in life •  9 years ago 

Part 1 of a series on tips to better ones journey through life. Or at least some key points i believe can help.
Before i get into tips that deal with business, mindset, focus, and priority management, i want to start with the first step which is operating in a healthy environment internally and externally......GETTING RID OF STRESS

There is no magic bullet that can cure a lifetime of stress and anxiety, but you can start with simple things like better habits. Unfortunately, this isn’t something you can just tell someone who’s suffering. They’ve got to exhaust their options and fumble through it themselves. Only when they’re ready to help themselves can the rest of us even begin to help them.

  1. Start becoming the type of person who eats healthier.
  2. Start becoming the type of person who exercises regularly.
  3. Start becoming the type of person who meditates/prays and practices mindfulness.
  4. Start becoming the type of person who sleeps on a regular schedule.

Like i mentioned previously, this is just a quick snippet of a couple tips to live a better, happier, clean, and uplifting life. Let me know what you guys think could be added or changed to these in the category of avoiding stress and anxiety......AND STAY TUNED FOR PART 2!


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