in life •  6 years ago 


When I read meditations that are sealed under titles such as this, "'The Word" will have to be 'Love'"; this is what I say to myself. If you are thinking just this, you are not far from the truth with regards to the content of this paper. But the truth also holds in its 'nucleus and axis' that people have a misconceived notion of 'Love' to the extent that a brother who tells his sister "I love you" is suspected of having a sexual relationship with her; a boy can no longer express his feelings (if they can actually be expressed in words) by saying "I love you" to another boy without being seen as a gay. Let's go back to "The Word"!
The number of Dictionaries we have causes a fright, what shall we say then with reference to the number of words that exist therein. Words often gets us confused; but they are also used for clarification; words are ambiguous, but are also used for lucidity; words are used to threaten, but are also used to soothe; used to incite, but also used to calm; used to enigmatize, but also used to decipher; used to kill, but also used to create!
These myriads of uses of words which are paradoxically two-dimensional calls for our immediate reflection on their hierarchy. Which words are higher or greater? Scientists speak as though there was nothing outside the world we see; they say they have their register. When Literature scholars jog with words, they say they have literary license. When Philosophers speak, one wonders "where did these guys come from"; they claim that words are not enough to express the content of their thoughts, thus they coin words such as "isness", "myownization", "thingness" et al. Words, words, words! I wonder which we should listen and clench onto!
A very good number are sozzled by words spoken by a charlatan making his endeavour a success; others remain sober no matter the words used. We only know what people think and belief through words. This fact makes words quite imperative in life and a social necessity. But then there are some phenomena that words cannot express. Through the love which is shared by couples, a love that cannot really be expressed in words but in acts; consequent upon such 'inexpressible' feelings a new creature is born. But paradoxically, a child borne by a couple is born only exclusively through words; how?
The creative power of words is practically evident only during the celebration of the Holy Mass. For only through the words spoken by the priest is bread and wine given life and transubstantiated into the Body and Blood of Christ. But even these words by the Priest is hinged on another word.
I, 'ab initio', said that at first sight "The Word" would be 'Love; and that if you think such, you were not far from the truth. You were not far from the truth only because God is Love, Jesus Christ is God, thus, Jesus Christ is The Word.
We had considered the question "which word should we listen to?". The answer is now clear; listen to The Word that creates, listen to Love which brings peace, listen to Jesus Christ;
"Love one another as I have loved you" (Jn. 13:34).
This is my opinion, I am open to comments, contributions and corrections.

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