Do not judge a person from his past, as bad as any one's past, he still has a chance to change ...
Do not judge a person by his or her present appearance, because as bad as his life, he still has a chance to change for the better.
We never know, when Allah gives guidance to him, then he becomes a devout person, shaleh / shalehah ..
Also do not judge someone who has seen pious, already veiled, veiled, diligent preach, diligent follow study as a perfect person, holy without sin,No .. The wide veil, the veiled though they are also ordinary people, who one day can do wrong and err.
Islam is a perfect religion, but not with its adherents,If the veiled, veiled, preaching, make a mistake then do not blame the veil or religion, blame the individual.
because the wrong can be shaleh / shalehah
And the shaleh / shalehah could be wrong.
For we are all sinners,
Yuk mutually improve, remind each other goodness and mutual embrace in obedience
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