clean and pressed and that your shoes are in good condition.

Before you begin, take a deep breath or meditate.

Simply breathing might help to soothe your nerves. Close your eyes and breathe for 10 minutes in a calm place. If you need help, use a meditation app. You might be surprised at how well this works to help you relax.

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