Struggle…The Human Condition (The Years of Death)

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

When I plant, it dies. Where I weed, it grows. What I fix, it breaks, and people I love die.

I am struggling today. I am tired of people not believing in me or trusting me. I am tired of individuals who only think of their own well-being. I want to see more love; I want to love more. It is hard to see the depths of one’s soul and still find compassion.

When we go to bed our lives, our days, our struggles, and our worries keep us up. When finally sleep comes, we wake. When your child is sick and can’t sleep and cries and won’t be comforted, you feel helpless and hopeless. When you catch your third cold this year or find out your best friend is in the hospital, you feel helpless and hopeless. When your roof leaks and then leaks some more, like mine, you feel helpless and hopeless.

When your grandfather dies suddenly at 96, “he’s passed on;” you feel hopeless. He taught you right from wrong. He showed you compassion, he taught you strength and joy in the small things. My favorite grandfather quotes: “I’ve had 90 good years” and my marriage was “a good thing.” I never heard two people argue so much, but it was a good thing all 65 something years of it.

Both of my grandmothers died, my grandfather, my best friend’s dad, my unborn child, my wife’s aunt and uncle, my wife’s grandmother, my aunt, a beloved mentor, and my sister in-law's father in-law in a year and a half. We all struggled.

My grandmother became sicker and sicker. One night, she asked to watch some old home movies. My wife, my grandfather and I sat around her room, listening to her heavy breathing, and watching the old movies. My father as a boy, his brother, my grandmother’s parents, sister and nephew, then my brother and I. We all played the role of a happy family. The joy in the movies didn’t spread to the room. Eventually, that evening my grandmother’s eyes closed for the last time but her fight was not over. It was almost nine days after that night before she died. Everyday I watched a husk grow thinner and thinner. I watched the only person in the whole world who showed me pure selflessness and love my whole life, suffer. Her lungs slowly filled with water, a slow drowning and her flesh melted and sagged from starvation. A person's body reaches a point and nothing can be done.

We die. You will die. I will die. Those we love will pass into memory, then history, then be forgotten. It is the human condition. From birth to death we struggle.

My heart is heavy today. I want more; more peace, more life, more happiness, and less struggle. I will forever remember those that have gone before me and every day I will see my grandfather’s eyes in my daughter's.

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Yes , just like your grandfather had 90 good years you too must make every day and every year count! I have also struggled and lost all my friends and family mostly, now have passed on. Theres only my brother and my 2 sons now! But we still try to live each day as though its your last! No matter how hard it is! Peace my friend! ✌👊👌👍

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks, for all the responses.

Sir..I understand your feelings to others & the rest of the world. But what to do? What we can do to change this? This is the most important & difficult question that we forced to ask ourself. But in return, nothing seems to change..
Pity goes on........

I'm sorry you hurt so much my friend. I wish there was something I can say to make you feel better. If it is any help, I wish you peace and comfort.

I wrote this, so other would know they are not alone. Struggling in the dark is harder then struggling in the light.

You'll find your peace, happiness and love. I'm sure about it Just keep in your mind how your grandfather said that he had "90 good years". He's a wonderful example and I wish more people would think the same about their lives.
My deepest condolences.

Similar struggles here - I wrote about the struggles in 10 articles - 1st one here