i wRitE wIth nO ruLes

in life •  7 years ago 

ThIs BiRd

aT 7.30aM I woKe p anD Saw ThiS Bird ANd:

thS BirD ThINKs NoT It Said
THi BIrd HEars nOt It Heard.
i thOUGHT tHIS biRD FLys On Pillas, bUt iT sAid IT heaD It DoeSN't

ThE AlaRms oF This BiRd Rang ANd sAid 7.30am
OoH nO,,,!THis BIrd iZ DeAth It MuSt waKe uP R iTs Gonna be LAte
BuTs ThIS BIrd Said iT KnowS Not bUT It BetteR Keep GoiNG.

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