7 Life Lessons From Goku

in life •  8 years ago 

Dragonball Z was always a lot more than a TV show for me - sure the kick-ass fight sequences and ridiculously awesome transformations were steaming with entertainment value, but it was the heart of the story that really captured my appreciation - and of course you can't have story without top-notch characters. Here are 7 things I learnt from watching Goku:

1. Love your craft and you will succed

When Goku's not out kicking tyrannical aliens in the dick he's usually training to become stronger, but what's amazing about Goku is that he trains because he loves it. If there were no more threats to the earth, if a universal peace treaty was signed for all eternity, Goku would still spend his days training, why? Because it's his passion! Like Goku, do what you love no matter what, do it for no reason other than wanting to do it!

2. Never give up

Whether it was the epic first battle between Goku and Vegeta, or that last encounter with Kid Boo, Goku has been pushed to his limits more times than one can count. He's received beating after beating, yet through it all he never allowed himself to be defeated - he always kept pushing, sometimes even from the grave. Life throws beatings at you too, sometimes the obstacles seem much larger than you could care to handle - but always push passed and never, ever give up.

3. You discover new strengths when pushed to the limit

One of the most memorable moments of my entire childhood was watching Goku's first transformation into Super Saiyan - the stakes were high, the battle long, Goku had done as much as he possibly could, but Frieza was looking set to destroy him along with Planet Namek. It was at this moment where Goku knew he had to go beyond what he had ever achieved before, and thus transformed into a being powerful enough to overthrow the adversity before him. It's in the moments that matter the most to you, when hope seems lost and the odds are stacked against you that you have an opportunity to become something greater than you've ever been - learn to see these adversities as necessities, and grow from them!

4. Fight for those who cannot

Goku is obsessed with saving humanity from the clutches of evil villians, it's just his thing - can you imagine what would happen to the ordinary people of DBZ's earth if he wasn't around to smack the baddies about? Our world is also filled with bad people, they may not have horns and shoot lasers from their palms, but they can be dangerous to those who are vulnerable. Be a voice for those who cannot speak, and a hand for those who cannot reach - be strong so the weak may grow with you.

5. Treat everyone with respect, even your enemy

Goku is one of the friendliest guys you'll ever see in an anime series, even when face to face with pure evil, he can't help but be familiar with those he interacts with - it's because of this that he is so highly regarded, and although it may open him up to a few cheap shots, he does it for his own peace of mind. The way you treat others is a direct projection of your own self-image, so always be kind, always have respect, and be willing to forgive even the worst of people - you'll sleep better at night because of it.

6. The greatest power you can harness is the power of others

Who can forget the iconic last fight between Goku and Kid Buu, and how it ended - with Goku summoning the energy from all those who believed in him, the entire earth's population giving their power towards one intention - to overcome the threatening evil of a tiny bubblegum man. The metaphor of the spirit bomb is one that should never be lost - You can't do everything yourself, and even that which you do is learnt from others, all your strengths, all your successes are a culmination of other's influence - never forget that you are what other's have made. So, when shit hits the fan, sometimes the best thing you can do is to lift up your hands and let other's be your strength.

7. You can always be better

I haven't watched too much of the latest DBZ Super series, but I've seen enough to know that Goku is far from finished, and who knows where his journey will lead him, but one thing is for sure - he will keep growing stronger and transforming into new epicly hairstyled versions of the Super Saiyan. Your journey is never over, your success in life should never be a reason to stop - always aim to achieve more and move to greater heights, let your life be a constant commitment to being better than before.

Thanks for reading, and I hope these lessons can resonate with you too! 

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All pictures taken from www.fanpop.com

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haha spot on! Always fought that Goku was the perfect role model! And I would like to highlight one of his superpower too: he was able to make friends out of his enemy, they eventually (most of) all come to his side thanks to his respect as you mention :)

a True hero in Anime World

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