
in life •  7 years ago 


I'm finally doing it. I think.

I read 4 Hour WorkWeek almost 2 years ago. I told myself I would start something for myself. I didn't say I would quit my day job. I like my job. Although, it's getting pretty rough nowadays. Good thing about it is I get to work from home. Few of my friends have been asking what's holding me back from starting my own thing?

I don't really have an excuse. I don't get stuck in traffic every night. I don't have kids. Nothing is consuming my time outside of work hours. So why haven't I started something?

I didn't know where to start. I kept putting it off. Day after day.

"I'll do something tomorrow."

"What should I do? "

"How would I do it?"

"What if I fail?"

"What if I lose money on it?"

"It's okay, you don't have too many responsibilities yet. I'll be okay. Alright, I'll start something tomorrow."


This went on for about a year or so.

Then I began to realize that I am wasting my time. Realizing is different than actually doing something about it. I'd say to myself:

"I know I shouldn't be watching re-runs of Friends. Do something. Start something."

"I know I shouldn't start a new show on Netflix. I should be starting a business. Doing something."

"I know sports aren't that important. But the Raps are facing the Cavs. I should be doing something. Starting something. I'll just start tomorrow!"

Then this went on for about a year or so.


Then I went to lunch with someone I admire. A client. Young guy that started his own business. He's making great money. Sitting a few rows behind the Raps bench. Season tickets.

During this time I was suffering a concussion. Worst thing ever. Can't watch TV. Can't read. Can't listen to music. Can't be out in too much light. Brain chemistry is messed up. It's not a great place to be.

I decided to listen to Tim Ferris' podcast. He interviews extraordinary people. I enjoyed the questions he would ask. "What's your morning routine?", "What's your favourite book?", "What's the last book you gave as a present?".

Back to my lunch. Having been hearing these questions, I asked if he likes to read. He told me he read Think and Grow Rich. Suggested I read it too.

I did. It's amazing.

It's amazing because it made me realize one thing. I am the only thing holding myself back from starting something for myself.

So I decided to start something. Really start a business.

I began to re-read 4HWW. There's a portion that suggests one contact a person that has found success in what one is trying to achieve.

I want to start an online store. I know this because I created a goal while reading T&GR. It's simple really. Make a lot of money, and have a lot of time to do things I love.

So I decided to look for successful online stores.

I came across Steve Chou. This guy has started a course about selling products online. He has done it. His wife quit her job so they can do it together. So I signed up. It's been pretty great so far.

We'll see how it all turns out.

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informative post have a good day

Thanks for reading jimjam1210, have a great day!

How is the online course? Did you benefit from it? I am considering to buy the course, please let me know your feedback.
