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Some things happen in the lives of each one of us and I remember a lot that my mother when she was alive was someone who always told me "what happens is what is good", still today I remember the conversations we had in the kitchen because she would always sit in the kitchen every night, waiting for me to go out to eat some "empanadas". After all, after she arrived from work and take care of the children, who were some of my small cousins, she worked as a nanny taking care of my cousins.
My cousin is already a right-handed woman and my cousin was younger at that time.
She brought me some "empanadas" that I enjoyed a lot, I miss those conversations I had with my mother, it seems that one values things more when you no longer have them.
Mom is no longer there and of course, I miss her a lot and I miss the conversations I have with her.
I suppose this is one of the things that happen when the person is lonely or hermit-like as it is in my case, but today I want to talk to you about a situation that usually happens all the time with this, that my mother told me "that what happens is what is good". It comes to my mind an episode in which at the time when I was very bohemian, I spent time visiting bar to bar on the street, at my time well I was very young, I would be between 20 and 30 years old and I was very festive. I liked to be eating my life and being from bar to bar watching musical groups and enjoying the environment and why not with a good female company from time to time? But the point is that on one of these occasions being I was already quite drunk and already quite advanced at night, there was no transport to come to my house but I was fortunately close to two kilometers from my house, and then I decided to leave the bar and come walking, which was not the most prudent idea in reality (now years later I think of that because it was close to two in the morning and it was a fairly dangerous area around here where I live but then I got brave maybe at that moment I did not think well about the situation) and I started walking down the street more or less a distance of about three kilometers or 2.5 kilometers from where I live.
When leaving the bar I noticed how a person, a man of low stature was chasing me and began to follow me on the other side of the street by the sidewalk. Scared I began to accelerate the step, I accelerated!, I accelerated! , I accelerated!, I walked as fast as possible saying inside of me or calling inside of me that a police patrol appeared to ask for help because I was very afraid that this person was going to attack me. The person almost arriving when there were about 500 meters left to get to my home the place where I live, took out a gun from his vest, walked to the other side of the street, and immediately told me the following words that I still remember "Do not turn your head", I immediately did what he told me, he forced me to get into a kind of field of sport that was abandoned, and there he stole my things and I say that this has to do with what my mother said because I remember that inside my mind at that time, the idea arose: to turn my head and quickly remove the gun or push it and go, maybe if I had done it I would not be telling you this that I am telling you today.
And this was a situation in which not turning my head saved my life thanks also to my mother's advice.
Now I understand why "what happens is what is convenient".